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Two weeks since the fall of the Imperial garrison on Remnant.....

The spaceport was very, very busy and Stalker watched as the new freighter he was going to be using for his bounty hunting was being loaded up and prepared for transit to the many worlds out in the Galaxy. He wouldn't be alone as he looked around to some of his companions that were nearby.

Ray was hurting back from the other Bounty Hunter, named Kivan he had learned after fighting their holopad when they had left the city likely, with his armor showing its via signs of blaster scorching and new divots in his armor but beyond that he was alright enough to function and move. He and Kivan had immediately fired at one another and tried to use the surroundings to get a better angle on the other and it had gone on like that for sometime till Ray finally hit Kivan in his side and forced the other Mando to retreat. He had tried to pursue, of course, but the central chunk of Atlas slamming into the ground had nearly taken him off his feet and he lost Kivan in the chaos afterwords, likely the other guy having escaped the planet in the chaos. But now the Bounty Hunter simply made sure the droids loading his remaining gear into the freighter weren't going to ruin it by dropping it.

Just behind him was Theodosius as he looked over the freighter with his clone blasters on his body as he had been doing better since the battle as his armor didn't look anymore grimy and had a nice sheen to it. Most of the blasters he once had were now gone, now only having a Clone blaster rifle and the Gatling Heavy Blaster as his blaster pistol was with Sapphire. Rider was another addition near to Theodosius as the man had his normal clothing and armor on with his only weapon being an E-11 he had managed to hold onto after the battle in Atlas as he would be the groups sort of general "scum and villainy" even if he was a good dude.

Besides Theodosius, glancing over their new clothes on them, was Ruby as she was quite happy with her new look. It had more armor on it but still had enough of her original combat uniform to indemnify her as Ruby while her rifle scythe was now given some extra 'oomph' thanks to a built-in disruptor generator for new shots rather than regular tibana gas shots. She also got a new actual helmet, a basic one that covered her head and face with a V-shaped visor.

"Hey Stalker!" Asked Ruby as she walked over to the figure clad in Mandalorian armor. "Where do you think we'll be heading to next?"

"I'm thinking somewhere in the Mid Rim... don't know where but we'll find out eventually." Stalker said.

"We'll we be looking for work?"

"We're bounty hunters but your not yet part of the guild so we'll need to get you in by getting you a good mission." Stalker then looked back at the freighter as he sighed but he then said, "You say good bye to your friends and all?"

Ruby thought back to everyone else. While most of the Rebel Hunters were off cleaning up the areas around the cities of Grimm and Imperials who were still around, there were a few people she knew that had other plans. For one, Yang and Atomic had a quick wedding and were settling down in Minstral, but no one really was surprised too much or even concerned to say the least.

Sapphire and several of those who came from Vacuo were leading efforts to completely rebuild the city from the slums and gambling parlors that plagued it while also trying to repair the Human/Faunus relations there. They knew it would be difficult to get it done and it might take years but they would be trying their hardest.

Ironwood and Winter Schnee were trying to reinstate the Atlas military and were gathering any old Rebels as volunteers while trying to get any old Imperial and Rebel vehicles for use till Atlas could start making its own again. Weiss was also now head of the Schnee Dust Company and was currently too busy to see Ruby go sadly.

There was Alexandria, Ozpin, and miss Glynda who were headed back to Vale to help it back up again and get Beacon reinstated as a Hunter and Huntress school for a new class. Near to them, Sky, Retz, Leon, and Leon's friend Lily were making near to Beacon a temple for potential and known Force Users to come and train under the guidance of the Grey Jedi's. Leon was still a bit more Dark Side but with some time and Lily's help in theory he would become another Grey Jedi.

Yep, a lot of the world of Remnant was changing but as she looked over at Stalker, she just hoped that she could be around when it came back together again. Some of her other friends, like Blake Jaune and his group, were all scattered around Remnant clearing up Imperials and the Grimm before either could be a big problem to be dealt with. She hoped they would be okay when she got back sometime in the future.

She simply smiled at Stalker. "I said what I could."

Stalker nodded his head when both then heard a voice behind them say, "What about me?"

Ruby and Stalker turned in unison to see Qrow smiling there as the older Hunter had his sword on his side as he opened his arms and asked, "Maybe a hug?"

Ruby obliged her uncle and quickly walked over to hug the man as Qrow accepted her hug and when they parted he motioned to Stalker.

"You ain't getting nothing from me." Said Stalker with a cold shoulder, colder than any Atlesian winter.

"Worth a shot." Mumbled Qrow when Qrow then walked over and put a hand on Stalker shoulder.

"Keep her safe, okay?" Said Qrow.

"I will.... I promise." Said Stalker with a smile from behind his helmet.

Qrow nodded. "Then come back every few years."

"We will." Said Stalker as the others of the group began to slowly load up into the freighter.

Ruby smiled as she then said, "See you soon Qrow."

As she walked up the ramp, all Qrow could think as he smiled was, Me too, Ruby.... me too.

Ruby watched the ramp slowly come back up as she walked into the cockpit of the freighter as she watched Ray and Stalker settle into the pilots seat while Theodosius and Rider settled into some adjacent seats.

"We all ready?" Asked Ray.

"Yep." Said Ruby.

"Next stop... Tatooine."

The End.........

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