Chapter 40

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Stalker slowly walked with his Mandalorian armor on into the cantina bar as Qrow sat nearby as he was drinking and about currently 5 drinks in. Stalker sat down next to him but as he did so, he didn't immediately tell Qrow to stop drinking for once as he took his helmet off and as he sat there, he asked Qrow, "So I heard something went down in Vale."

"Terror Troopers took the Sith... likely the Imperials are getting desperate and trying to grab what they can before the final battle that will eradicate them from the planet." Said Qrow as he sipped some whiskey.

"Hmm... the Sith.... looks like our force sensitive friends will have a final fight in Atlas then." Said Stalker as he sighed and looked then to Qrow.

"There's another reason you called me here, isn't there?" Asked Stalker.

Qrow looked at Stalker as he then said, "I know you've managed to somehow capture my nieces heart..."

Stalker got really quiet at that and simply looked down as he then ordered a drink himself to sip on before he then asked Qrow, "So what are you gonna do about it? Cause I know I only have two options for my end."

"I don't know yet, really." Said Qrow as he sipped his drink. "Part of me wants to tell you to reject her but I have a feeling that won't end as well as I hope it will."

"I think the last time I watched I guy reject a guy I heard that same girl committed suicide..." Said Stalker. "So I'm quite against it."

"Which brings me to my next point: part of me wants you to take her under your wings in the relationship and show her the things in the galaxy that I will not be able to." Said Qrow.

"You want me to take a ship with her and simply leave Remnant? Her homeworld?" Asked Stalker.

"Not for long. But I don't expect to be alive in this final confrontation I'm afraid... my bad luck is still affecting a lot." Said Qrow.

"Hmm.... I'll see what I can do then." Said Stalker as he then said to Qrow, "But I wont let you die."

"Why not?" Asked Qrow gruffly.

"Because I'm not letting the one guy who was like a father to me at Beacon just die now..." Said Stalker.

"You're naive." Said Qrow with a smile as then Stalker drank his stuff quickly and then paid before leaving.

Ruby sighed and groaned as she sat up in her bed and while she glanced around, she then lay back against the pillow and snuggled it close.

"Just five more minutes." She murmured into it.

"You know I would agree we but we got work to do."

Ruby opened an eye and looked across the way to Weiss as she then sighed and said, "Is everyone else already on the move?"

"Yeah. Everyone's gathering at the top of Vale's continent for the final push to Atlas." Said Weiss as she was finishing her hair up as she tied it in a ponytail that draped down her chest.

"Well then I guess I have to get up..... but 5 more minutes." Said Ruby when Weiss Said, "Stalker will be there."

Ruby glanced at Weiss, gave it five seconds to think about, then sighed as he said to her, "And what's that suppose to do?"

"I figure since your last date with Stalker he meant something to you." Said Weiss as she was finishing her Rebel kit up.

Ruby could only sigh as she then said, "It was just a date. It felt more like a date you go out with a friend of yours then anything... else."

"Then why did I hear you talking in your sleep for Stalker to kiss you more, hmmm??" Asked Weiss with a mischievous grin.

Ruby gave a huge blush as flash images of that fantasy dream flew right into her head and she immediately said, "Fine! I'm up! But don't you dare speak of this!"

Weiss could only giggle as Ruby tossed her covers aside and got her kit on quickly before fixing her bed and then grabbing a nearby Zwei before they both headed out quickly towards where everyone was headed. The LAAT/i Gunships and various other Rebel Transports were all super busy getting wave after wave of Remnant Rebels into the air from the Minstral spaceport and towards Vales topmost province that was across from Atlas. The bases being set up there would house the Rebels until they could finally assault the city of Atlas and thus would house vehicles, the troops, supplies, and various aircraft to be used in the last push against the Imperials.

While Ruby looked around, suddenly she heard someone call out, "Hey sis!!"

She turned to see Blake and Atomic walking along as he was in his newly redecorated and colored Imperial armor as he had his helmet in one hand and a A280 Rebel blaster on his shoulder.

"Hey sis!" Shouted Ruby as she waved her sister over while Blake seems to materialize from behind the two.

As the group all met up, Atomic then said to them, "We should grab a ride while we still can. The others already should be at the base."

"Did they already leave?" Asked Weiss as they all walked to the spaceports busy landing strips.

"Alexandria and the others with her said they wanted to get ahead and set up a barracks for the Hunters and Huntresses we have." Said Atomic. "That way we can be deployed in our teams as usual."

"Huh.... so when do they say the attack will begin?" Asked Ruby as Zwei barked and wagged its tail with its tongue rolling out from its agape mouth.

"It's going to be a three-prong attack from orbit, our attack force, and the Rebels still hopefully within. All in all, it should be a quick and easy victory." Said Atomic as his eyes then got dark before he said, "But then again the Empire always has tricks up their sleeves."

Lilly walked with another Rebel Infiltrator as they were near one of the entrances to the Imperial base side of Atlas. Once Atlas had been floating in the air as well as be on the ground but now it was all grounded by the Imperials to allow them an easier time through the city. That being said this also meant it was easier for the Rebels to spy on what was going on as well as make sure the attack went swimmingly.

While Lily passed one pair of guards, she then heard something the man said.

"... yeah and they say a Imperial group of ships, an Destroyer, a Cruiser, and some escorts are coming to help stall and the destroy be Rebellion."

Lily tucked that deep into her head as she knew of an Imperial fleet came in before the Rebels had a chance to dig in or launch their attack it would be a slaughter. Which meant she had to get that info back to the others not a moment too late but she also had to get this scouting mission done.

She watched as the Imperial patrols of Snowtroopers and AT-ST's, she was starting to recognize their patrols now more and more. The first patrols always go down into the older parts of the city, where the Rebels had taken some shelter in, as they combed the streets of the city for anything and everything. By mid day, they begin to patrol the area between the two cities, old and new, where hey met and seem to be more lax about it but still watchful for trouble. And by the end of the day they pull back to their sector and patrol around it the most, even if they patrol around it still during the other parts of the day, but they do seem to focus everything they have at the end on their own part.

This meant that technically a raid in the later part of the day would equal in facing the full blow of the defending forces but a strike in the morning hours would easily catch many of them out of position if they were recalled back to their base.

She also noted that some of the Troopers, like the two mentioned previously, didn't seem to care much about their job. They would be easy pickings to eliminate and disguise as if properly done. Still, they had to make sure they could sneak or blend in with other Troopers to get in to deploy various satchel, thermal, and sonic charges onto various structures and areas that would confuse, panic, and delay the enemy movement against the other Rebels as well as getting rid of potential threats like fighter bays or walker bays.

But just as they came to the end of the street that would lead to various places in Atlas, none of which were particularly needed to go to given there were other squads also doing recon, Lily simply looked at her companion and nodded before they left to go back to their warehouse base.

The way back to the base was long and arduous as they avoided Imperial patrols and checkpoints anyway they could, climbed rooftops and ducked into alleyways at signs of trouble that could expose them quite easily, and eventually found themselves in the lower bit of the city as they passed various burn barrels of Fire Dust, refuse, and some plasma generators as those unable to afford living middle class lived here in what was somewhat called the slums.

They passed some various gangs sizing each other up on the streets under the watchful gaze of the Imperial walkers still skulking around with anxious and cautious patrols, they went by various slum like condition including a million bars and prostitution joints, and then finally they were in the warehouse district as they joined up with some of the other Rebels that had managed to survive with them in getting here.

Lily walked to the entrance as they all looked around one last time in case they had to scatter and regroup elsewhere and when the close was clear, she nodded and then opened the door as they all walked in.

They passed many crates filled previously with equipment and spare parts but now found as home for weapons, energy packs, explosives, and various other things. They all nodded to the other Rebels around them but as Lily came towards the Rebel Commanders door, she found it open and so she slowly walked in.

"..... What do you want?"

The figure currently had the Rebel leader tied up in their chair and was holding a blaster pistol at their head. The figure had a DLT-20A rifle on their back and had their whole body covered in armor she knew too well: Mandalorian armor but the helmet had a skull portion coming from the nose and going along the jawline.

The Mandalorian looked at Lily as they sat down before they then said, "Well... as one might imagine I don't want much... just some information."

"What sort of information." Asked Lily as she closed the door, eyes wary on the figures blaster on the Rebel Commanders head.

"I have a... bounty I'm looking for in Remnant. Their description is basic but they have one thing that stands out from most: Mandalorian armor. Seen some Mandalorians by chance?"

Lily looked at the figure with narrow eyes. Only Stalker and Ray used such armor but she didn't want to eat either of them out. But while she looked at the commander and bit her lip, she knew she didn't have the options and luxuries of such a thing at the moment.

And so she sighed and found a chair as she then said to the figure, "So....... I might have info for you..... but like everything it comes at a price."

"A price I'm not sure you can afford."

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