Chapter 35

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The small restaurant in Minstral was a mainly bar and grill for people of all types to come in as it had a decent menu size and a decent selection of spirits to choose from.

But Atomic was sitting there in his Sunday's Best sort of clothes as it had jeans, a white shirt, a blue coat over that, and brown sneakers. His hair was fresh and clean like himself, he had trimmed it along with eradicating any form of a beard he had, and he had made sure his mouth was fresh enough to rejuvenate all around him considering the amount of mints he had popped in.

Yeah, he was nervous for his first date and was hoping he didn't make a bad impression with Yang. Because if their previous fight had been anything to go off of, he knew that one mistake in anyway might lead him to having his gonads busted up real good by her fists. He glanced at his Scroll for the time and saw it was about 15 minutes before their date was suppose to happen and as he glanced around, he was wondering where she was for a moment when she then heard the sound of what seemed like a motorcycle coming from outside and he turned to actually see a Imperial Speeder Bike stop at the parking spot at the bar while a familiar figure slowly got off and then enter the bar.

Yang wore a white dress and white heels as she had herself fully cleaned up and smelling like a meadow full of flowers in full bloom. Her eyes looked around the bar and then the moment she saw Atomic, Atomic couldn't help but straighten himself out a bit before he then nodded to her just as she walked over and sat down next to him.

"Hey there, sunshine." He said, trying his best to break the ice while his head said, You're going to get us all killed!

She simply shook her head before she then said, "Hello there, Bomb boy... what's with the look? I didn't think you liked anything other than explosive looks."

He gave a sigh before she then looked to the bartender and asked, "Strawberry Sunrise, please."

The bartender gave her a look over and then glanced to Atomic who then nodded and said, "And get me a Atomic Blizzard."

The man glanced between the two of them before he then shrugged and made both drinks as the Strawberry Sunrise was red and yellow in color as the drinks glass shape was one of those cocktail-style glasses and as she was given it and took a sip from it, Atomic was soon handed his tall glass of an Atomic Blizzard which was a yellow layer on top of a large icy-blue.

Now Atomic was no heavy drinker but while he sipped his drink slowly and tasted its icy-sour taste, he felt like he was burning up and needed to drown such a fierce burning sensation with all of the drink he could but he managed to hold off that impulse as he knew it was his nervousness that was doing that.

"Hey would ya look at that." Said someone nearby and Atomic and Yang looked over to a nearby screen to see Vacuo with smoke pillars and fighters that looked like wrecks flying around while the view soon changed to the Imperial HQ as it had been destroyed and the dead were being piled up to burn it seems.

"Vacuo fell as well... man you Rebels have been busy." Said the Bartender. "Not that I mind... might make taxes a bit more lenient."

"I don't know about that... perhaps we'll be reinstating the Council." Said Atomic with a shrug.

"Still... that didn't take the Vacuo Rebels long to take down the Imperial Garrison there... looked like a rough fight too." Said the Bartender as the camera soon panned over to show a whole courtyard still full of blood and corpses.

As both Hunters took sips of their drinks, Yang then asked Atomic, "So... come here often?"

"Not really... occasionally when one of my squad mates had wanted to have a small party." Said Atomic as then he asked her, "And when did you get a taste for Strawberry Sunrise?"

"I don't have to say zip." Said Yang as she tried to keep her white dress clean and down enough to cover herself. "But o do have one question for you?"

"Oh?" Asked Atomic as he turned to face her.

"What's your favorite movie?"

Atomic thought for a moment and then answered, "The new X-ray and Vav movies have been my particular favorites for the moment."

"Really? Wanna go see the new one out in theaters?" Asked Yang.

Oh that's right there newest movie just recently came out... I was going to go see it on my own but then this whole mess happened... Atomic thought before he smiled and said, "I would love to see it with you.. lemme guess I'm paying for tickets and everything?"

"That was the promise, now come on." Said Yang as she then took her entire drink in one hit and then got up to go to the movie theater.

Ruby was watching the news with Weiss and Alexandria about the fall of the Imperial Garrison at Vacuo when they then heard a knock at their door and they turned to see Blake open it and the close it behind her as she sat down on her nearby cot before saying, "Have you seen Yang? I cant find her."

"I think she was going out on a date or something." Said Weiss,

"With who?" Asked Ruby as she hadn't even known this herself.

"That Atomic guy.." answered Weiss. "Something about a bet they made or something?"

They all shrugged as none of them knew what was going on when then the door opened and when they all turned, they saw Theodosius in the doorway with a fox Faunus standing there and he gently guided her in as he told the girls, "Now play nice.., Her names Sapphire... and I'm tired."

"Hi Tired, I'm dad!" Came a shout from nearby and Theodosius sighed in frustration as he said, "I'm tired from the battle at Vacuo. Ozpin has some of the others going over there to help them... Good Night.."

And with that the Clone Trooper went away as he closed the door, leaving Sapphire standing there as she held her Clone Blaster Pistol and her double-bladed spear. Blake then walked over and said, "Hi I'm Blake... Ruby's in Red, Weiss is in the white, and the other one is Alexandria... Yang would be here but she's off on a date... and your Sapphire, is that right?"

Sapphire nodded before she yawned and said, "I need some sleep... if you don't mind."

No one minded and so she soon found a cot and as she curled up, she soon was snoring away as Ruby looked at the others before she got up and when she did, Alexandria asked her, "Where are you going, Rubes?"

"I need food." Said Ruby.

Ruby left the room and as she headed for the Minstrillian Garrison Mess Hall, she was wondering if now Theodosius was here that Stalker and the others were also here with them. She would have to search the boys section of rooms carefully to find their bunk room or else she could barge in on some random dude getting undressed.

Still, she was feeling peckish and snacks and or food was needed to stop the monster of Ever Peckish from destroying her already high metabolism.

She soon came to the mess hall and as she did so, it was only a little bit packed with small groups of Rebels as the main lunch rush had passed them already. She went to the Food Dispensers and where the Cafeteria workers were and as she quickly got herself some food, she was about to walk to a random table when she saw Ray and Stalker eating nearby as Stalker still had his helmet on while Ray didn't have his on.

And just before she could do a thing, Stalker looked over to her before she heard him call out, "Hey Rubes! Come join us, ya cookie fiend!"

Ruby looked down to her tray at the nearly a dozen chocolate chip cookies scattered on it and she gave a small grin with a hint of a blush as she walked over and sat next to Ray as she said, "So you finally took down Vacuo?"

"Yep... surprisingly we didn't lose and many as we expect but it still was a heavy loss." Said Ray.

"I saw on the projectors... lots of bodies everywhere waiting to be burned." Said Ruby as she began to devour and munch on the cookies.

"Well those clips are about two days old... most of the bodies are already burned." Said Stalker before he asked her, "Heard you all had just as equally of a hard battle here yourself."

"Yeah... we managed to force them down after they failed their ambush in the end." Said Ruby.

The trio of them would be quiet for a bit and as Ruby ate some more, she then heard Ray sigh before he said, "It helps if you take your helmet off to eat Minstral noodles."

Ruby looked up as she heard Stalkers helmet hiss to release and she looked up to see his face for the first time. His skin was pale, likely from wearing armor on so much, and his eyes were this piercing green color that seemed to go straight through her and her soul.

His hair was long and kinda shaggy as it almost covered his eyes with its color being this deep red.

The only turn off to his cuteness was the fact his whole face and jawline let out this radiance of steel and hardness that probably could take a rocket and not even leave a scratch.

But then Stalker gave a sigh and she watched that steely gaze crack and then relax while he took some of the noodles he had before them into his fork and began to chow down.

And for once Ruby couldn't do anything while she stared at him and as she looked at him she then watched him quickly finish off his food before putting on his helmet and continuing with his drink.

"Does he always do that?" Asked Ruby.

"Yes... yes he does." Said Ray while Ray suddenly said in Mandalorian to Stalker, "Your eyes were normal for once."

"That took great strength to do... and had I not been looking down while eating my food, she would've seen them change back." Muttered Stalker back in Mandalorian.

They soon were done and as Ruby was somewhat done, Stalker then asked her, "So... can I ask you a question?"

"Sure." Said Ruby with some muffled voice as she was half way done with her cookie in her mouth.

"Want to see a movie or something sometime?" Asked Stalker.

Ruby looked at him before she said, "That X-ray and Vav movie sound good right now. Wanna see that?"

"What night?" Asked Stalker.

"Maybe tomorrow?" Asked Ruby.

"I'll see you at 5 then." Said Stalker as he got up and went elsewhere.

While Stalker moved away and got rid of his tray, suddenly Ray was next to him as Ray said to him, "So.... you finally did the deed huh?"

"This isn't sex! Not yet!" Said Stalker. "Right now though I want sleep so shoosh!"

Ray laughed before he then said to Stalker, "Still... if she's going to wear something nice you better get ready to explain your mask and eyes..."

"Yeah I'll come up with something."

They walked through the halls and as they came to their barracks room, Stalker opened it up as then he said, "Good night you twerps!"

"Night you smuck!"

"Go to bed, Hippie!"

"Shut up you twit!"

"Ah good times." Said Rider. "Good night all."

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