Chapter 37

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Lily was rattled around the older LAAT dropship as it came flying low over the frozen, snow-covered ground of Atlas as she wasn't the only one in the dropship looking at the ten other Rebel troopers with Snow Gear on but as she kept the parka around her close while she kept her baseball bat closer, she then looked to the sergeant of the troopers as she asked him, "When do we touch down?"

"About a few minutes from now... we're gonna land a bit outside the Atlas city to sneak through some old tunnels connected in the Old City... lets hope not too many Snow Trooper patrols are out, we may have a problem then." Said the Sergeant as he held up his A-280 blaster rifle.

She could only nod her head as she held her bat and Kunai close to her chest as they kunai flowed different Dust colors and as the LAAT suddenly bounced as if it hit something, she was rattled around it before the pilot then said to them in the back, "We're approaching the drop off point. Get ready!"

The troopers all began to quickly finish up and as Lilly simply made sure her mask was on her face as she put her parkas good up, she then watched as the blast shields on the LAAT suddenly opened up to reveal the freezing outside as a blizzard seemingly was blowing through.

That being said, she sat the Old City as the Old City was for the most part abandoned since everyone had move to Atlas's current capital but as they passed over frozen houses, frozen cars, and patches of large icicle spikes sprouting from the ground, she wondered if they were being watched here.

And then suddenly the LAAT began to hover as it came down for a landing and as the wind blew itself forcefully through the slits of the doors to either side of the occupants, Lilly shivered still even with her parka on as it just barely was bearable.

As the LAAT finally and gently touched the ground, the pilot killed the power as then the doors to either side were slowly forced open before the group exited to be greeted by many other Rebels in snow gear as they all held their blasters close to their body.

Lily looked around as there was about 49 of the Rebels around her and as she looked around, she also saw a flotilla of Snowspeeders and a few older Saber Tanks as the group was mounting up the vehicles with supplies and some Dust crystals it looked like but as she got near one, one of the Rebels then said, "That's not yours. Yours is the one on the left."

She looked to her left at the ARC speeder with a cover and as she passed the Rebels finishing with putting supplies on it, she slowly straddled it as she managed to get it starting without blowing it up.

The rest of the group slowly began to get themselves set up as the vehicles now all were hot and ready to go and as Lily closed her speeders cockpit, albeit a bit of a flimsy one, she then watched as a screen appeared before her as the holopad connected also flimsily to her craft flickered into life as the Rebel Leader then said, "All units, we make for the entrance at the base of the walls to Atlas. Make sure if you see Imperial patrols that you say something. We've been seeing more Tie Crawlers and Speeders around here these days and the Grimm are also getting more active as well."

Lilly could only nod and as the flotilla began to plow the snow around them as they began to head for their entry point into the city. Although the interior wasn't heated in any way whatsoever, she still preferred it over the cold outside as she piloted her speeder bike like a normal bike, except this one had blasters and had a top speed close to some starfighters.

They continued their cruising through the snow and ice as the passed some of the older and desolate homes of the first city of Atlas that were around the outskirts and as they did so, Lily could only hope it was a relatively easy entrance into Atlas.

But it looked like today was not going to be that day as suddenly she heard someone over the radio say, "Tie Crawler, to our east!"

Lily looked that way as she could see the guy pointing his hand to their right and as she looked that way, she saw the Tie Crawler off in the distance, way off in the distance in fact. Tie Crawlers were what happened when you took the body and cockpit of a Tie fighter and merged it with Hellfire Droid wheels. It was a squat and fairly ugly design even by Imperial standards as even as she watched it, it suddenly revered and tore up drifts of snow as it bolted away as it's modified treads meant for snow sent the stuff flying behind it.

"Alright, everyone get ready for Imperials to come at us from all angles." Said the Rebel Leader as Lily could see from the few Saber tanks as the guys on the beam turrets slowly swivel them around as they were looking for trouble to appear all around them. And all Lily could do and did was keep following the convoy before her.

The Jedi and Grey Jedi, aka Sky and Retz, slowly walked to where this Sith was being held as even though they couldn't see him, they could feel him through the Force around them and he was powerful.

But as they managed to get through the many security guards around, they then finally came to the last door as Ozpin and Glynda was waiting for them and as Sky and Retz, in their robes as beneath them was their lightsabers, stopped before the pair of individuals, Ozpin moved his glasses up as he then said, "Are you prepared?"

"Let's do this. I'm all rested and meditated up." Said Retz as he nodded.

"I'm about as ready as I think we both are... even now, we can feel his power in the Force and it's considerable." Said Sky.

"Mmm... So please tread carefully... he could take out this whole base if he tried." Said Ozpin as then the blast doors behind him slowly opened up to reveal a bit of a long corridor.

Sky and Retz nodded and as thy began to slowly walk through it with cloaks billowing and lightsabers twitching on their belts, they dived into the unknown that lay ahead.

Leon was in a Force Negating cell as he was currently restrained to the ground by various means and there was a rather noticeable Ray field as well as maybe a dozen armed and armored Rebels just outside. He only wore his gear and his blaster and lightsaber were nowhere to be found in sight which meant venue if he did get out of the bonds he would be weaponless.

And then he heard the nearby door open and as he looked up and over, albeit barely because of a shock collar around his neck, he then saw both of them as their presence within the Force gave them away.

Sky and Retz slowly walked in with a blaster and lightsaber as the guards immediately walked out as Retz jerked his thumb for them to leave and as the troopers filed out, though to eventually set up down the hallway, the two of them took some nearby chairs and a table and moved them over with the Force as though it seemed like a bit of a waste, they didn't feel like moving the chairs and table themselves as they soon sat down facing Leon while their lightsaber and blaster were on the table.

Leon watched the Force Users warily as he couldn't do much to stop them from either killing him or giving him a hard time but as Retz glanced over at Leon, he looked at Sky and said, "Bit of a kid, isn't he?"

"Not uncommon for Force Users of his ilk.... lots of emotional instability..." Said Sky as he was looking at a data pad with what little info they had on this supposed "Sith", which wasn't in any stretch a whole lot.

Leon watched them and as he did so, Retz could pick up some feelings of of his eyes and generally the vibe he gave off as he then said to Leon, "You comfy in there?"

Leon, being gagged and tied down, couldn't tell the Grey Jedi he was rather uncomfortable with all the things on him keeping him from moving but Retz chuckled as he then said, "I can imagine that considering you're more tied down then a Dewback that you are really uncomfortable."

"But," Retz Said as he then stood up to stand before Leon behind the Ray shielding, "that is the price of taking on a Rebel base."

"Not to mention with some actually powerful Force powers too." Said Sky as he chimes in. "They said he was throwing People through walls with Push but the Lightning he was using is a pretty advanced skill."

Leon didn't and in more ways couldn't answer but that didn't deter the Jedi as he said, "Still.... recklessly wielding the Force and a Lightsaber is a disaster for problems..."

"Not to mention waltzing into a base should've had you shot to utter pieces." Said Retz.

"But then again... you would know about getting subdued at this point, wouldn't you Leon?" Asked Retz. "Didn't we fight you before at a Safehouse?"

"Yeah, we did." Said Sky as he soon realized and as both boys soon came to the shield.

Both looked at Leon and as they did so, Sky then sighed as he said, "If you move to attack, you will die. That's your warning."

And then suddenly the Ray Shield was taken away as Leon felt the restraints on him slowly falling away from him and as he slowly looked up as his body gave protest to being finally released, both Grey Jedi and Jedi looked at him with neutral faces.

"Well, what do you have to say?" Asked Sky.

The first thing to fire at them were a triplet of Tie Crawlers coming from their left flank. It struck the ice and snow around as the ice and snow became steam instantly as the whole convoy suddenly scattered as Imperial Crawlers and Speeder Bikes began to appear around them. Lily did her best to avoid colliding with one of the Rebel speeders as the speeder bike suddenly and eruptly disintegrated before her as a withering storm of blaster bolts from a Tie Crawler nailed it and as she managed to slide away from the twisted remains, she then kept going as the Rebel Leader said, "Everyone, head for the entrance as fast as you can!"

Beams from the Saber Tank turrets pierces the snowy veil around them as the laser struck and destroyed two Tie Crawlers but as the group kept going forward, another two Speeder Bikes suddenly were blown up as the Tie Crawlers and Imperial Speeder bikes came charging for them. Lily could just barely make out one Imperial Speeder and as it swung around to try and take out another Speeder in front of her, she swung her reticule over it and spammed the trigger as the blaster bolts took out first it's back, then the rider, then the rest caused the whole thing to twist and melt as it spun and plugged through the snow and ice around them.

And then suddenly the convoy dropped down and as they did so, Lily looked around as she then watched some Rebels take out the Crawlers and Speeders within small notches and platforms formed within the canyon naturally and as rockets and heavy blasters took out a few more Imperials, soon she was zooming far away from the combat as she was soon headed for an opening just a bit before the walls to Atlas.

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