Chapter 36

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The movie theater was a little bit bright but it was bright enough for Ruby to be nearby and keep making sure her skirt was hiking up. Her sister and friend Weiss had also insisted on her wearing heels, saying she needed to look like a lady and her best, but she had decided for her own feet's sake she would wear black boots that fit her red dress that also had a black corset.

Where was he? She didn't think Stalker was one to ever be late, rather it seemed to be more likely of a thing for him to be early to any given event that involved him.

Still, as she glanced around, they didn't have long for the tickets for the next X-ray and Vav movie for the 5:30 timeline and if he didn't appear soon, they were going to miss it. And so, she soon decided to get the tickets anyway and as she got close to the booth, suddenly a hand touched her shoulder and she spun expecting some random perv that had snuck up on her but rather was taken back by Stalkers look.

He was in a good Sunday's best, with a shirt underneath a long-sleeve shirt as he wore what look liked jeans. She never expected him to wear this or the Grimm Mask he had on as it also seemed to have the Grimm eyes as well which made him look like the casual Grimm cosplayer ever in existence.

But he then took his hand from her as he said, "Shall we get some tickets and popcorn? Maybe some drinks?"

As they walked over to the ticket counter, Ruby then asked him, "What's with the mask and those Grimm eye Contacts?"

"What better way to creep people out than this? I have a reputation to uphold." Man, he wish he could just tell her about what he was but not now when they were trying to enjoy themselves for once.

Still, they came to the booth and as Stalker used his Lien to get the tickets and as the boy at the counter simply seemingly ignored the whole mask and eye thing, mainly thinking it was a new trend these days, he gave them their tickets as then Stalker walked with Ruby's arm in the crook of his as any gentleman should as they went to get popcorn. The lines were somewhat packed into the room, after all this was the X-ray and Vav movie going on here, and while the two of them waited, Stalker then asked her, "I'm surprised you went with a dress to wear so... why did you choose it?"

"I... wanted to look nice out of the red cape and corset... do you like it?" Asked Ruby as she glanced at him, slightly rocking back and forth on her heels.

"It looks good on you..." Actually it looks great on you but I can get too sappy in this even if I kinda like you. Stalker didn't exactly sigh out loud but he sighed internally as he then was reminded so long ago about his days with his Uncle, the Chieftain Of Bear Clan Ragnok the Bear.

Oh that man had did his best to try and make Stalker see that having a girlfriend as the Great Chieftain was a good thing in more ways than one and Stalker, who had been just before going to Beacon, had simply reminded him that he hadn't been interested in women just quite yet because he was focused more on keeping the rest of the Clans safe. Oh how his uncle had did his best to try and get a girl from one of the Clans suited to him while he was at school for Beacon but as Stalker soon got the counter and began to get their popcorn and drinks, he remembered turning down all of them for focusing on keeping his team alive during and after every mission.

But here he was now, likely being followed by the spirit of his good old Uncle Ragnok as he was chuckling and maybe giving an invisible elbow to his side, now finding himself in love with a girl that was likely a few years younger than he was but as long as she was legal, or so Tank would say, he could he could try and "date" her but in the Outlands it was courting.

He soon rolled his eyes as they were walking down to the actual movie now, their popcorn stowed in their hands along with their drinks as he also couldn't help but think in how expensive it was now to get popcorn and a drink for about 15 Lien. That was ridiculous, it was literally about 8 Lien about a year or two again!

But soon those melted away as he glanced back at her and couldn't help but think out of the two eyes of silver he had seen, which was only his and hers, her looked really good with the red dress and all of that. And then he opened the door to the theater and they went to eat their seats.

"Frig this old ship anyway!" He cursed as he managed to extract himself from the ruins of the Sith Infiltrator after not only it had crashed straight into a hill but also had proceeded to take not one, not two, but five different shots from about five different turbolaser batteries around the city of Atlas. It was ever more annoying to find his only weapons were a DLT-20A Blaster rifle, it's scope now cracked from smashing against the interior of the ship when it had crashed, and a simple blaster pistol from the clone era as he was suppose to have a Heavy blaster sniper rifle it's a really good zoom scope along with another extra blaster pistol but those had been crushed by his ships plowing into the hill along with likely reduced to scrap when most of the blaster energy cells blew up with the left engine. He was just barely thankful he still had his Vibroblade, which was made into a Bowie knife style to make sure he can really carve up enemies, had managed to not stick him in the ribs when it had suddenly flung itself at him and as he made sure it was strapped to him, he then looked around in his Durasteel armor as he looked around at the snowy plains around him before he wondered where he was going to go to get out of this blasted cold around him.

His Durasteel armor plates covered his back, chest, arms, and legs while his custom helmet protect almost all of his head and face. Its jawline area, the part that went over his nose and lower half of his face, was covered in a skull face decoration he had gotten some cheap alien to do as it stop prominently on the black armor.

And this mans name, a surviving member of a Mandalorian Clan called the Norse, was Kivan.

Still, if his 6'3" height build didn't get a move on fast enough, which it eventually did, he was going to find himself frozen in the coldest place on Remnant.

This was Atlas countryside and it was simply a cold and miserable wasteland of ice and snow with a constant amount of blizzards going through it. Still, as Kivan finally began moving away from the wreckage sight, he had wished he had stowed his speeder bike better but that was also gone after it had literally tore itself apart while banging around in his ships small cargo hold and then landing in a heap of scrap metal.

He was in for a real treat when he finally got himself to a market.

But while he looked around, he needed to get somewhere and fast, otherwise it wasn't going to end well for him once he got anywhere. He liked being not half frozen when he finally went to get another ship, thank you very much

Worse, he was pretty sure he was going to find a tough time trying to get his bounty that was somewhere on this continent and as he looked around, he continued into the snowy wasteland as he tried not to shiver too much.

Ozpin was watching as the containment went, for the most part, alright with the now somewhat under control Sith and as he sipped his coffee, he glanced to Lily next to him as she had come from Minstral simply for her friend here as he asked her, "So... Did you know he was a powerful Force User?"

Lily could really only shrug for an answer before he then said, "Still, we'll keep him here till he's fully in control. I'm having some of my own Force Users swing by to.. talk with him."

"Let's hope he can still even listen." Said Lily as she took her White Fang mask our and then sighed.

"I know you feelings will likely make some people look at you as possibly a spy... but I've seen your loyalty and you've helped us a lot... so we'll try and help you." Said Ozpin.

"Now.. we have one last city to take before this planet is free of the Imperials.. and then we'll have more dirty work to make sure it stays ours." Says Ozpin.

"Where to next then, Ozpin?" Asked Lily.

"Atlas. My former city.." Said Ironwood as he appeared behind the two while he watched the Sith being soon left alone in a heavily guarded cell.

"I can give you some access to it but it's up to you and the small Rebel cell there to prepare the groundwork's for a full on assault on the city." Said Ironwood. "But it's currently the main city the Imperials used, its actually apparently the planets capital and thus the Imperials have a very presence."

"I'll make sure they won't even know I was there.." Said Lily with a nod.

"Good.. the first place to go infiltrating will be the Imperial Hangars... sabotaging their ability to send out fighters will help us." Said Ironwood.

"I'll head over as soon as I can."

As she left the room, Ozpin and Ironwood as they both were the only ones now in the room. As they watched the Sith soon settle down into the corner of his cell, the guards at either side with shock pikes and some resistant armor, Ozpin heard Ironwood say, "I wish I could do more but-"

"Ironwood.. the moment we have Atlas back is the day we'll be able to do everything you wish you could do... but we must play smart.. we still have many enemies all around us." Said Ozpin as he sipped his mug of coffee still.

"But how will hangars being sabotaged by any good to us?" Asked Ironwood. It was Ozpin idea and he had suggested taking out the Turbolasers.

"Because our good friend Stalker at one point mentioned something about Atlas recently that could be done." Said Ozpin.

"And what's that?" Asked Ironwood.

"Drop insertion could make it easy to drop considerable forces into the city while keeping our ships moving and thus not as easy to hit.... its be a gamble but well worth it I'm assured by Stalker."

"So... were simply make the airspace above Atlas less crowded for the drop?"

"Correct.." Said Ozpin as then he looked to the ceiling and sighed before saying, "We've also managed a distress signal out to some of the Rebels still around. We might be able to get some help from a small fleet if we're lucky."

"What would the fleet have though?" Asked Ironwood.

"Lots Of lighter ships that what the Imperials have but we'll manage to use the, very effectively..." Said Ozpin.

"Then let's hope we are ready when the Imperials come in for another attack." Said Ironwood as soon they were walking away.

Stalker soon was walking with Ruby back to the base and the movie had been actually half decent, wasn't really his cup of tea, but he had managed to keep his pants on the entire time as he couldn't help but find Ruby happily humming next to him a pleasant thing to hear.

Almost more pleasant than the satisfying sound of his rifle blowing a hole through an AT-ST.

But as they walked along, he decided to ask her, "You enjoy it?"

"Yep. The movie was good and the last battle was soooo awesome!" Said Ruby as she thrust a a fist into the air.

"Glad you enjoyed it. It was actually a pretty good movie too." Said Stalker.

And then she suddenly tapped his shoulder and as he looked over, she suddenly took his mask in both hands.

Wait! Wait! Wait! Stop her!!!! The voice in his head hissed but he manage to force it down as she snapped his mask off and held it in an off hand as she gave him a small peck on his cheek that instantly warmed his whole body and as he looked at her in slight amazement, she simply said, "Don't tell Yang, please? She'll kill you if she finds out."

"Oh-oh alright..." Said Stalker as they continue through the streets of Minstral back to their base.

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