Chapter 8

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As the morning came over Remnant, Stalker woke up from the table surface as he rubbed his helmet thinking it was his face when he looked down. The holo-map was really up to date and it showed everything around Vale and as Stalker looked down at the map, he saw what he had drawn on the map and then remembered the plan.

The plan was going to be simple, to rally the remaining troopers together, go to the academy, unblock the secret entrance which shouldn't be completely destroyed, and then get into the city and prepare for a possible attack on the HQ.

It was a bold move, maybe a little rash as well, but the enemy wouldn't know they were in the city until the attack began and even though the troopers numbered only 150, that was still enough to take on the HQ.

Besides, the Hunters would be taking the first move by infiltrating the place and taking down any critical systems there: shields, turrets, power, just about anything that could cripple defenses.

And as Stalker looked down upon the map, he looked over the Academy as he sighed when someone behind him asked, "You look tired under all that armor."

"I'm surprised I got sleep at all." muttered Stalker as he looked at Qrow and then said, "Did you get any sleep?"

"About at much as you did." said Qrow as he rubbed his face. "Ozpin is trying to get the others ready..."

"What about the troopers?" asked Stalker.

"Theodosius, Verde, and Ray are doing a good job of getting them also ready. Problem is, we don't have a lot of heavy weapons."

"I have some back at our safe house. We can distribute them across the men and it should even out the fight somewhat." said Stalker as he got up.

"What sort of weapons do you have?"

"Launchers, a mortar, heavy blasters, even some explosive-tipped lances we can use on hovercraft."

Qrow thought about this when Stalker asked, "So... she has silver eyes..."

"Who? Ruby?" asked Qrow.

"Yes... is that her name? Makes sense since she likes the color red..." said Stalker as he got up and stretched.

"Don't you dare think about doing anything to her." said Qrow in a dangerous tone.

"Why?" asked Stalker, confused.

"She is my... charge thanks to her mother..." said Qrow.

"I thought Yang was. Raven was your sister." said Stalker.

"Yang can handle herself quite fine, thank you." said Qrow. "She is her mothers daughter."

"Yeah, yeah..." said Stalker as he then looked around and said, "Looks like I have some work to do with her then."

Yang was trying to get use to having no right arm when Stalker appeared and as she looked at him, Stalker looked around the room she had taken up space in. It was sparse and she had obviously needed help repairing some of the area's and as Stalker looked at her, he saw she didn't have her weapon on as he asked her, "Where is your gauntlet blaster? The one you have left?"

"Right here. Why?" she asked as she looked at him with it in hand.

Stalker grabbed it and then grabbed her arm and he slowly pulled her out of the hut as he walked over down the street towards the blacksmith. They passed patrolling rebel troopers as they soon passed some medics still trying to help the wounded and then he came to it as he entered the structure and sat her down.

"What are you doing?" asked Yang as she watched him look around.

"I'm going to give you a prosthetic. Or at least one you can use for now until I get a scatter blaster for you." said Stalker as he looked through the many designs that hung around the front entrance amongst other weapons and tools.

"You really think you can do it?" Yang asked him.

"Yes. I don't need useless weight around here dragging us down. Besides, you are a Huntress and you must not let some wound stop your sense of duty." said Stalker as he then found one promising looking prosthetic and then took it as he walked back to her.

He slowly attached its straps to her arm and as he did, she flexed it as she said, "I don't like it... it's too..."

"Restrictive?" suggested Stalker as he looked at her.

She nodded and Stalker detached it as he hen continued his search.

"You people sure seemed advanced." He heard her say as he looked around the back and he answered back, "We even had mechs to use in a fight."

He began to then look deeper inside and as he came to the smiths room, he saw nearby what looked like a more advanced prosthetic, far more advanced than most of the Outlanders prosthetics. If anything, it had the look of a Atlas prosthetic and as Stalker took it, he walked back to Yang as he then put it on her and as she began to move it around, she said to him," This... feels better."

"Good. Then you will be using it for now on, no exception. Now get up, get your weapon on, and go fins something to do. We mustn't be idle now." said Stalker.

She nodded as she put on her gauntlet and as he walked away, Stalker thought about the arm and wondered how it had came here but then shrugged as he walked back towards the hut to prepare for the first part of the plan.

The night was quiet for Stalker, Verde, Theodosius, Ray, Qrow, and a group of 15 troopers as they marched across the Everfree forest towards Beacon Academy and as Stalker lead them, his nigh-vision bathed the night in green tones as he kept up his blaster-form of Stalker's Hunter.

As they marched along, no one said a word to one another since they knew they were just going to begin the process of removing the rubble as well as make sure the Academy ruins were safe enough for the rest of the force to move in.

As the force moved on still, Hunter pulsed his mind around as he made sure that there was no Grimm around them and then they were at the Academies outskirts as Stalker halted them and said, "I'm taking Theo, Ray, and Verde with five troopers. Qrow, it you could so kindly patrol around the area and see what you find, that would be nice."

"Right. Don't get killed on us." said Qrow as he and the other ten troopers began to move away.

Stalker looked around as he motioned for them to follow him and as they moved on, they passed the shattered remains of dorms and the cafeteria before they reached the ruined entrance of the secret tunnel. As Stalker looked around it, it was obvious the Imperials had looked over it and he looked around before he said to the others, "Okay... time to get useful. We're going to unblock this entrance."

Everyone nodded as weapons were put aside and as everyone began to take up the large boulders together, Qrow kept his troopers moving as they went to the tower Ozpin used as his office. They went to the bottom of it and as Qrow looked up the shaft, he nodded to them all as they turned on their magnet gloves and boots and began to scale upward up the large tower elevator shaft as they all planned to camp out on the top with rifles and keep overwatch.

As Stalker took up a bolder with Ray, everyone tried to be silent but with the moving of the rocks and debris being difficult work, they soon opted for trying to hear any sign of trouble. The rubble was thankfully coming off quite easily and although most of it had gone into the tunnel itself, that wouldn't be too bad to deal with since they could always move it out of the way or just blast it to bits with blasters.

The team worked quickly as their strength let them and as they began to expose the tunnel, Stalker looked up tot he tower and asked over his comm, "You there, Qrow?"

"We are in position and I don't see anyone. We are clear to give the go ahead to the others." came the answer and Stalker nodded as he got onto the comms with Ozpin.

"Go." He said that only and that was the only thing needed for the group.

"Alright, boys, lets keep going until we can't go anymore." Said Stalker as everyone renewed their efforts to get as much cleared before the main force arrived.

When the others did arrive, the rubble had been sufficiently cleared and everyone from Stalker's group was exhausted but as fresher troopers of more stronger variants appeared to finish the job, Ozpin and Glynda came to Stalker and nodded their approval.

"You have done well. Now all we need to do is hope the other side of this entrance of yours... hasn't been compromised." said Ozpin as he looked at Stalker.

"Not to mention that although we may no longer have a school, I will be... asking you some questions about how you made this tunnel." said Glynda as she gave Stalker a stern look.

"Well, same way with us making the pool. Sheer dumb luck and a lot of help." said Stalker.

The troopers worked fast and somewhat quietly and as the rubble soon gave way to the passage, Ozpin gathered everyone up as he said to them, "This way leads to the city but we must be careful. There are bound to be patrols and more in the city that will be looking for us."

All of the troopers nodded and then Stalker lead them down with his own squad of mercs and as the huge group of bodies pressed into the tunnel, it went form being somewhat cold to being very warm from the press of the bodies.

But then they  came to the exit and as Stalke rpeeked his head out, he looked around and then nodded as he jumped out and with Ray, Retz, Verde, and Theo on his heels, they ran to a building and scaled it to provide overwatch as Ozpin lead the others out and then the troopers came as a horde as they were quick to spread out.

"These are the locations of all of our safe house. We will use them for everyone for the time being till we begin the attack against the Imperials." came the voice of Weiss over Stalker's helmet comms and he watched as his map was updated.

"All units, we will distribute ay weapons at these houses amongst ourselves to make us better in the fight against the Imperials." said Ozpin.

As Stalker watched the troopers scatter on their own, Ozpin nodded to him as the Hunters, huntresses, and mercs all gathered up and went to the safe house they had use.

Miraculously, it hadn't been visited by anyone yet and as they quickly entered and settled down in the safe house as Ozpin looked around at the armory, he smiled as he said, "I shouldn't be surprised by this when it comes to you, Stalker."

"Oh, its just bits and bobs that I took from my travels around the galaxy... old Clone War stuff is the cheapest stuff to buy, considering its still good." said Stalker.

As they all got comfortable, suddenly there was a knock at the door and everyone looked over as Theo answered to see a little girl with a bat looking at them and she smiled as she said, "Are you the rebels?"

"Imperial?" asked Ozpin as he held his cup of coffee that he had made.

"No. Syndicate." said Stalker as he motioned to the Syndicate symbol on her arm.

"oh and she isn't alone either." A Syndicate jedi appeared behind the girl and his lightsaber blaxed into life as Retz and Sky did the same and Ozpin sighed as he said, "Well, so much for a quiet afternoon."

And then, as the little girl smiled at them with her bat out when Alexandria appeared and her mace came out with a coy smile as she said, "Well... looks like we have a little brat to take care of."

"Oh, you are one to talk, bitch." said the girl with a smile.

"oh that's how its going to go... well... we'll take care of this at once then..."

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