Before We Take Flight...

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Hello everyone!

These are just a few guidelines, my format, and my schedule before we zip through this wild adventure!

My Format

•Information about the /movie OR Summary of webisode
•My opinions on it (includes webisode or movie photos)
•Final Verdict

It's pretty basic, nothing to it. This is how each chapter will be structured.

Next are the guidelines.

My Guidelines

•No cursing, please!
It doesn't matter what your mood is. Please just keep it in. Thanks!

•Request Dates
This is very important thing. If you request on Saturdays or Sundays, I will most likely not take it. Those are my resting days.

Don't let me hear my own voice on this book! I want to hear what you think about my opinion or the webisode itself.

My only thing is that if you disagree with my opinion, just be polite about it. I'd be interested to hear your take.

•Webisodes Only (until further notice)
I'm unlucky enough to not have Netflix, so even though I saw each and every movie up-to-date, I had to figure out ways to see them. So until then, just request webisodes or specials.

•Comment like Craaaaaaazy!
I love comments! They make me so happy! :)
Yeah, that's all I have for this one.

Finally, I have my requests list. You guys were pretty excited about this book, which makes me excited to write it.

Whenever you request a webisode, I will add it to my list. I will dedicate the chapter to you. :) Just a thank you for reading my story.

My Request List
Week of February 14th- February 20th

Lizzie Hearts's Fairytale First Date- SapphireSnowQueen (Monday)

Croquet-tastrophe- Wicked_Rebellion (Tuesday)

Date Night- rainbowraven32 (Wednesday)

Rebels Got Talent- BlessieLorieYumul (Thursday)

TriCastleOn- _LittleRedWitch_ (Friday)

That's all for now! If you have any questions or concerns, I'm free to answer them in the comment section.

Now, let me get started on these requests! If only I could get paid for this...:p

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