Chapter 9

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"Well that was more disappointing than I thought." said Alexandria as she twirled her mace around as she stood before the captured Lilly and Leon.

Both had been gagged, tied up with restraining cuffs, and now both were sat down in the nearby corner as everyone was looking at them with clear disappointment on their faces.

After Alexandria had made her statement, she had smashed at Lilly, who blocked with her bat as the Sith and Jedi went at it outside. Retz and Sky both weaved their lightsabers around beautifully in graceful arcs as their cloaks billowed around them as Leon was trying to fend them off as best as he could a his own cloak blurred around him like his lightsabers.

Meanwhile, Lilly and Mara were doing probably one of the oddest fights ever, a bat with a mace but neither was backing down as they slammed their weapons against one another.

Of course, it would have been an awesome match had these two very inexperienced Syndicate been actually worth the time.

However, Stalker was just bored with them and he literally took some nearby tools and hurled them with such speed and accuracy, that wether the two liked it or not, they were going to get hit. Both wrenches smashed into the two teens and as they fell over, cradling their heads, they were quickly hand-cuffed, gagged, and everything else as now everyone looked at them with boredom and disappointment.

"I honestly hoped that they would put up a fair fight but after a few seconds, I'm just too tired for their crap." muttered Stalker.

"Eh... anyway, what should we do with them?" asked Sky.

"Have Verde and Ray guard them. We take turns in guarding them." said Stalker.

"I agree. We need the rest to prepare for the coming day." said Ozpin.

"Students to bed!" said Glynda and then she looked at them all and got quiet.

"You heard her guys." Stalker said as he began to shoo everyone away except for Vedre and Ray. "Get a going! Move! Scoot!"

And everyone did so as quickly as they could as Stalker nodded to Glynda and Ozpin and also left.

When the sun came over the walls of Vale, Ruby woke up to another day as she looked around her room. Weiss, Blake, and Yang were all passed out around the room on suspended hammocks and as she slowly swung herself out of the hammock, she walked over to her Crescent Rose as she picked it up and then she left the room as she walked down the stairs.

Currently, Retz and Sky were watching the prisoners currently and as she looked at them, she sat down nearby when they all heard a loud yawn and looked over to see Verde, Ray, and Stalker walking down the steps as then Theo and Mara joined them quickly.

As everyone looked around, checking outside for trouble, Ozpin, Glynda, and Qrow came down as soon Jaune, Nora, Ren, Yang, Blake, and Weiss finally show up and as everyone looked around, Ozpin said, "Alright... who's ready for the day?"

"I would be but these two are going to be a pain to deal with." said Retz and Sky nodded as they looked down to the prisoners.

"MMMggghhhmmm!" murmured Leon in his binds.

"What did he say?" asked Verde.

"I got this." said Alexandria as she put her hand on the boys head.

He gave her a look of determination but she sighed as she then said, "He's thinking that the moment he gets out of his binds he'll kill us all. Especially Stalker, which we all know won't happen." 

Everyone gave a few chuckles except for the Hunter's and as Ruby watched Stalker, she then asked him, "What do we do today?"

"First, we get everyone equipped and begin prep for the attack. Second, I think some small attacks against the Imperials around the area should keep them on their toes..." said Stalker.

Everyone nodded as they all began to get their gear ready and as Stalker looked at the Syndicate Jedi, he smiled behind his helmet as he patted Leon's head and said, "It's okay. her semblance is mind reading. She is the best mind reader out there, better than most Jedi and Sith."

Leon gave him a look when Alexandria then said, "Oh forgive me. That's Leon and the girl is Lilly. Both of them are part of the Roman Syndicate."

"HHRR!" Lilly shouted through her gag.

"Oh hush up, little girl! You'll be fine. Stalker doesn't bite... at least not hard..." said Alexandria with a smile.

"You had a thing for her didn't you?" asked Retz.

"Not exactly... I may have asked her to the Valentines dance but not much else." answered Stalker when Alexandria then said, "Wait, let me say this then. Christmas Eve, under the mistletoe. And then the rest of the day. Explain that."

"Hey! Did I ask for your voice here?" asked Stalker as he looked at her with crossed arms.

"You didn't. I just like to add my penny for thought." said Alexandria as she grinned and then left the place.

Everyone else followed her until only Ray, Retz, Verde, Stalker, Ozpin, Glynda, and Qrow alone in the entire safe house.

"Well... what now?" asked Qrow.

"I have plans to make... and a blueprint to steal." said Stalker as he went back to his small area with the holo-pad.

As the day wore on, the whole thing was pretty much bland. The Rebel troopers were rearmed with everything from heavy blasters to mortars and as the Hunters and Huntresses all ran all about with these weapon caches, Stalker worked his butt off to attain the HQ files and as he looked through the holonet, suddenly he found them and he snagged them, downloaded and then he disconnected as he sighed in relief.

And then a he brought up the plans, his celebration then too early.

As soon as everyone had entered the room, with the night outside, Ozpin looked to Stalker at the holopad as he said, "Okay... What is this about."

"We're going to have a really fun time taking the HQ." said Stalker as he then brought up the HQ plans.

"Oh shoot." muttered Ray.

The HQ was a squat building with four towers on the cardinal points that were mounted with large, AA blasters that could knock fighters out of the sky. The walls were thick as could be as the gates that lead into the fortress were thick and also had a laser barrier behind it. The power generator was hidden deep in the earth and could power a few starships easily as the shield could encompass  several blocks around and then there was turrets along the walls.

"Well... you sure picked a tough cookie...." said Ruby as she looked at him.

"Are you kidding me? Tough cookie is the understatement. We've faced Pirate bases that are this bad but let me tell you, this place has... well just look." said Retz as he tapped a button and it zoomed on the corridors as several holographic turrets appeared all over the corridors.

"What type of Turrets?" asked Weiss.

"If they are anything the Imperials field, the ones I can hack... or possibly disable..." said Stalker.

"How?" asked Blake.

"Stalker's semblance is Active Camouflage... and since he is already a natural at stealth, it won't surprise me if he disables that generator for good." said Ozpin.

"That being said, I won't be doing this willy nilly. The moment that the generator is gone, we have to strike so that means time tables." said Stalker. "And the closer together the attack is to the possible explosion will make sure that we have more time to stop the Imperials as they reel from the attack."

"How do you get in?" asked Mara.

"Easy. Although I love my Beskar'garm and it offers a ton of protection, I will be using a stormtroopers armor and blaster to blend in." said Stalker.

"I highly doubt," said Sky with crossed arms, "that you could pull that off."

"Some Stormtroopers are volunteers. And he has discipline like no other. If he fails then we might as well give up." said Verde. "And I have yet to see him be caught as one."

"Fine. But even if he succeeds, how will he get into the power room? It's probably crawling with security and has more lockdown doors than a Imperial prison." said Weiss.

"I've seen Stalker hack, mid-firefight against heavily armed Pirates, into the life support system and the power system and watch as the enemy die. He hacks like no other I have seen and he's actually been called in by imperials to secure their networks which means he is familiar with it." said Retz.

Everyone was quiet as Ruby said, "It's settled then... what now?"

"We prepare." said Stalker as the holopad clicked off.

As everyone began to leave, Yang and Blake were about to enter one of the rooms nearby when suddenly Yang tripped and Blake fell over and then as Sky and Mara entered, they looked down at the tangled mess.

"MMMFF!" Yang said.

"MMMGGG!!!!" Blake answered.

Once again, some unseen force had pushed them over on top of one another and their lips had met and Sky let out a gush of air from his lips as he tried to not laugh outright and Mara stifled a smile with a hand as Yang and Blake jumped up and ran away from one another as they tried to wipe their mouths out.

"That was funny." said Mara with a chuckle.

"Yeah that was. Two of the few straightest girls kissing on accident." said Sky with a last laugh.

As Ruby walked up the stairs, she heard something being taken apart and she stopped as she walked down the hallway and then she looked into one of the nearby rooms as she saw Stalker with his cycler rifle being take apart and as she stood in the doorway, she asked him, "So... as a mercenary... what sort of popularity do you get? I mean, if you work with the Imperials at some points that you must be very famous."

"I am called many things." said Stalker as he continued to fiddle with his rifle. "Besides Stalker... I am called he Void Hunter... Remnant's Hunter... a lot of things have been attached to me... And my infamous hacking skills is what brought me to Imperial bases..."

"What is it like?" asked Ruby.

"Just what Imperials are infamous for. Oppressive, disciplined... I have never liked towering walls and oppressive governments... but the Imperials look it to a new... level.." said Stalker.

"Please, sit down and lets talk about whatever." said Stalker and he pointed to a nearby cot and she walked over as she at down and then she looked at him.

"Okay... now what else do you wanna ask me?" asked Stalker.

"Who was your team?" asked Ruby.

"Team STLKR. One of the best Alpha Team's The reason we had five is become although he last member... officially was not a student, I proved to Ozpin he would be more useful to us than as a no one." said Stalker as he began to clean the rifle.

"Okay... how many missions did you go on before the Imperials?"

"I'd say we did five dozen easily." said Stalker.

"Even CFVY didn't have that many missions.." muttered Ruby.

"But, anyway, we did all sorts of missions, from recon to extermination to retaking villages even." said Stalker.

"I can imagine you were amazing..." said Ruby.

"I still am." said Stalker. "It's what makes me such a good merc. I could do  lot of missions.."

Ruby watched him and as she did, she found him interesting to watch. He was so methodical in his work as he cleaned his rifle and as he began to put it together, she asked him, "Why do you wear your armor all the time? I though even Mandalorians took off their armor."

Stalker looked up at her as her knee was up and her cheek was against her kneecap and as he looked at her, he sighed as he said, "We all have our secrets... Silver-eyes warrior... I have my reasons to be this way, you have reasons to be in all red."

"Okay, okay..." said Ruby as she then walked away.

And as she did, he cocked his head at her as he then said, "She... doesn't look too bad..."

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