Chapter 41

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The dark clouds above the ocean told of a storm that was rolling in from somewhere to the west. But even with a storm rolling in, the flotilla of ships screaming through the sky towards Atlas was unmissable as there was everything from basic speeders retrofitted for combat to LAAT/i's and U-wings flying along fully loaded with Infantry while others were strapped and laden down with single or multiple pods built to withstand the impact of a large fall as hey also were filled with many Rebel soldiers.. The Rebels Of Remnant were coming in for one last battle, the battle to finally rid Remnant of the Imperials and to finally become their own independent system. Also joining them, somewhere a few hundred miles away on their flanks, was also the remains of the Atlesian

But while Ozpin, in his own ship, watched as the many ships of various types and forms of combat ability flew low over the water of Remnant, the spray hitting the side of his U-wing, he then slowly looked up towards the skies as he knew currently that if they didn't either get to Atlas soon or the promised fleet from the Rebellion didn't show up that many things were going to go very, very badly for the Rebels. And then, given how most of the Rebels stuff was right now in these transports as they headed from the tip of the Vale continent to the Atlas continent, over several hundred miles of water, this would be the part that made Ozpin the most worried as these ships had limited escape ways in the emergency of being shot down into water and that wasn't including the fear of an enemy squadron coming down right upon them and taking out the entire Rebel force.

Of course, by now not only should the Rebel fleet be here and preparing to engage the Imperial fleet that likely was nearby but he hoped that Lily and her Rebels could sabotage the enemy hangars quickly enough before they got there as the Rebels would not be stopping to refuel but risk refueling as they went along. Such a procedure was deadly, as live fuel particles into the reactor could cause a explosive reaction or destroy the engine with so much power. But it was a risk they would have to take as else they would not make it the way to Atlas if they didn't.

And thus he simply kept his head focused on the horizon with Glynda near the cockpit ad he kept an eye on the comm channels for trouble.

Lily watched as the Imperial guards got close to her position as they were searching for her and the other Rebel that had gotten their attention but when they walked just close enough to Lily, she quickly grabbed one as the other Rebels around also in hiding took down the Imperial squad with knives and vibroblades. She struggled with the trooper she held as they were trying to break free but then some Rebels ran over and quickly helped take her trooper down in a series of blows and stabs. She sighed in relief and then quickly began to strip the trooper down as there was only 5 of them and thus only 5 Rebels would be getting into the Imperial base to plant the set charges and thus they only got 5 chances in total to succeed with this plan. It was a very risky plan too as no one knew what the Imperials schedule of outside patrols or even patrolling within their walls was like and thus the 5 people were going to be risking everything to get this plan to bear fruit for the Rebellion, which would be arriving later this day, currently it was nearly 3 o'clock in the morning and he Rebellion should've taken off last night.

They had little time to get this plan going and make sure it worked and thus as Lily stripped off her gear and began to scrunch into the bodyglove suit of the Imperial Stormtroopers, the armor and gear was soon put on her as she didn't like the helmet with how it constructed her head and was claustrophobic as well but she grabbed the E-11 blaster and simply sucked it up because if she didn't do this and succeed, the Rebellions only attempt would be in vain and the Imperials were going to slaughter them utterly and completely. And so, with a Rebel slinging onto her back just beneath her Fire Dust crystal heater a det pack that could level a building, she got in line with the other "troopers" and they began to match their way towards the Imperial base while trying to look the part for an Imperial Stormtrooper.

But gosh darn it, this body glove was a bit tight, it felt like the whole thing was trying to construct her and then kill her like one of those snake Grimm. And now that she began to think about it, how will the Grimm act? Even with the Imperials and Rebels both employing Hunters to eliminate them, the Grimm were still active and looking to cause mayhem where the could although they were not as bold as they use to be.

But if this battle goes down and suddenly one of the walls also goes down then the Grimm certainly would begin to pour in like an unending tide of death and mayhem.

But those thoughts soon disappeared as they approached the gates of the Imperial side of Atlas and as they tried to look Imperial enough with order and profession while staying calm, they soon were approached by the officer at the front as he said, "Identification, please."

They pulled out the cards that were on the Troopers as they presented them and as the cards were swiped, they soon were waved in. The game was on.

The space above Remnant was currently being filled in with a small Imperial fleet of 1 Imperial 1-class Star Destroyer, 1 Victory 1-class Cruiser, 2 Nebulon-B medical frigates, 2 Raider-Class Corvettes, and a single Immobilizer-Class cruiser that all soon formed up around the slowly being rebuilt remains of the Imperial dockyards above Remnant.

"Have all ships report in. Tell the Imperial Governors Of he planet to give us status updates of what has happened since the last fleet was crippled so severely." Said the lead Admiral of the fleet as he spoke over the fleets holo-network.

Officers and various ensigns were at work on their consoles, making sure that energy was going where it needed to, systems were brought online, and the appropriate crews were notified of their need to get going in their work. Fighter crews were quickly prepped and briefed and various shuttles to soon shuttle thousands of Stormtroopers were prepared all across the fleet for their rapid deployment with their objective of being to retake Remnant quickly and destroy the Rebellion on it.

As reports and various intelligence gatherers began to report many, many things, nothing good for the Imperial Admiral as his mouth soured at the prospect of having to retake so many cities that no doubt fully supported the Rebbelions cause when he then got an interesting report.

"Sir, scanners are showing several large groups of ships flying over Remnants main body of water from Vale to Atlas, none of them Imperial." Said the officer as he looked up to the Admiral.

"Scramble all fighter crews, have them prepared to intercept-" began the Admiral when klaxxons rang out ear-splitting wails as someone shouted, "Rebellion warships just jumped in behind us!"

The Admiral cursed. He should've known the enemy would send in what reinforcements they could to try and take Remnant and thus he immediately ordered, "All ships! Prepare defensive positions and have he fighters redirected to screen our fleet! Get those damn shuttles away and down to the surface, stat!"

The Imperial ships turned to face he Rebellion ships of 1 Mon Cal Cruiser, 2 MK2 Assault Frigates, 3 Nebulon-B Frigates, and 4 Corellian Corvette Blockade Runners as fighters on both sides were quickly deployed out.

"This is Admiral Stanton to all Rebel ships! We must break the enemy fleet and send all of our men down to the surface as quick as possible! Someone begin jamming their communications so they can't get help from anywhere or warn the surface!"

Rebel soldiers and officers scrambled to get stuff going as X-wings, Y-wings, A-wings, and a few B-wings were launched out while within the hangar bays the Rebel U-wings, LAAT/i's, and some of the larger Rebel dropships were being loaded up with every bit of soldier the fleet could muster as well as some hover tanks, artillery, and larger tracked tanks with even some old Clone War walkers like AT-RT's.

Both fleet had some minimal fire traded as both sides simply tried to goad the other into making a mistake first but no such luck for either Admirals as the Rebellion ships did outnumber the Imperials but the Imperials had some half-decent ships to use and the Rebellion only had what they could find. Still, the Imperial landers like Lambda Shuttle's and some bulk freighters came from the larger ships and headed down to the surface and while Stanton saw this, he then said to his fleet, "Push the enemy! Destroy those landers and have our own be deployed!"

The ships surged forward as shields were focused to the front section and as turbolasers and laser cannons began to trade shots to miss or glance off shields, the fighters on both sides sprung into action as the Tie series began to come en made compared to the organized, smaller units of the Rebellion. A fur ball between the out most fighters soon turned this battle into a full scale engagement as Imperial ships tried to hold their ground as he Rebel ships spearheaded towards them. The corvette-classes on both sides were doing overtime as fighters and bombers began to zig-zag amongst the fleets while the larger cruiser and destroyer-class vessels began to engage one another in an outright brawl with the Frigates simply being there to support whomever they could.

During this time, many of the Imperial landers in the dozens began to get picked off by Tie-dogged Rebel fighters although many still made it and when the Rebel ships began to get close to the planet, practically broadsiding the Imperial ships as the Assault Frigates focused down the Victory and Immobilizer while the Imperial-Class And Mon Cal Cruiser slugged it out like Heavy-weight champs in a ring of space.

Stanton looked at the planet and as he did, he then said to the bridge as he ship shook and shuddered from impacts, "Send every single ship down to the surface now! But then whatever time we can!"

U-Wings, LAAT/i's, Rebel transports, and other various ships flew out of the Rebel fleet as they went full burn to the planet while hoping that they didn't get picked off by any ships. This proved difficult as Rebel fights did their best to keep the Ties off the transports but as one could imagine the Ties still managed to get rid of some as explosions lit up space in glittering arcs. Stanton could only watch as his ships shields and armor took a pounding as a flood of reports was streaming in but he had to prioritize the worst ones as he soon had fire crews sent out and engineer crews trying to keep his ship combat-capable for as long as it could muster.

He could only hope that it wasn't too late for the Rebellion fighters down below as he knew that now it was a race to see who can secure he last city of Remnant and win the war here for good.

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