Chapter 6

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Stalker monitored the radio and the holo-coms as Alexandria was looking over his droids. Alexandria loved working on weapons and all but she also was fascinated by droids and how they worked. As she popped open the backpack of the droid, the wires, power cores, and more cam spilling out like entrails and she looked at them all as she was trying to not hurry herself and mess up the droids inner workings.

Currently, Team RWBY and JNPR were out in the field once again trying to obtain supplies. Ray, Retz, and Verde were out with Theo and Sky as they were prepping some timed car bombs and more out in the city of Vale.

Which left Stalker, Alexandria, and Mara all to be in the safe house and fiddle around with whatever was around, making sure it was all in top-shape and whatnot.

Which, to be honest, didn't leave Stalker much to do except make sure the holonet and comms were still being active enough to listen in on. Mara, who currently sat in a corner, was watching Alexandria as she looked over the droid when she asked, "So.. what is it like, being a Mercenary?"

"Oh, well its nothing to sneeze at. It's hard, dangerous, and I should be dead about 4-5 times had Verde and Ray not been with me on some of our missions." said Stalker as he continued to fiddle with the little holopad and communication disc before him.

"What sort of missions have you done?"

"Bounties of various criminals, assassinations of corrupt officials, killing of multiple groups of pirates, and who knows what else." said Stalker.

"So... basic stuff?" asked Mara.

"Yeah. Pretty much."

"Well, tell me about your weapon you use then." asked Mara as she looked at him.

"Oh that's something I should tell you. Its a Anti-tank Heavy Blaster Double-bladed Scythe, or ATHBDBS." said Alexandria as she kept working on the droids.

"That's a mouth-full." said Mara as she sighed.

"Yeah but your not suppose to call it that. It's name is Stalker's Hunter and it has gotten me through a lot of tight spots these few years since I've been gone."

"I bet." said Mara as she looked around at the armory that had expanded since Stalker had taken everything of his out of their crates and put them away. There was some weapons from the Clone Wars, some weapons that the rebels used, and then weapons that the Imperials used. There were normal blasters, launchers, heavy blasters, exotic weapons, all sorts of things that they could now use to fight the Imperials.

It made her finally realize they could win this war.

Just then, Stalker began to rapidly tap things across the holopad as Alexandria looked up and asked, "What is it? What's going on?"

"I just got a huge spike of activity across the holonet! It looks like something just entered the system and its not alone!" said Stalker as he began to hack into the Imperial network.

It wasn't too long before he had cracked the network and then he watched as blips and images began to show up along the holopad as Stalker saw it was a map of the system and he watched as the very edge of the system showed what looked like three Nebulon B's frigates, two assault frigates, four corvettes, and a single Mon Calamari cruiser of the Rebel Alliance as it seemed that the Imperials were summoning up three Victory Destroyers, one Imperial Star Destroyer, and two Immobilizer cruisers.

Stalker watched as everyone else trying to move around the system immediately got the heck out of the area as then the Rebels hyperspaced once more until they appeared right next to Remnant.

Meanwhile, aboard Vales Revenge....

Ozpin watched as the fleet came together around the Mon Calarmari Cruiser as he watched the X-wings, A-wings, B-wings, and Y-wings were launched from the bays of the many ships around them. The Rebel fleet was just about to engage the Imperials in battle and as he watched it happen, he looked behind him to Glynda as he said, "You ready.. to see Vale again?"

"Yes, sir." said Glynda as she nodded her head.

"Then have everyone get to battle stations and prepare to begin our assault." said Ozpin.

"Yes sir." she said as she went to the ships comms and then she said, "All soldiers, prepare for planetary assault! I repeat, this is not a drill!! We will be assaulting Remnant!!"

As she went back tot he bridge, Ozpin took up his cane as he said, "Captain, I give you command of the fleet. Get us as close as you can to the planet for our forces to deploy."

"Yes, sir." said the Captain as he began to issue orders and as Ozpin and Glynda quickly left the bridge, a squad of troopers surrounded them and escorted them towards the dropship bays.

As the two fleets formed battle lines, the fighters began to edge closer to one another as they circled the fleets. But then, as a corvette began to edge too close out of its line, a single barrage from the Imperial Star Destroyed blasted its starboard side with a full barrage of turbo lasers and as the corvette shuddered beneath the attack, the whole space lit up as the battle went into full swing.

TIE fighters and bombers swung all around the space as the X-wings, A-wings, B-wings, and Y-wings, engaged the numerous fighters and as the larger ships began to swing around and engage one another at close range, the turbolasers and concussion missiles were slamming into hulls and shields with relentless fury.

Ozpin felt all of this hit his ship as he and Glynda both reached their dropship and as the large thing began to power up. Inside, there were all sorts of alien species and troopers as they all were anxious for this war to finally go off. As Ozpin and Glynda both began to get themselves strapped in, a Lieutenant nearby asked, "So, what will we have to be careful of?"

"Grimm... and lots of them." said Ozpin as he watched the ships back end began to lift up to seal them in.

And as Ozpin prepared himself for the ride ahead, he hoped someone on the planet would attempt to try and help them.

Back on Remnant....

Stalker looked at everyone as they all had their weapons ready. The holopad showed the space battle raging above Remnant and as he looked back at it again, Stalker sighed as he then looked back at the others.

"Okay, our job is to meet up with the Rebels and escort them into the city." said Stalker as he looked at them all.

"Where are they landing?" asked Theodosius.

"They will most likely land here." said Stalker as he pointed to Beacon.

"Why there?" asked Ruby.

"Because the Rebel dropships are too big to go anywhere else and it's the closest to the city. Besides, if my program did the trick, they have about 15 minutes of no anti-air fire from the city."

"So, when will it begin?" asked Theodosius.

"When the ships reach the outer edges of the AA cannons range, the program will lock up the cannons and disable them." said Stalker as he took up his weapon.

"Should we be worried about the Imperials?" asked Yang as she cocked her scatter gauntlets.

"They will come to engage the Rebels. No question about that. But so will many others, like the Grimm. It's our job to assist and help get the Rebels into the city to begin the war." said Stalker.

"Will everyone make it?" asked Sky.

"No." said Ray.

Everyone looked at the man as the mercenary sighed. Then he said, "If everyone.. was going to live from this... or live from this entire war in general... we would be assaulting the Imperials main HQ and force them off the planet.. but not everyone in this war will live... some of us will die... I... I just hope its not too high a price..."

And with that, they all left the entire building as they prepared themselves for what was to come next.

Cinder watched the holopad as the battle raged on and as the dropships began to leave the ships and come towards Remnant, she smiled as she said, "Leone, Lilly? You'll be coming with us. We have a welcoming party to make for... these guests of ours that have come before us.."

30 minutes later....

"Sir! The AA-cannons have been disabled! Looks like the rebels in the city are watching out for us!!" shouted the pilot and troopers cheered as Ozpin answered, "Hold the thanks for the incredible boy we will be bound to meet!"

"Sir, why will it be the ruins?" asked a trooper nearby.

"I sent a small holo message to the Hunter as we shall call him and he knows that our ships cant fit everywhere and that Beacon is both close to the city and its big enough for our dropships to land in.  But we all know the Grimm and the Imperials will come running for us as soon as we touch down!"

"We have only 5 minutes till we touchdown!" shouted the pilot.

"ALL RIGHT!! Get ready!!!" shouted the Lieutenant.

Blasters were pulled out with some vibroblades and some other weapons as packs were put into the weapons and as Ozpin watched them, he smiled as he could feel the sense of coming home washing over him.

And it made him happy.

As Stalker lead the group of Hunters and mercs from the city and towards the ruins of Beacon, he watched as the dropships got closer and closer to the ground as he knew that the Imperials were right behind. He could already hear behind them the sounds of the Imperials dropships and vehicles slowly coming after them and as Stalker stopped the group, he looked to Alexandria as he said, "Okay... you sure that launcher is all good?"

"Sure it is! I made it!" she said.

"I hope so because otherwise those things are going to tear us up!" Stalker pointe dbehind them and they all turned to see AT-ST's and even two TIE Crawlers and then they were on the move as they kept moving towards where the dropships would be landing.

And then they heard the dropships coming down and they all spread out as the dropship came down and the ramp quickly dropped as dozens of troopers and two very noticeable people came down as the troopers took out launchers and heavy blasters as the Imperials drew near.

"Ozpin!" Shouted Stalker as he nodded to the man and Ozpin smiled a he said, "We don't have much time. Everyone! To the Academy!"

Everyone followed Stalker and his group as more dropships came down and as more troopers came off, two light hover tanks also came down as the whole force moved into the ruins of the Academy. Troopers began to set up blasters and launchers of all sorts as the group following Stalker got to Stalkers secret entrance and then Stalker looked around as he kicked over all the bushes and then backed everyone away as he blew up the area and then showed them-

"Everyone! Down the hole! NOW!" Roared Stalker and as everyone was about to run down, suddenly an explosion knocked him back as the whole entrance collapsed.

"Imperials!!" shouted a trooper and blaster fire began to smack the ruins all over while everyone took cover.

An AT-ST slowly walked towards them as its powerful cannons fired at anyone in the open and as Alexandria popped up, she shouldered her launcher and then fired a rocket at the large walker. The missile streaked through the air as troopers watched it smash into the large walkers head and it tumbled to the ground as Alexandria loaded another rocket into her weapon just as Ruby and Stalker began to fire their weapons from a range. Heavy blaster bolts knocked stormtroopers from their feet as the heavy blasters did an absolute work on them and as Stalker loaded another blaster pack into his, he heard something else that chilled his blood.


"INCOMING!" He shouted but it was too late.

The mortar rounds scythed down troopers and his group and as there was screams all around, the whole place was obscured by smoke. He looked all over and saw the bolts of blaster fire crisscross the area as people fought on but he knew he had to get everyone out of the area before they all were annihilated here.

"ALL UNITS WHO CAN HEAR ME! MAKE FOR THE FOREST AS FAST AS YOU CAN!!" shouted Stalker over the rebel comm and as he grabbed Ruby by her cloak, he ran with her over his shoulder as the rebels were quick to pull out.

Troopers fired at the stormtroopers as they fought a retreat and as the last hovertank was destroyed by an AT-ST, the troopers broke and ran as the few with jetpacks managed to jump away just before another barrage of mortar rounds smashed into the ruins.

As Stalker ran into the Everfall forest, the red leaves forever falling, he looked back to those following him as he saw many were trying their best. But he also saw Yang's arm gone from the elbow down and that not only was Blake missing but that Ozpin was also missing. He then returned his attention to the front as he knew to dwell on these things would invite defeat but just as they reached a clearing, another explosion threw a few troopers into the air as they watched a few old Paladin mechs appear from the nearby forest as White Fang members and Roman Syndicate came appearing from the forest.

"Take them out!" A flurry of grenades and a few rockets streaked into the new foes as several of the fanatical faunus fell and as the two sides clashed, the amount of blaster fire was creating a new layer of ozone here.

But Stalker had them all still running along as to stop was to mean the Imperials would catch up and then there was something that suddenly caught his ear.

The sound of an arrow being fired.

"PYRHHA!!!!!!!" Shouted Jaune as the girl collapsed with an arrow through her chest and a trooper grabbed him and dragged him away as Pyrrha fell to the ground as she died.

Stalker could only keep running as they ran for the one place he knew was safe.

The closest Outlander Outpost that once was held by the Dragon Clan.

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