Chapter 3

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The Gauntlet fighter slowly slid through space on its thrusters as Stalker glided it towards the cracked moon that orbited Remnant and as Stalker watched the Imperial Cruiser go past with Tie fighters all over, Ray said, "Well... looks like it gotten a little more crowded here.."

"No... its just the Imperials patrolling... Remnant is still an Outer Rim world so it's not that crowded with Imperials.. besides, the mercenary hideout on the moon should provide us with much info about what has happened so far on Remnant..." said Stalker as he slowly guided the craft down to the cracked moon.

Remnants moon had long since been cracked at it was and no one really knew why to be certain. When the Imperials came, the hyperlanes soon brought mercenaries pirates and more low-lifes and the small base that had first appeared on the moon had soon become a small city. Landing pad were set up everywhere, big enough for starfighters and larger ships to land on them and as Stalker slowly glided the craft down, he watched as droids below prepared to refuel and repair the craft if necessary.

The craft came down in a wash of flames and as the landing gears touched the landing pad, Stalker cut the power and then looked around as the space pad was  outside the city in the void of space and he looked back to Retz as he said, "Alright, suit up... we all have good armor with space protection  but that suit should suit your needs for now..."

Retz opened a nearby locker and as he pulled out the very old fashion space suit, he looked back a Stalker as he then put it on and as everyone got to the back to the ramp, Stalker waited for Retz suit to seal shut and have him give a thumbs up before Stalker opened up the backdoor and watched the ramp slowly go down to the pad. The four of them walked down with weapons out and as Stalker walked past the droids rushing to the ship, he took some credits and palmed it into the hand of the man who was going to watch the ship and as they walked to the airlock, several other mercs were either going in or already coming out and they squeezed in as everyone tried to not put a hand on their blaster or blade and then the door closed.

As soon as the airlock had pressurized, the back door opened and everyone filed into the large cavern that was within the moon and as the four of them stuck close, Retz was thankful now they had found and opened up the Sith Holocron they had found now then if they had done so before. What had been inside of it, only Retz knew but as he walked along, the amount of mercs, pirates, and scum here almost shocked him and then Stalker motioned them into  cantina and they all followed. Stalker and them all walked past the gyrating Twi'leks and human women and as they came to a nearby corner and as they all sat down, Retz asked, "So... what can we expect on Remnant?"

Stalker looked around as he then said to them all, "Remnant is a land dominated by Creatures called Grimm. They lack a soul and since we are all filled with souls, we have something called an Aura. It protects us like a shield and even heals minor wounds... but then we found out it only pertained to those born on Remnant... few of us here as mercs are so we can take advantage of it."

"But you can control Grimm so you don't have one." said Verde.

"Correct... now I don't like being called a Rebel but the Hunters and Huntresses, the original heroes of that world we will be on soon, are almost all Rebels fighting the Imperials... there are some corrupt ones down there but..."

Stalker got quiet as he said, "I dunno what has changed.. we could literally be walking into anything..."

"We all may be mercs but as almost all your friends... we'll follow you into the fight, regardless of who we fight with." said Verde as he hefted his dual axes.

Stalker nodded as he got the four of them some drinks and as they all sipped their drinks quietly, Stalker said, "You all see those thugs behind me?"

They all nodded. The men were in old space suits but had blasters and as they all stared at the four of them, Stalker knew they were just pirates looking for a reason to get into a fight. The good news, the four of them could take them on.

The bad news was that there were at least eight of the thugs and one of them was a big and burly man and as Stalker and them all calmly sat there, he said to them, "If this goes to pot, we go straight for the ship, you got it?"

"What about the info we needed?" asked Verde.

"Oh... well.. about that... well.. that's is where she comes in." said Stalker as he pointed to a figure that was walking over.

Weiss Schnee was disgusted she had to wear the clothes of a smuggler to hide herself but as she sat at the table across from the three mercs and the Sith, she sighed as she said, "I'm here. What do you need?"

"Hello Weiss... nice meeting you.." Stalker said as he then brought up a data pad, "How bad is Ozpin losing?"

"How did you-" began Weiss when Ray said, "He's a Hunter too.. you can trust most of us.. cant speak for Retz here." and he pointed over to the Sith.

Weiss nodded as she then said, "I'm assuming you'll be joining our fight against the Imperials?"

"Yeah.. but what about those you are with.. who is left from the last generation of Hunters and Huntresses?"

Weiss got uncomfortable.

"You're it..."

Stalker paused as he slowly, ever slowly, leaned back in his chair and he sighed as he said, "... that is.... a shame..."

"What does that mean." asked Retz as he looked to Stalker.

"It means any Hunter that was being trained or out in the field the day the Imperials came are all dead now..."

Everyone was quiet as then Weiss asked him, "Why do you have two of those?" and she pointed to his two scythes on his back, one being his blaster style the other his original gauss rifle.

"I'm... going to see a old friend of mine and merge the two of them..." said Stalker as he then noticed the eight thugs were all getting up and slowly moving towards them.

"Get ready." He said as he slowly took from his lap his cycler rifle and checked the chamber before he looked at the others. Weiss took her Naboo blaster out as Ray took his Wesker-34's out and Verde took his axes and combined them into his rifle as they all sat there as calmly as they allowed themselves.

"Hey you! Merc humy! Those weapons on your back...." mentioned a thug, a Tradoshian, as he pointed to Stalkers three weapons on his back. "Those... are the weapons of a Hunter...."

"And why the heck do you care? I'm a mercenary... nothing more..." said Stalker as he looked at all the thugs.

"Yeah... but a Hunter never leaves his sense of duty...." said the big man and Stalker watched as Vibroblades were taken out.

"Does this happen often to you" asked Weiss as Stalker stood up and put his rifle away.

"No... but this does." And Stalker suddenly threw down a thermal imploder as he grabbed her and the others bolted for the door.

"GREDNADE!" shouted a patron and merc, pirates, and smugglers hit the deck as three of the thugs were killed off by the Imploder but the rest took out blasters and pursued the group of five as klaxons and warning went off within the large cavern.

Stalker ran as Weiss shouted, "LET ME GO!" as he threaded his way through people while Ray, Verde, and Retz managed to keep up. A blaster bolt went straight by his face and he turned back as the thugs seemed to have grown in numbers as now over a dozen pursued them and as Stalker came to the airlock, he stuff over Weiss her space helmet as everyone else did the same and he overrode the door as blaster fire rained into the airlock.

"STOP THOSE REBELS!!!" shouted a thug as he fired his blaster and Stalker took out his cycler rifle as he fired off a few shots and kept the thugs away from the door as Verde inserted into his rifle its clip of blaster ammo and began to fire at the thugs while Ray fired his Weskers and Retz blocked any incoming fire with his red lightsabers.

And then the blaster doors closed and as they crowded the exit, the interior lost its air and then it opened as they all ran out past startled pilots and mercs and as Stalker took Weiss, he asked her, "Did you get dropped off here or do you have a ship?"

"I stowed myself on a ship going to here." said Weiss as she was furious with him and even more so when he tossed her into his ship just as the doors behind them opened up again to reveal the Thug as they tried to stop them.

Stalker jumped into his pilot seat as everyone was quick to strap in and as he started up the ship, he also began to lift it off just as blaster fire began to hit its sides.

"HANG ON!" shouted Stalker as he pushed the throttle to full and the ship blasted away and blasted the thugs off the surface ad Stalker angled the craft towards Remnant as he knew the thugs had to be Imperial sympathizers.

"Are we gonna be hunted, Stalker?" asked Retz as everyone stayed strapped in while Ray got into Stalker's co-pilot seat.

A blaster shot from a Tie Fighter streaked by the Gauntlet fighter and Stalker said, "Here we go!!!" and sent the craft diving towards Remnant as more of the Imperial fighters along with a Cruiser began to go after him.

"This is not how this day was suppose to go!" Shouted Weiss as the buffeting from the Tie fighters shots rocked and threw her around in her chair.

"Just wait till it really goes south!" Shouted Verde as he clutched his chair with an iron vise.

Stalker began to pray as Ray said, "Well... it looks like we will be going in hot! Where is the destination?"

"VALE!"  Shouted Stalker just as a Tie appeared and he sent to crimson bolts into the Tie fighter and the craft disappeared into fire as they rushed by the debris.

"Alright then!! Here we go!!!" shouted Ray and the descent into the planet began as the enemy pursued them down through the atmosphere.

"Do you think we'll loose these Coffin jockeys?" asked Retz from in the back.

"Nope! Ties can be in both atmosphere and space so we can only hope to land before they land a shot against us!" shouted Stalker as he fought to control his fighter in its descent towards the ground and as fire built up around the craft, Stalker almost began to curse.

"Then we'll have to begin our prayers."

Vale was having an exceptionally quiet morning and the Imperial Officer was sipping some coffee when a nearby officer said, "Sir! Come look at this!"

He walked over and he looked at the monitor and watched as several blips appeared and he said, "Put the shields up and have the anti-fighter cannons be brought online! Nothing enters the city!"

Commands were sent and as blasters were brought up all along the wall,  Stalker saw it all and he shouted, "OH CRIPES!" and sent his fighter even lower to the ground as he was going to skirt the wall and land or crash or crash-land the craft outside the walls and then the blasters began to fire as the bolts of energy flashed all around his fighter and Ray said, "We will ticked off the hornets nest now!!"

"We're going to land outside the remains of Beacon academy!!" Shouted Stalker into the back and as everyone strapped down, he brought the craft just feet above the ground as he watched the altitude meter scream a warning.

And then the ground rushed up suddenly, too fast to react, and they clipped the hill with their underside as the Tie fighters scattered and the craft dipped up before coming down and ploughing through dirt, rock, and trees into the Everfree forest and as the craft shuddered, everything within was sent hurling around that was loose and everyone covered themselves as Stalker ought to stop the craft, its engines having been hurled off or simply shut off when they hit the hill.

And then it all stopped and as everyone looked around, Stalker cracked open the view port as he said, "Grab whatever you can and move! NOW!"

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