Chapter 42

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Lily and the other "Imperial" Rebels were continuing to march through the Imperial base compound of Atlas when suddenly klaxons and more blades into screaming life which soon manifested in droves of Imperial Stormtroopers and Army troopers all rushing from several nearby buildings as the whole place lit up. This wasn't good and Lily looked back, she quickly said to those behind her, "We have to head for the hangars now!"

"This way!" Said one of the Rebels and they all quickly ran off to head towards the hangar that likely will soon be swarming with Tie-series craft.

They passed whole battalions and platoons being assembled or being sent out by Imperial officers with defensive turrets being brought up in the form of Anti-Air batteries and turbolasers that spun their guns around to face the oncoming threats going for the city of Atlas. But while they passed, it didn't take long for Lily and her team to see the battle between the Imperial fleet in orbit and Admiral Stanton's Rebel fleet as with such news brought upon to reality's to the Rebels. Not only did this explain why the plan had to move on more quickly possibly but also meant that Rebel support from the actual Rebel Alliance was close at hand. With such news and knowledge, they quickly ran towards some of the nearby hangars as the doors were starting to come down. The group split up immediately and headed with their detpacks to begin planting and likely soon detonating the detpack, all in the hopes of stalling or stopping any Imperial strike craft from leaving Atlas. Lily ran with one of the other infiltrators as they ducked through an open door of one hangar as some Imperial pilots were running in as well and as Lily looked around, 2 detpacks were going to be needed to be placed strategically. It was a large building, with ladders going to Tie Fighters hanging from the wall and ceilings as all throughout the middle was several Imperial transports and some of their more agile Tie Reapers, a more aerocraft Fighter than space Fighter.

But as they peered around, they knew there had to be somewhere they could put this to great affect and it soon came into the form of several fuel pipes Lily saw nearby. She quickly grabbed her fellow infiltrator and dragged her towards where he main fuel point was. They had to be quick as many fighters were beginning to spool up their engines and the moment they got out, anyone from the Rebel fleet coming down was going to have a hot welcoming committee. And so Lily plunged herself and the infiltrator deep into the building when suddenly they felt explosions rock the ground and Lily asked over their comm net, "Guys you good?"

When static answered her, she feared he worst and figured that they either been captured and simply set off the dets right there and then or had found good places to set them off to cause a lot of problems and were escaping quickly. And so she and the other infiltrator kept running as they passed through corridors that were surprisingly deserted and devoid of much but once they reached the end, they soon found what they were looking for. Giant spheres, the size of a small house, were scattered around in a sort of warehouse as several pipes for refueling were connected to them. And currently walking around were Stormtroopers but as Lily and her compatriot Infiltrator managed to share a glance, Lily went to the nearest one and began to try and sneakily set up her set pack. Her fellow infiltrator did as well and as Lily got her pack done in what she believed to be record time, she went back to the entrance as she watched her infiltrator friend put her detpack underneath a console in a fluid and unnoticed move past some Stormtroopers on patrol. The infiltrator then returned after a minute of acting "natural" and when they met up, they dashed down the way they came as Lily prepared her detonator. They both knew the magnitude of the explosion they were about to bring about would be absolutely massive amongst the fuel reserves which meant they needed to be as far away as they possibly could be before detonating it all in one giant fireball. Lily turned a corner as they appeared in the hangar again and as she watched some ties being released from their docking, she bolted out of the structure and the moment she was out of the door, she risked it all and hit the detonator button.

And then the world went black as all she felt was heat.

The snow swept landscape of Atlas hurled below the Rebel craft as Ozpin was currently watching Atlas, the last Imperial held city, break the skyline before them with its massive walls and many turbolaser turrets that were pointed all around it. The Rebel transport and fighter groups that had joined the battle from the other three cities had all now joined up together in one large group of aircraft which normally would be a huge problem but given how Ozpin could currently look at his datapad and outside through the open hatch to the skies to see the fighting slowly coming down from above as he watched Rebel and Imperial transports with both sides fighters and bombers come streaking down from the heavens. In any other case it would've been a interesting sight to see but Izpin knew with such reinforcements coming down that the battle was going to be even fiercer. But then he heard his holopad give off a audible ding and he pulled it out before he watched a Rebel officer appear. "Commander Ozpin, all forces are currently enroute towards the city!"

"Good. Prepare for a rough landing. We'll have to fight our way through the city bit by bit." Said Ozpin as he then got onto the Remnant Rebels comm lines and said, "Alright people, this is it! The moment we touch down, we all are going to push to the Imperial garrison and destroy it quickly before they can mount a defense! Do not stop pushing!"

And then just before they reached the city walls, a wave of flak and turbolaser batteries open fired on them as several transports were knocked out of the sky to slam hard into the frozen ground below. Ozpin's own ship got buffeted by the blasts of explosions and energy and he said to the pilot near him, "Close the blast doors and get us in there fast!"

The pilot nodded and the moment he blast doors were closed, Ozpin took his cane out and made sure he was ready to fight again.

Ruby, Weiss, Alexandria, Yang, Blake, Atomic, Mara, and several Rebel troopers were feeling their LAAT/I shake and shudder under the intense blanket of AA coming for the huge screen of transports headed for Atlas while they hope that Theodosius, his group of Bounty Hunters, Sapphire, and their group of Rebels were all okay since the Rebels and Hunter teams had to split up in order to make sure he whole group wasn't taken out plus to make sure they could go in many different locations to help the fighting. Ruby felt the ship pitch up and then the pilot said to them, "Alright, we're above the walls! Prepare to land in 30 seconds!"

Ruby nodded and as everyone loaded up their weapons and checked them one last time while Atomic said, "Alright boys and girls, this is your teacher. Touch everything, shoot everything, and above all-"

And then they suddenly landed as the doors opened up on all sides as Atomic clicked the safety off on his blaster in front of them.

"Have fun!"

And then he was off with a dash or the door as everyone else ran out into a firestorm of energy bolts and blaster fire from several Imperial positions around them. They were not alone, however, and as more Rebel transports landed or crash-landed, Rebels began to pour into the attack as some nearby fighters eased the flak fire up by destroying some of the AA turrets and turbolaser batteries. Ruby pulled her rifle up and fired as the bolt took out a trooper on a heavy blaster cannon set up down a long street as Weiss took her Naboo pistol and fired it at some of the troopers on the rooftops. More Rebels began to pour into the beach heads as though some dropships tried to circle around and provide fire support, most soon came crashing down under concentrated fire from the defenders emplacements. Yang blasted down a door with her gauntlets as she fired a few scatter blaster shots through the doorway before she backed out and let Atomic pop in to fire some more shots before having a Rebel trooper throw in a thermal detonator. The street fighting was intense as the Rebels pushed their way street by street, building by building, towards the Imperial district of Atlas.

Ruby put another tibana gas cartridge into her rifle as she leaned out and sniped two Stormtroopers that were poking their heads out when she then saw an AT-ST slowly and cumbersomely walk into the street as its mortar and blaster cannons fired on Rebels positions all over, sending armored bodies flying.

"Take out that chicken walker!" Shouted Ruby and then watched as Sapphire grabbed a fallen Rebel troopers Rocket launcher, checked to make sure it was loaded, then pop out as she sent a plasma rocket straight into the AT-ST's main head as it exploded, leaving its legs and the connector to the body standing in the middle of the street. This prompted a surge of Rebel fighters to charge up the street as they fired various blasters before them, suppressing and pinning down Stormtroopers and Army troopers down at there spots in cover as thermal detonators were tossed out like candy on a parade. The slow grind forward was tough, rough, and above all else costly as each street individually was fought over with the buildings around it causing some buildings to simply be leveled on both sides to deny access to them and wipe out sometimes whole platoons that had positioned themselves in the buildings. And thus the battle raged on.

When Lily came around, she didn't know what had happened involving the explosion but she knew something was happening now as she watched fighters and ships whiz above her head along with the explosions of anti air fire. She slowly managed to get to her feet as she glanced around her and while she did, she watched as several troopers ran all around her in what seemed like a mad scramble. She felt heat on her side and looked to realize not only was her armor basically scrap and half melted but the hangar where it had been was completely obliterated and there simply was a crater and melted superstructure steel as it seemed like everything within it had been scattered to bits all over as she saw parts for the TIE series all around her in various forms. But with the battle underway, she knew she had to get into the fight and thus she slowly began to crawl over to where her E-11 was as she managed to pick it up off the ground before ever so slowly rising to her feet. She looked around and did see anyone she knew or her helmet which was gone but she soon found some barrels to get behind as she looked around. Her body was on fire with pain, the explosion likely having thrown here a good 100 feet from the actual structure, and most of her equipment besides the armor and blaster seemed gone. She had to find out what was going on, if she didn't she might as well be a sitting duck waiting to get taken out.

She watched as fighters dogfight it out in the sky while transports screamed around but she then noticed something was trying to come through the atmosphere but nearby smoke from the multiple fires made it very much difficult to see what exactly it was. She got up in a crouch and as she began to move forward, she then heard a helmet squawking something and so she went over and put it on to listen in on it. The reports were all over the place but spoke the same gist: the Rebels were in the lower levels of Atlas and were starting to make it to the mid section between the Imperial Garrison high section and the low section of the slums and warehouses. There was also chatter of the Rebel fleet above Remnant currently engaging and battling the Imperial fleet that had just appeared as well above the planets orbit.

Things were getting hectic and she needed to get moving to meet up with the Rebels so she got moving with her blaster and made her way towards the exit of the base. But even as she did so, she noticed a bright light that wasn't the sun coming from above and as she looked up, she watched as an Imperial-Class Star Destroyer and the Rebel MC80 slowly descend into the atmosphere as the rest of the fleet also did the same and as the battle began to rage above the city many miles above, Lily also noticed another sensation.

Her feet suddenly shifted as the gravity beneath her wobbled and as she hit the ground, the ground began to shake and chatter as the Imperial district of Atlas began to rise up into the air via several Gravity Dust emitters all along the sides of the city's underbelly as chain tethers kept it connected to the ground whereas several tether lines big enough to bring down city blocks began to prepare to descend down the lines to the ground below. Lily managed to get her helmet radio and changed it quickly over to where the Rebel commline was as she immediately said into it, "Everyone! The Atlasien city is floating! Repeat, they've sectioned the Imperial district from the rest! What are we going to do?"

No reply came back as the channel was choked with similar talking and reports and while she looked around, she began to make her way towards one of the nearest gates to get down to the ground.

The series of transport ships were not what one would expect in the fly zone of a progressing battle, as most were freighters of various types with blocky bodies and various engines strapped to them haphazardly. Of course they were pretty scattered across the sky as various fighter craft and interceptors flew all around them amongst the big ships pounding each other in low orbit while the turbolaser batteries and laser cannon AA guns of the city fired all around them at the other transports already buzzing around. These transports had been held in reserve till the city had begun fighting and even though the Rebels were still bottled up in the lower levels, the transports would be soon bringing in vital forms of reinforcement to the fight.

But that would've been the case had Stalker not already planned out the path they would take. He had expected the Imperials to make use of the city's ability to float to limit Rebel movement further through the city and had made plans to make sure a elite force landed in the floating bit once it began. The force main objective was to deactivate not only any shield generators protecting that portion of the city but also deactivate the Gravity Dust to allow the Rebels further access into the garrison. He looked to those around his from his limited viewing of the pod he was in and as the lights above them went red along with the jostling from Flak fire, he knew they were about to drop. The idea he had wasn't new, just being used in a new way and one he hoped would be effective enough to turn the tide of the battle in the Rebels favor.

He listened to the comms and watched from his holopad as Rebel transports and Imperial transports crisscross the sky to deploy troops and vehicles even when many were shot from the sky in one way or another. And then, just as he put the holopad away, he felt his stomach drop as the Rapid Deployment Pod he and the Rebels had cooked up dropped down onto the city even as Flak fire shot several pods and even the transports from the skies around.

Ruby was down on the ground, watching Rebel hovercraft and Tanks slowly make their way through the streets from their transports that had made it to the ground, as she watched near her the flashing of lightsabers and the tracing of blaster fire as Sky and Retz were clearing out a apartment complex with roughly a platoon of Rebel Troopers. With the two Jedi in the fight going deeper into Atlas, the Imperial resistance was slowly crumbling to force powers and twirling lightsabers. She also noticed the flying fortress of the Atliesian/Imperial sector of the city and the several battles in the sky between the Rebel and Imperial fleets above before she then saw Stalkers reckless deployment going down into the floating section of the city as she watched explosions and streaking pods consume the skies above it all.

She then watched as Alexandria appear with her launcher as she fired it into a nearby buildings window and as she reloaded it, she looked to Ruby as she then said, "He'll be fine... its just our turn to get up to them."

Ruby nodded. The Rebels were making far too good of progress into the city as it was and she was starting to wonder what was going on since Imperial garrisons had thousands of troops inside of their walls to be able to deploy, even having vehicles Rebels could only dream of owning like AT-AT's.

But then a blaster bolt singed her hair and she ducked with Alexandria as a fresh wave of imperial defenders came down to try and stop them from advancing another street and as Ruby and Alexandria both rolled into some nearby cover as Atomic and Yang, with Blake and Weiss with some nearby Rebel troop support right behind them, joined them, they dug themselves in for another determined assault by the Imperial defenders. Moments later Mara also appeared with more troopers as the firefight began to rage further out of control.

Sapphire threw her pyrokinesis flames through the slits of an Imperial barricade that had been set up in a shop as Theodosius covered her with Ray, Verde, and Rider all holding group around her. Their Rebel trooper support had split off from them to go and secure a main street for Rebel tanks and stolen walkers and thus had soon been heavily engaged by stiff Imperial defenders that had come down to try and force them back from their areas, in short cutting the lone Huntress and Bounty Hunters from getting back to their friendly allies merely a few blocks away.

That being said, the Huntress and Bounty Hunters were managing to hold their own without support as they had advanced a few blocks ahead of their Rebel friends in order to hopefully come around the Imperial rear and attack them there but now it seemed like the Imperials were going to focus more resources to stall even them.

Sapphire ducked as an Imperial beam sniper nearly took her head off and Ray popped up and fired a few shots up at a building before he said to Rider, "Get on your radio and see if you can grab us some help!"

Rider grabbed his holopad and immediately tried to get someone on it when a disruptor rifle from another Imperial sharpshooter and as they ducked into the building they had just cleared, the acrid smoke and burnt flesh assaulting their sense, Theodosius said into his helmets radio in a growl, "This is the Bear. We need support on 53rd street. Does anyone have anything to help us out?"

A few thermal detonators exploded against the building as Rider and Verde ran up to the top of the building and began to fire blasters out of the top windows while Ray and Sapphire used their varied blaster pistols to fire at anyone on street level below with Theodosius coming up with his Z-6 Gatling heavy blaster to help clear out tougher enemy groups. This went on for roughly ten whole minutes, an eon for most firefights as the groups few plasma and tibana cartridges were dwindling from the limited supplies the Rebels had come down with and even with designated landing and resupply zones, there needed to be uncontested roads and streets to get combat rations and combat resupplies out. Whereas in turn, the Imperials could just simply pull units back to resupply and send fresh units to fight on the front.

But then, just as Theodosius was starting to get nervous after an additional 5 minutes, it seemed like help had finally come as suddenly a flurry of debris came slamming into the Imperial positions around the strongpoint the hunters had made and as Sapphire poked her head out, she smiled as a whole company of Rebel troopers with heavy weapons and a pair of T-2B light hovertanks while Glynda and Ozpin slowly advanced up with some Rebel commandos on their heels. All of these reinforcements were fresh from the Rebel transports that had managed to make it down and though Imperial reinforcements had also managed most likely, the rebels were using these troops and vehicles to immediately break deadlocks and push the Imperials had towards where the chain tethers and edge of the crevice the Imperial sector had once been in.

Glynda looked at a slightly grimy squad of hunters as she sighed and said to them with her horse whip and her Naboo pistol out, "Good job for getting split up and almost overrun... lets not try and repeat that next time, children."

They could only nod as they headed with the company while Ozpin wondered how Stalker and Ironwood was fairing.

The moment the Rapid Deployment Pods hit the ground of the Atlas city currently floating into the air, Stalker popped out with a Rebel A280 blaster rifle firing all around him while he ran towards cover alongside the remaining loyal Atlas troopers and robots and of course General Ironwood himself ran with him to find whatever cover was available around them. It took only a few moments before Stalker dropped the Rebel rifle to turn his scythe into his AT Heavy Blaster rifle and take cover and though they could've dropped in better places, they didn't drop in the worst one. Still, all around them as they realized the threat these new drop pods were bringing into the fortified section of the city, Imperial units were peeling away from resupply and rearming areas to charge the Rebel positions in the middle of what was basically a vehicle tarmac that had been flattened from multiple Y-wing bombs and or crash lands that left many walkers and Imperial tanks burning and destroyed. The Atlas troopers and robots were quick to use what they had around them as cover as Stalker and Ironwood both stood back to back and fought off Imperial attacks from behind the Occupation tank they had found while Ironwood said, "I think the building we need to get to is roughly a few hundred yards to our fore!"

"So right into enemy teeth, eh?" muttered Stalker as one of his blaster bolts plowed through a trio of stormtroopers. "Well then, it keeps things simple!"

Suddenly a stormtrooper plopped next to them in slightly ruined armor and before either could shoot the trooper, Lily popped her helmet off as she looked at the two of them and said, "Are you guys nuts or something?"

"One could say that. We're going to try and deactivate anything the Imperials have." said Stalker.

"Well you picked a ripe time to do it..." muttered Lilly as she shot any trooper she could see and as the Rebels dug themselves in even more, they knew they had to get moving as the casualties were starting to mount. "I'm assuming someone here still has a plan."

"We force our way into the nearby control center, hack the dataports, stop or destroy the turbines and generators around, hold out for reinforcements which hopefully will come soon." said Stalker.

"Then lets move!" Lily popped up from cover as she full-auto fired her blaster as she ran and while Stalker and Ironwood both followed her, the Atlas troopers and robots ran with them in a tide of white the Stormtroopers and army troopers tried to meet.

The defenders, though failed to keep the assailants contained and as the roughly couple hundred Atlas forces managed to rush down the tarmac to a nearby control center which jutted from the concrete as a spire with several antennae and view ports to see what was going on, the Imperial forces tried to diverge forces to stop them. Sabertanks, AT-St's, Occupier tanks, and some AT-DP's tried to meet them with Army and Stormtroopers rushing out to meet them but the Rebel Atlas troopers were determined to get through and soon they broke through whatever came for them as though many soon littered the tarmac, the Atlas troopers soon made it to the control tower as Ironwood and Stalker both used their blaster rifle and revolver to blast open the doors by hitting the center of the door and the control panel as a flood of troopers and robots flew in and began to clear out the building while some others headed to the lower levels where the generators would be.

Stalker got to the top as it was being finally cleared out and as he strode to one console, he began to hack it for the Gravity Dust emitters on the huge floating superstructure.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" asked Ironwood.

"What was down in the lower parts of the city anyway?" asked Stalker rhetorically. "Factories and like various tunnels meant for maintenance on those turbines? It'll be fine as long as we can hold onto something.."

Ironwood shook his head but then heard Stalker swear something extra colorful in Mando'a as he slammed the console and said, "I got really bad news... they locked the controls for those generators."

"How?" asked Ironwood as the Imperials began an assault on the area around the control center as his troops began their best defense of the place.

"Somehow!" Stalker tried a few more times as the tower shook from explosions bore he slammed the console with armored fists. "They locked the controls somewhere else it looks like and I cant hack it from here."

"Then we failed?" asked Ironwood.

"There is one way..." said Stalker as he pulled out a holopad and began to dial someone up. "But they wont like it."

And thus he began to get Ozpin as he would relay a very tough order to whomever in the sky was still alive for it.

Ray watched as the Rebel company his group was all stuck with keep pushing their way closer and closer to the tethers keeping the Imperial sector tied to the rest of the city instead of floating away. They bludgeoned their way through the Imperial defenses that tried to stop them, blasting down barricades, buildings, and any other structure before them as the powers of Sapphire and Glynda helped them tremendously and from what reports around them said, the Rebel frontlines were doing just as good as them and were pushing the last of the Imperials back towards the edge of the crater beneath the floating Imperial sector.

But Ray was getting a feeling, one he hadn't felt a long time in his gut, as he was moving along towards the somewhat front end of the group as he knew that if he was feeling his gut then he was going to meet something bad.

And then it materialized itself when the front ranks got mowed down by blaster fire while everyone else stopped and stood there till Ray marched up and saw who stood in the street in his own beskar'garm. The man was big but Ray knew him or at least the Norse Clan symbols on the mans chestplate as he stood with his blaster rifle in one hand and a large bowie-knife virboblade in the other. Kivan had come for his bounty and Ray could only say to those around him, "Head for the tethers... I'll meet you all later."

As everyone ignored the two, soon leaving them alone in a crumbling street in a city being torn asunder both in the sky and on the ground as Kivan began to walk closer to Ray.

"Ray Akomoto... Deathwatch society..." said Kivan as he sighed. "This has been a long time coming, big boy."

"A Norse? Didn't we get rid of you about, say, like 10 years ago?" asked Ray as his hands rested on his Weskars like some sort of cowboy.

"Should've made sure we were all dead."

Ray sighed. The Death Watch at one point had done a hit on the Norse when the Norse had come after them and after a few months of skirmishing, the Death watch eventually paired up with some unlikely allies of the Imperials to kill the Norse clan off. Ray didn't like that memory of that day, especially now he was working with the Rebels to kill the Imperials, but back then it was just a bounty hunt business to him since he was only loosely associated with the Death Watch.

"So.... this is only business then?" asked Ray.

"In a way.. have a price on your head... and I figured price and revenge would be worth it." said Kivan as he stopped.

And then they stood there for a moment as the tension built in the air.

The battle was unfolding high into the air as the Imperial-class Star Destroyer was badly mauled in the fight above and its escort group was either trying to leave the planet in haste or were about splash onto the snowy plains of Atlas around the city streaking radiation and fire. The Rebel fleet was in non better shape in any stretch of the term as most of their fleet was the same way except they were currently holding positions around the city and in high altitude as they tried to support the ground battle that was still raging on but was starting to quiet down as the Rebels neared the tethers as the city was still floating in the sky.

But that was about to change as then a Corellian Corvette known simply as the "Corac Dawn" came swooping down and underneath the city where the turbolasers couldn't stop its progress towards one of the Gravity Dust Generators. The ships captain gripped his chair as he said to those around him, "Bring all laser cannons on those Gravity generators! Bring them down!"

The ship fired all of its guns at the generator as the laser bolts hit around it at first before then they began to hit the actual generator ring before it suddenly exploded as the sudden loss of just one generator had the city tilt in a very odd way. So much so it sent bodies and vehicles skidding along the ground as Stalker and Ironwood with any remaining Atlas troopers and robots held onto whatever was around them as their world tilted at an angle. Lily soon fell from her console as she then landed and held desperately onto Stalker.

"There's one! Get ready for two!" Shouted  Stalker as he gripped his console tightly.

The Corac Down moved around to attack another whne a trio of Tie Fighters streaked down and strafed it as the badly damaged ship shuddered under the impacts but it continued towards the next one when red klaxons sounded.

"Sir!" shouted an officer on the ailing ship. "We cant take anymore!!"

"Then we take this thing with us to the grave." said the captain with sadness in his voice.

The crew all nodded, knowing they were already dead men otherwise if they tried to escape, and as the engines went full burn, everyone gave one final triumphant shout at the Gravity Dust Generator. "FOR THE REPUBLIC!!!"

The floating city soon shuddered under the explosion as the ship collided and sent steel, Dust, and dirt flying through the air with some radiation as the corvette ship exploded against the generator and as the Rebels and Imperials down below looked up in shock and horror, the commanders on the Atlas structure tried to do a last ditch effort to not turn the whole thing horizontal and turned off the other generators. In doing so, the whole structure began to plummet straight to the ground and the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Admiral watched in horror as it all unfolded as he went to get the commanders of the garrison on holopad.

But then his ship shuddered as a wing of Y-wings crippled its own engines and as he held onto a nearby console, his own ship began to plummet down as the Rebel MC80 finally won the fight as well pummeling the falling ship while its crew cheered at the air supremacy that they had finally achieved.

And then with a earth shattering thump!, the Atlas Imperial Garrison hit the ground as it was shooken up so much many of its walls cracked and even fell from the force of the blow as anyone on its surface was tossed into the air like Yahtzee dice. And the moment the dust settled on the city, the rebels came charging into the last Imperial stronghold.

The Imperial Garrison was being batted around by the Rebel attackers as now with air supremacy and with the Star Destroyer now burning off in the distance after finally having landed in the snow to be half buried under the powdery snow. General Benjo Varm watched from his office as he had his remaining officers and troopers with him as he had his blaster on his desk as he awaited for the enemy to come for him finally. He had expected eventual defeat but this battle had strained what remained of his forces and soon his remaining men would succumb and likely surrender.

Suddenly the door exploded and as blaster fire went all over, he didn't even blink as he heard his men being taken down and butchered till he heard the blaster fire settle down and he slowly turned around as he looked into the steely eye of General Ironwood and General Ozpin as Rebel troopers fanned into the room as he simply turned to look at both esteemed men with a sigh.

"Its about that time, then?" asked Benjo.

"Im afraid so..." said Ozpin as he soon found a chair to sit at the desk as the general put aside his blaster and sat down as well, Ironwood standing nearby.

"Well... Let us get these terms of surrender brought up then." said Benjo as he sat up and prepared to give his men the best chance out of this as he could.

But while various firefights and the peaceful talks began, Retz and Sky both walked towards a nearby landing pad as roughly 24 familiar figures stood arrayed around a single Lambda-class shuttle as the Terror troopers immediately open fired on the pair of Jedi or rushed in with lighting claws. Sky and Retz ignited their blades and immediately worked in tandem as they began to slowly dismantle the Terror Troopers where they stood.

But they soon all get scattered to the forewind when a gigantic use of the Force sends them flying from the shuttle as soon a single figure began to walk down the ramp of the shuttle in his black robes and with his red lightsaber blazing in his hands. It was the Sith Leon, having been twisted in hate and misery and now having new black armor from the Imperials as he ahd been planned to be sent to the Empire to become a Sith apprentice for perhaps Darth Vader but things had changed.

"You shall die here." said Leon with malice in his voice.

Sky and Retz watched as the Sith came walking down before coming to the ground level and as Sky looked at Leon, "You could've fought those dark emotions. You could've still been a good man."

"But now you must be dealt with." Sky and Retz ran for Leon, who leapt for them, as lightsabers blazed into life amongst them and then met in a flash of light.

The trio twirled and spun around one another with their blades and robes whipping around themselves while they used acrobatics, dexterity, strength, and will to try and outmaneuver one another in this duel of many different fates with Sky and Retz showing more movement than Leon's pure raw strength and anger that managed to toss both of them around when he swung and met their blades. And it began to affect them as Sky was slammed into the side of the shuttle while Retz did his best to try and fight against Leon on his own. He managed to stand his ground for a bit but then he got kicked away as well into some nearby containers and while Leon looked to Sky, suddenly Sky flew and drove a knee into Leon's gut as he sent Leon skidding back through the payment. Sky managed to get to Retz and help him up and as they both looked over at Leon, suddenly Leon put his hands up and fired a bolt of lightning straight at them which immediately put Sky and Retz on the defensive as they held up a force shield to keep them safe.

"You will die here!" Shouted Leon as he put more effort into the Force power.

Sky and Retz went to their knees under the power of the Force Lighting as neither of them could bring their own power to the fight when suddenly the sound of a bat hitting someones head made them look up from the ground as they watched Lily flip her bat up as she looked down onto Leons unconscious body.

"Pfft... Force powers cant seem to buy you any common sense, Leon." she said.

Ozpin watched as Benjo finished giving the orders of surrender to the intercom before him as they were immediately transported to all across the city and as Benjo looked to Ozpin, he sighed as he said, "And now, the war hopefully ends."

"Hm.." said Ozpin. "I think its only the beginning... but perhaps peace can last a bit longer."

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