Chapter 4

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The 20 CIS B-1 Battle droids had all been deployed and were now either carrying stuff after Stalker, Weiss, Retz, Ray, and Verde or were on either side of the group as part of a armed element. The Gauntlet fighter had crashed just outside of the ruins of Beacon Academy and as Stalker approached it, they moved at a quick pace so that the Empire didn't pick them off right away. Stalker watched the skies as the Imperial Cruiser seemed to be just hovering above the city of Vale as he then looked back at the others and then said to them, "There is a secret entrance to Vale that goes below the city walls. We'll be able to enter Vale that way."

"What if it's blocked?" asked Weiss as she kept her Naboo blaster out, keeping a watchful gaze around them.

"Not likely. It was something the Imperials wouldn't have known about unless they had interrogated me." said Stalker as they ran and as he took his cycler rifle and looked around with it, he saw nothing disturbing the ruins of the once amazing Academy.

They ran through its ruins as the droids kept pace and seemed to actually know how to fight as they kept their blasters up and their heads on a swivel. Stalker came to the remains of the dorms and as he came to a dead bush, he kicked it aside as it snapped with a brittle crunch and then he looked at the large door as he opened it and looked down into the dark hallways that lead down.

"And why was this made?" asked Weiss as she followed him down.

"What? Was I not allowed to have fun as an Alpha Team member?" asked Stalker back as he hit the bottom and helped her down. "Also I approve of the combat skirt."

"Thanks." Weiss said, taking the compliment with genuine glee as he then helped everyone else down before the group continued down the tunnel.

"So, how does this get under the wall?" asked Verde as he kept his dual axes out.

"Well, we made it go about 50 feet under the wall, since a shallow one would have collapsed under the weight of a lot of Grimm, and we made it as a escape for the students in case something happened to Beacon. Of course, me and my team used it as a secret passage to occasionally go out and have fun in the city." said Stalker as he jogged ahead with the others.

"I thought you were the perfect student?" asked Ray.

"I was. But that didn't mean I couldn't have fun, now did it?"

Retz looked around as he said, "You used cobblestone to line the walls?"

"What? You were expecting something more, like a red carpet?"

"Oh ha ha ha. Not funny." Retz muttered when Weiss said, "I should be able to communicate with my group now that we are nearing the City."

She took out a communicator and she said into it, "Rose, this is Ice. Do you hear me?"

"Ice! I hear you!" said a younger voice that Stalker was a little taken aback by, " Hey did you meet with the mercenary Hunter?"

"I'm with him right now.... we took a nice crash landing due to his competent driving-" said Weiss when Stalker said, "Your lucky I didn't drive it into the mountain."

"Oh that was you? That explained so much.  Anyway, where are you right now?" asked the girl named Rose.

"We are in some sort of tunnel system, we'll tell you when we get out where we are and where to meet you." said Weiss as they continued on.

"Sir, the crash sight has been scoured but whoever was within the fighter has fled the scene." said the Stormtrooper as he looked at the holopad.

"Continue the search! If they were rebels, we must capture them before the other rebels meet up with them! Have squads patrol the city for them! We cannot let these Rebels win the day!" said the officer as he looked around the command center.

He was within the main HQ and as he looked around the large command center, at all of the monitors and officers walking around, and as he did so, he then walked over to the other nearby communicator as he looked at it and said, "General."

The man was in his 80's but his posture, his face, and his uniform commanded respect from all forces on the planet Remnant. General Benjo Varm was the ranking general on Remnant, made to oversee the weaponising and use of the energy source the locals called "Dust" and also the man in charge of exterminating not only Rebels but the local menace called "Grimm" and as the Commander looked at the general, He said once again, "General, we have reached the crash site but no one was found there. I'm sending my men to search the area and having them on alert for them in the city."

"Good, Commander. But... you know what this means, right? If this is the one the Locals have been talking about?" said the General suddenly.

"Sir? Do you speak of-?"

"Beacon Academy Alpha Team Leader Stalker... if you see him or if you know where he is... send the Dark Troopers to exterminate him before he can do damage to what we have done here." said the General Varm.

"Yes, General. I will have the Dark Troopers on stand-by in case we have any news of this man. Vale HQ out." the holopad, as big a table, turned off and as the commander looked back, he smiled.

"Nothing can destroy our presence here... not even a boy...."

As soon as Stalker saw the coast was clear as could be, he grabbed Weiss and helped her up and then the others as the droids followed. They were in the district closest to Beacon Academy and as he looked around, knew his way around the area without even using his holopad or his map system. He waved them over as he said to Weiss, "Tell Rose we are within the docking district, closest area to Beacon. Tell her to get us some... transports..."

"How many?" asked Weiss as she took her communicator out.

"I'm thinking of some good, old fashion stick shifts." said Stalker.

She just looked at him funny.

"What? You can't drive those?"

"Can you?"

Stalker smiled from behind his helmet as he said, "Alright, just get us something. I'll do the rest."

Weiss did so and as she did, Stalker looked around and motioned for them to move from the docks and towards the innards of the city.

"Where exactly are we going?"

"Dust Till Dawn."

The shop area was a quiet one and as the shopkeeper looked at the group coming into the shop, he saw the figure in black and grey armor as he asked, "Welcome. Is there something you need?"

"Not much..." Stalker saw the dust containers were all empty and he took from his pocket some Lie and said, "Tell me this... what remains of the Atlesian Military? If anything..."

The shopkeeper looked around as he then said, "Who.. are you?"

And then, when Stalker put down a dragon symbol, he suddenly realized what the symbol on chest meant and he nodded as he whispered, "Ironwood... is alive and well with his second-in-command Winter. Currently, they are trying to help the Rebels here in Vale but things haven't been amazing."

"That changes... because the Dragonborn has come back..." said Stalker and as he looked back outside, they all watched as the droids were standing around idly but with blasters still out.

Retz was nearby with his lightsabers ready, Ray was leaning against the door to the shop and Verde was squatting in a nearby alleyway. Weiss was at Stalker's side and as she waved to the shopkeeper, he smiled as he passed her some Dust cartridges.

"A compliment of what I can barely offer." said the shopkeeper.

Weiss smiled as she took them and put them into her smuggler pack and as her and Stalker turned back, they watched as several vehicles appeared along the street. And as the droids began to walk towards them, a small 15-year old girl in black and red appeared as she smiled and said, "Weiss! Come on!!"

Stalker nodded to Weiss and as she went, he looked around and kept his rifle out before he motioned the droids to put the cargo with the vehicles and as they did, he saw a nearby idle motorcycle and smiled as he said to the girl, "Alright... where do we meet? Give me some coordinates."

The girl looked at him funny but she then nodded and as the coordinates went into his map screen in his helmet HUD, he used a knife and used it as a makeshift key and as he revved the engine, it hovered up above the ground and he almost lost balance but he soon went ripping down the street away from the group.

"Is he always like that?" asked Theodosius as he held his gatling laser with him.

"Nope." said Ray with his Weskars. "But expect some trouble from it."

The trip was uneventful, even with the CIS droids with them, and as Ray looked from within safe house to the , he asked the little girl, "Who are you all again? Just so names can be known?"

"What is yours and your friends?" she asked back.

"I'm Ray, a merc like everyone else. Verde is the merc hunter nearby and Retz is the Sith apprentice that seems more like Grey Jedi that Sith." said Ray.

"I heard that." said Retz but he said nothing else.

"What about the other guy?" asked Ruby as she looked at him, confused.

"Oh... him? We can discuss about him later. Lets just get his gear inside, secure, and pray he doesn't cause too much a ruckus." said Ray.

"So... you actually have a Sith?" asked Sky nearby with his lightsabers on his belt.

"And you are a Jedi. Big deal. Leave the war to the others who really care." said Retz with a shrug.

"That is the most laidback tone for a Sith I have ever heard and will ever hear in my life... I guess I cannot be upset then." said Sky as he nodded to Retz.

"Good. I really don't need to have anything that made this galaxy the way it is here." said Sky.

As Weiss took off the smugglers clothing, Verde looked over to Mara and her tattoos and he asked her, "Those tattoos... those are from here?"

"Oh yeah..." said Mara as she smiled at him and as she looked at Ray, she asked him, "So.. where is your friend? His equipment and droids are here but... where is he? Who is he?"

Ray listened outside, ignoring her for the most part and as he then heard Ruby say, "I'm Ruby. You met Weiss, the Faunus girl with cat ears is Blake, Yang is my sister and she has the yellow hair, Theo as we call him is the clone, Mara is the other huntress, and then Sky is our Jedi."

"Ray.... where is he?" asked Retz.

"Oh, he is currently causing some ruckus it seems." said Ray as he watched smoke collumns rise from way out in the city.

"He's is doing... that?" asked Blake in disbelief.

"Probably just blew up some compounds, some checkpoints... maybe a patrol or two... You know now that he is here, he is going to take back the planet he grew up on... and enact revenge for the people who died here..." said Ray with sadness on that last note.

"Which people?" asked Weiss.

"The Outlanders were his people, he was their Great Chieftain... their leader... he left here without realizing what may happen... and when he heard their last stand against the Imperials...." Ray dropped off as he looked down.

Ruby looked at him and then Verde said, "It was a slaughter... they just wiped them out with their cruisers and fighters and bombers... they didn't have any chance..."

"So... he's an Outlander? And he was their leader?" said Theodosius.

Ray, Verde, even Retz nodded as Weiss thought about what they said and then spoke, "So... he is the last of the people that my family has... dealt with before... I... I'm almost sad for him..."

"Don't worry... the Imperials will reap the wrath he is giving them..." said Ray when they heard something park nearby and turn off.

Ray and the other mercs did nothing as everyone else brought up weapons and as Ruby looked at the door, suddenly a girl in a green combat webbing, shorts, and with pink hair while yellow eyes appeared with a mace and a RPS-6 Rocket launcher combo weapon and she looked over and then smiled as she said, "Stalker is back."

Stalker appeared a moment later with a shocked and awed Team JNPR and as he looked at the girl, he smiled beneath his helmet as he said, "Alexandria! It's been too long!"

And without waiting any further, the two gave a quick hug as she said, "Tell me, what will we be doing before we go off again?"

"Well... combining these two venerable weapons into a final version of Stalkers Hunter." said Stalker as he smiled and brought out both of the combo scythe out.

Ruby looked at them in awe as Alexandria looked into Stalkers mind as he let her and she smiled as she said, "Okay... sure. Lets do it.... although, trying to create such a amazing weapon may just be beyond me."

"I have confidence in you. Heck, I'll even help you." said Stalker as he smiled.

As the two of them left the room, Mara looked at them all and then said, "Did she just say Stalker?"

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