Chapter 5

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The forgery of Alexandria's was sweltering for a place to make blasters and weapons but as Stalker walked after her, he began to instinctively take off his Beskar'garm armor and the top-half of the suit that he wore under it and as he watched Alexandria clear a table nearby, she put both of the scythes onto the table and as she watched Stalker stand off to the side, she began to inspect the venerable weapons as she then said to him, "Can you stoke the furnace? I want it piping hot in case I need to reforge, repair, and all that good stuff."

Stalker nodded as he walked from her and as he got to the billows, he began to pump it up and down as the furnace within began to heaten up the room. Alexandria looked at the weapons and as she turned them over in her hands, they were well balanced and well made. Just like the way she had made them.

And with that being said, she took a nearby hammer and began to bash it all to pieces. She had made them that when certain force was applied in certain areas that the weapons would cause it all to relax and be able to pull apart and as she took them apart and as Stalker continued to heat up the room, Alexandria smiled as she said, "We'll be here for some time but this will my greatest Stalker's Hunter yet."

Ruby watched as Mara paced as Ray then asked her, "What's up with you?"

"How did you meet him? When did you meet him?" asked Mara as she looked at him but continued to move around.

"I met him after he somehow single-handedly took out an entire Pirate base on his own. I cam in and he was just looking at me with all of his loot like I was late for the party. After we later teamed up for another job, we got use to one another and kinda became friends." said Ray as he checked his Weskars.

"That's it? That's all that happened for you two to team up? What about Verde?" asked Mara.

"I joined them... after they helped me out on another Pirate base. And before you ask Retz, he only recently joined us." said Ray.

Mara paced some more before she stopped as they heard the sound of beating metal from below as the heat from the forge below began to warm the room and as Weiss listened down below, she asked Mara, "Mara.. how do you know of him again?"

"Stalker is Beacons Alpha Team leader... he's.. amazing in combat... and if you ask him to fight a war, he's going to do it and make the enemy fight on his terms.." said Mara.

"Is that why he did what he did?" asked Jaune nearby.

"Yeah... it also means that he's going to keep the Imperials on their heels. He's not going to let them just recover so easily. He does that with Pirates a lot." said Verde.

"He seems like a good fighter." said Theodosius as he cleaned his gatling laser.

"Well.. you can thank these youngsters academy for that." said Ray.

Ruby watched the window with her Crescent Rose as she watched the surroundings when she then said, "Well... then I have to ask... what can we expect now that he's here?"

Ray smiled behind his helmet as he looked at the girl and then said to her, "Get ready for not needing to fight then."

"He cannot be that skilled. No one can fight that well by himself." said Blake.

"Well.. he did lose his team... he's the remains of his team..." said Ray as he then walked over to a crate of blaster energy packs and as he looked at them, he then asked, "This is all you can afford?"

"Yeah.. why?" asked Wiess. "Are you saying we-"

Ray cut her off with a hand motion and she gave him a look but then he walked over to one of the crates that the droids had brought and with a boot, shoved off a crates top and as the crate top slid over, he pulled out from it-

"Woah! That looks so cool!!!" said Ruby as she ran over to where Ray was attempting to bring from the crate the explosive-tipped lance. It was a little scratched up but as Ray put it down nearby, he put at least half a dozen more of them side-by-side before he looked at Theodosius and asked him, "Can you help me out with this one?"

Theodosius came over and as he came to where Ray was trying to open a very large crate that at least four droids had carried in and as Theodosius opened it, he looked at Ray with his helmet on a he asked, "Is this.. a CIS mortar?"

"Yeah. Stalker... has a thing for Droid things..." said Ray.

"I dunno wether to like him or shoot him.."

Ray shrugged as then they all heard the hammering stop and as they all listened, they all realized that the heat had also disappeared.

"Is she done already?" asked Yang.

"That was quick." said Verde.

"I don't think even Jedi or Sith blades are that fast." said Retz, which Sky nodded to.

And then the sound of boots coming up some stairways and they all turned as they saw Stalker with his double-bladed scythe as usual but it seemed to sparkle in the sunlight coming through the windows and Alexandria laughed at something Stalker had said that they didn't hear as she answered, "You are certainly right."

Stalker looked back at them all before he said, "So... who's up to get into a fight?"

The night was quiet in the street as Stalker watched the Imperials from the street, his semblance of Invisibility cloaking him from the stormtroopers eyesight. There was only a dozen of them, including a sergeant marked by his orange shoulder cape. Stalker watched with the eyes of a Outlander hunter as he labeled possible points of attack and ambushes along the road as he watched them go right by him and then he followed them like a shadow.

"Do not engage... I got this.." said Stalker quietly into his comm in his helmet.

"As you wish... I just hope Verde can do the same with the Rebels.." came the whispered reply of Ray.

Stalker watched as the troopers, totally oblivious to him, walk towards a four-way intersection down the road and as he stopped, he slid from his back Stalker's Hunter and charged it into its AT-blaster form as he crouched down and aimed it at the left column of the troopers.

"Ragnok... you would have loved to get on this.." muttered Stalker as his finger squeezed the trigger.

The shot boomed through the quiet night as the entire left column was obliterated in a wash of sparks and as the column fell, the other half-dozen troopers turned as Stalker de-cloaked with his sudden movement of rushing them, his scythes blades wickedly gleaming in the moonlight. His first two slashes around his body sent three of the troopers falling down in half and as the Sergeant fired at him, the shots glanced off Stalker's armor and Stalker stopped as he pulled out a random blade and he threw it at the sergeant as the blade imbedded itself into the sergeants neck and he died a gurgling death as the last two troopers ran for their lives but Stalker cut them down mercilessly before he looed all around and then whistled.

His twenty Battle droids appeared and began to take the weapons and armor off the troopers as they put it on and as Stalker looked all around, he nodded to Ray who stood nearby as the whole group retreated from the ambush and back into the quiet city.

Meanwhile, Verde was surprised that Theodosius could set up the others as well as he did. Teams RWBY was on one side of the street, spread across some of the rooftops, as JNPR was on the other side. Theodosius had set up at the end of the street that lead to the right or left and had left Mara, Sky, Retz, Verde, and Alexandria to set up where else they pleased.

Verde had set up behind a vehicle on ground level and had made his axes become their powerful rifle. He knew that across the street from him, Retz and Sky had taken up a position over there. Mara and Alexandria were on the ground level below Theodosius and as Verde listened to the sound of the Stormtrooper squad marching by, he looked over at Theodosius position as he hoped that Theo was a good enough shot for this.

His answer soon appeared as a red lance nailed one of the lead troopers and as the Beacon Teams popped up and began to fire down onto the troopers, Sky and Retz ignited their lightsabers as they charged straight into the fight, their blades humming as they sliced the troopers down.

It was almost laughable how quickly the squad died and as Verde watched the troopers bodies be pulled from sight by the others, he asked Theo, "Hey... let me ask you something."

"Go ahead." answered Theodosius.

"What part of the galaxy did you fight in during the Clone Wars?"

Theo was silent as he made his way down to ground level before he answered, "I was on Coruscant when the CIS attacked it... and then I shipped out with my unit to some random planet... then Order 66 happened... I managed to not follow it.... now I'm here..."

"Hmm... that's... a little bit odd... almost all the clones should have followed it.." said Verde as he watched everyone give the thumbs up and begin to return to the safe house.

"We live in a very odd world, my friend..."

Leon watched from the underground room as the corvette slowly ascended into the sky and as he watched it, Lilly asked him, "You seem to be more tense now... why is that?"

"Well... I have some Force sensitivities... I... I feel.... another Jedi.. and a Sith on the planet..." said Leon as he looked at her.

She looked up from swinging her kunai with her mind as she looked at him and then asked him, "And how does that affect you?"

Leon almost gave her a glowering look when Mercury walked by and said, "Well, that's easy. He wants to be the only one on the planet."

Leon gave Mercury a look as well before he said, "If there is more than one Force user, it can complicate a lot of our things... and if its a Sith and a Jedi... its even worse..."

"You wanna know something else that can throw a wrench in our plans?" Roman appeared as Neo walked behind him with her umbrella opened as he threw down a holo-device and it hovered on the ground and then showed a bust of Stalker with his helmet on.

"Right now, the Imperials want this guy dead but I want him alive because he can get rid of the Imperials.... problem is, he's also going to try and bring us all down as well."

Mercury looked at Roman as he asked, "Do you want me to deal with him?"

"I think that... Leon and Tiger here should deal with him." said another voice and they all turned to see the black-haired beauty of Cinder as she walked over, Emerald walking right behind her.

"Why just us? Something you have planned for your... pupils?" asked Leon as he looked at her.

"We all have secrets... I have mine... you have yours..." Cinder stroked her hand under Leons chin as she said, "and our plans must go forward.... if we want to become.. what we always wanted..."

Somewhere above orbit on some planet.....

"Ms... Glynda? What is it?" asked the figure.

Glynda, wearing the same clothes since the fall of Beacon and Remnant, looked up from her holopad as she said, "I have a message from.... from... from Qrow..."

Ozpin, looking up from a cup of caf, saw her face and then said, "Read it."

"The Hunter has returned."

Ozpin thought of this and then he looked at the rest of the Rebel crew as Professor Oobleck and Port looked back at him with Glynda, waiting for their orders.

"All hands, prepare for Hyperspace. Our friends form beyond the walls... has returned..."

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