Chapter 38

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Leon sat cross-legged before Sky and Retz as all of them had their eyes closed and were simply feeling one another emotions shifting and changing the Force around them.

But what the cameras in the room could see since the Force was invisible in air, were the shaking of some of the nearby objects as there was quite a bit moving to the point that at one point, much to Sky's annoyance, Leon managed to throw one of the chairs clear across the room even though Sky and Retz were really tight fisted one what did and didn't move.

But Leon was strong within the Force, they could tell just by how much it was taking a relatively strong Grey Jedi and Jedi from keeping the whole room from imploding into chaos with stuff flying all around.

But then Leon finally stopped as he gave a frustrated sigh that almost threatened to send Force Lightning everywhere as Sky and Retz managed to simply push his back to the wall as both stood up.

"Boy," Said Sky with a sigh as he messed around with his hair, "You're a bit of a feisty one aren't ya?"

"Shut up!" Growled Leon as he glared at the two.

"Not gonna happen, pipsqueak. You're dangerous, even dangerous I almost want to simply end you and be done with it..." Said Retz.

"You could try." Said Leon.

"Yeah... its why I'm deciding not to.... no reason for me anyway..." Said Retz with a shrug.

"Pathetic." Grumbled Leon. "Typical Jedi... too soft for their own good."

"Oh don't worry... you won't be speaking like that after we're done with you..." Said Retz as then he got up and walked over nearby.

"Oh and what are you going to do?" Asked Leon in a very cocky manner.

And when Retz turned around, the whole rim lit up with the crackling of the Force Lightning between his hands as he simply said, "You're gonna give us some answers...."

The Ice caverns beneath the Atlasian City were in some ways beautiful but in other ways very, very.... cold looking. Alright I'll stop there.

Anyway, as she glanced around at the caverns she was in, they were obviously manmade from the looks as she could kinda see where the drills bits had dug in and tore and shredded chunks of ice to make these caverns. Wether it was by or before the rebels was another question she didn't think about as she simply walked with those from her convoy towards what looked like a makeshift command center, with some foldout screens and a portable holotable as scattered all around were about a couple dozen Rebels of various species and weapons.

She watched as many of them were simply looking over various screens and some were looking over weapons but as she walked through and amongst them, she then bumped into someone bigger than her as they said, "Hey, kid... pay attention."

Lily glanced up as she looked up to see a towering figure, wearing Rebel Commando equipment and holding a Z-6 Blaster cannon in his hands as he then said, "Say, you're that Rebel pipsqueak from the Minstral take over aren't ya?"

"I am, brute. What are we doing here?" She asked him as she looked him up and down.

"We're waiting for the other groups... we've been prepping for this infiltration for months since our last attempt." Said the Rebel as he scratched his stomach.

"And how did that go?" She asked.

"There's a reason why we're scattered."

Lily glanced around at many of the nearby Rebels but then she heard him say, "Still, perhaps a Hunter will change our luck."

And then he walked past and as Lily wrapped herself deeper into the winter clothes she wore as she then made sure her baseball bat and kunai were secure on her belt before waking over to the big holotable nearby.

On screen, the surrounding area and caverns, along with the rebel units within there, was seen as well as several groups of what she assumed to be other Rebels making their way to the entrance of the city.

"How many are we expecting?" She asked one of the nearby Rebels.

"Roughly 80 of us in total..." they would answer.

80 Rebels for an infiltration mission? I guess we really do need to win this battle to free Remnant from the Imperials... thought Lily as then she decided to stay quiet and get comfy as they awaited for the other groups to appear.

A couple hours later and Lilly watched a small fleet of vehicles, much like the others she had accompanied to here, appear as some other skiffs held the Rebels whom had saved her and her small convoy. And after a quick headcount, their numbers surpassed 100 men, women, and aliens in total with some droids as they all were covered in winter gear with either heater backpacks or Fire Dust heater packs as they all looked determined. Their blasters ranged from Blaster pistols, to carbines, to rifles, and then full on cannons and launchers.

All in all, it seemed more like the preliminary for a Rebel Assault then an infiltration group to Lily but then she quoted down as he big Rebel with the Blaster cannon came forward, it's rotary barrels slung all along his shoulders.

"Alright, Guys, Gals, and Droids, we have a pretty big mission ahead of us."

"Recently, Atlas has become the last city for which the Imperials hold onto. At the moment, Rebel intelligence speak they're going to dig in here and wait for us to come in for a massive assault from the cities we already have."

"That being said, the Rebellion here is currently gathering its strength up for the Assault but until that day where we can go in guns blazing, we're going to be infiltrating and causing all forms of hell and chaos on these Imps."

"So here's the plan: the Atliesian wall is currently being undermined by a mixture of natural ice caverns and our good heat miners ourselves. We're at an entrance to one of these maze-like caverns and we're all going to get through.."

"Problem is," Said the big man, "we have Imperials also crawling all around it. So we are going to blast our way through those patrols before we reach the exit, which will lead us, like last time, into one of the nearby neighborhoods."

"But unlike last time, even with fewer numbers, we have better support and even a Huntress with us. So today, we're gonna blast a bloody path through the Imperials and then tomorrow it'll be Atlas itself!"

Everyone but Lily gave a cheer and a roar as a few icicles above quivered but didn't come down and as she simply unslung her bat and flipped it out into a bow and as she glanced at them before then as one big group they began to funnel into the icy caves beneath the cities walls.

The entrance was merely some hastily made barricades and a what looked like a even more hastily erected airlock-sorta door as the barricades had heavy Blaster cannons strapped to power cells mounted on tripods. They quickly came to the door and as Lily put on her White Fang mask, she then watched as three Rebels slowly dragged the door opened as everyone quickly funneled inside the caverns. Once inside, once once the door was closed behind them, Lily realized that the Rebels had been smart and made it look like a cave in of ice to Camo the doors obvious metal from Imperial patrol eyes. It was also considerably cold, colder than the cave they had been in now that they were in both caves and without any form of heaters but Lily persevered regardless as she quickly strung up some Dust arrows on her bow as she then watched the group slowly go forward as people got their weapons ready as they'd got Blaster charge packs into their weapons.

And then they delved deeper into the caverns as it didn't take long before they ran into an Imperial patrol of Snowtroopers.

Leon roared in pain as the Force Lighting sparked and arced off his body as Retz had been doing shorts spurts of the Force power to force some info of either the Imperials or Leo's former allegiance of this Roman Syndicate but so far nothing except roaring and screams.

Retz stopped again and as Leon slumped to the ground, Sky then walked over as he asked, "Alright... we've been doing this for about half an hour... you might as well tell us something."

"Yeah.... when we're done here I'm going to destroy you." Huffed Leon.

Sky and Retz glanced at one another as Retz then said, "Well he did as you asked."

"Yes But looks like we're gonna have to probe his memories for what we seek."

Retz nodded and as he went to raise his hand with Sky when suddenly they felt the floor shudder slightly. All three Force User pauses to look as one towards the door as it slowly slid open and as it did so, a squad of Terror Troopers stood there. Terror troopers stood with skull like helmets, gauntlets that extended up to their elbows as the fingers had almost claw-like appendages on them.

They all held standard E-11's but even though they did, these Black Operation troopers were only rumored amongst the Rebellion. And now there was a full squad of 10 troopers in the room as they all held blasters at the Jedi and Grey Jedi.

"Awww Force!" Said Retz as he and Sky used the Force to pull their lightsabers to them as the Terror Trooper Leader suddenly said, "Take the Sith. Kill the Jedi."

And then blaster fire began to streak for the Jedi as they were forced to block and deflect the shots but. The troopers also came forward with their claws giving off electrical currents and more as they dashed forward to try and deliver these odd claws into them but the Jedi jumped back enough for two Terror Troopers to grab Leon and his lightsabers from nearby as they began to drag him away.

"How did they know he was here?" Asked Sky as he blocked another shot before deflecting on that dropped a trooper.

"I don't know but it's likely half the base is gone because of them, though." Said Retz as he cut one trooper down only to have to block another's attack.

Still, Terror Troopers kept pushing them back with blasts of laser bolts as then they soon went disappearing down the hallway as the two Jedi quickly head after them.

Leon watched as he was dragged by Rebel soldiers and security with either smoking chests or broken necks as the Terror Troopers were quick to join up with two more squads of them as they ran to some nearby Imperial dropships and as Leon was dragged onboard, the Terror Troopers all soon quickly boarded the craft that began to lift away as defenders previously pushed back surged forward trying to bring down the craft but by the time Sky and Retz appeared, the ships already were sailing away into the sky.

"Well shoot.... looks like we're gonna have one heck of a fight in the end..."

Lily fired another arrow at the Snowtroopers as they tried to peek out and as the fire arrow exploded near them, they weren't sent hurling back with ice chunks as the Rebels had been effectively broken up into small groups due to the tunnels. They had run into several Snowtroopers squads but so far they Imperials hadn't done anything to stop the Rebels more concretely as the Rebels had been able to breeze through easily enough most squad patrols they stumbled into.

But as Lily looked around and hen glanced at her small map from her holopad, she then said to the big Rebel with the Z-6, "Hey did we take a wrong turn?"

"I don't know, kid.... we likely have but we'll have to simply see where this leads... hopefully an exit." Said the Rebel as he poked out and unleashed his Z-6 rotary blaster cannon as more Rebels tossed blaster bolts at the enemy.

The Snowtroopers retreated as then the Rebels quickly capitalized and as they did so, they turned a corner as two Rebels immediately dropped as the Snowtroopers fired at them coming around the corner and as Lilly ducked back, she then loaded another Fire Dust as she then fired above the troopers.

The Snowtroopers looked up as the wall of icicles above caved in and skewered them and as the Rebels quickly began to quickly rush by to get up ahead, they're feet echoed and bounced off the icy walls now shattered by blaster bolts and a few thermal detonators.

The group ran down a few more lengths before bumping into another Imperial patrol and as they all fired at one another and took cover, Lily then used her telekinesis to take some loose icicles and hurl them at the troopers as she threw her Dust Kunai as well.

The Kunai didn't do much, only stick themselves in the walls of ice around them but the icicles did better as two troopers went down hard as they took the shards of ice into their guts but as he rest continued to try and stop the Rebels, Lily then took out a Thermal Imploder and as she primed it and chucked it, the Imperials ran only to be suddenly exploded out, then sucked in, then exploded outwards again for a finishing blow that sent the enemy troopers flailing all around and then not moving.

The Rebels moved onward still, breath being visible in the still, cold air as Lily grabbed her Kunai from the walls and as they ran along, suddenly Lily felt the draft of air blowing down the tunnel.

Which meant an exit.

She plunged ahead of the others and as they came to an entrance leading steeply up, they then realized the ice was now becoming metal with heat generators as their boots clanged up the stairs to the airlock before them. One of the Rebels began to quickly hack the things terminal and within a few minutes, the airlock opened and they all ran out into what looked like an abandoned Snowtrooper outpost but they all heard the sound of a pitched battle elsewhere.

"Let's get moving else where... we'll have to forget about them for now till we get our mission done." Said Lilly.

"I agree... we must use their sacrifices to our own advantage.." Said the Z-6 Heavy Rebel as the group immediately headed into the city of Atlas.

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