I. Lizzie Hearts' Fairytale First Date

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Welcome to the first official installment of Rebel Reacts, Royals, Rebels, and Roybels!

Quick Information

Chapter Two: Royals and Rebels, & Best Friends Ever After

Description: Daring Charming is challenged to go a date with Lizzie Hearts...and ends up being unhexpectedly charmed by her!

Rebel's Reaction/Review

One word.

Okay, maybe two words.
Sheer disappointment.

Lemme hexplain:

When I first saw this episode's title, I started to squeal. The idea of Lizzie Hearts finally scoring a date-especially since I knew that she was so difficult to please, rendering her misunderstood-made me smile.

So, the webisode came out. I clicked on it.
And I was immediately plunged into a world of WHAT?!
Aww, that's cuuuuute!, and
Well, that happened.

The first scene is in the Hocus Latte Shop with Daring, Hopper, and Sparrow.

Mine eyes narroweth at Sparrow-eth. Why?
I had a feeling at twelve years old that something was going to happen. So I kept watching.

Sure enough, my heart shattered when I heard this:

"I'm betting you can't get a date with the next girl that walks through that door!" ~Sparrow Hood, 2014

And that, ladies and gentlemen was when the plot revealed itself to me. I wanted to melt in a pit of temporary sadness for Lizzie (keep in mind that I disliked Lizzie in early 2014)...until I realized that I needed to keep watching.

So, Daring decided to (stupidly) go through with this bet, even if it meant Lizzie might have his head.

He fearlessly butts in front of her and orders two lattes.

Then, when Lizzie doesn't take it well, he decides to bestow flowers to her.

Obviously, Lizzie is annoyed and unimpressed, and so was I. I just wanted Daring to stop acting like a little creep and leave her be.

Second scene, Castleteria, where Daring continues to...um, persuade Lizzie? I don't even know.

If you get in the way of a person and their food, don't expect them to run into your arms and shower you with adoration.

Anyway, Daring shows off his artistic skills, interrupts Lizzie's plateless spellghetti, and further drives Lizzie away from him. Three birds with one stone, what a bloodbash!

Then, Daring invites the short-tempered princess to a dragon ride (I couldn't see this when I first saw the webisode.)

Did Lizzie not know that she stood on Lady (the dragon)? Wouldn't you have felt flesh and breathing under your shoe? That just doesn't make sense to me.
Oh! I digress. Sorry.

Best part of the whole webisode.

I thought it was so refreshing to see him so quirky.

Okay, so finally, Lady drops them off at a balcony.
And, to my surprise, Lizzie and Daring have a fairy sweet, honest moment.

I don't know about you, but I really liked seeing some humanity in Daring. I knew he could be extremely sweet, sympathetic, and gentile when he wanted to, it just wasn't showcased in the webisodes as yet. Which sucks.

And then, this sweet, beautiful, adorable thing happened!

AHHHHHH! I gushed soooooo harrrrrrrrrrrrddddd!!!

I was all for Dizzie as soon as I witnessed Lizzie's lips pressed against Daring's cheek.

And then, I couldn't stop grinning when Daring decided to keep Lizzie's secret and he accepted defeat from his friends.

Can anybody shout, "CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!"?

Final Words

All-in-all, I thought this was an okay webisode, but I do think that this could have been better. Why try to develop a couple if you're only going to fit it in two minutes?

Another thing, I don't like how Daring keeps persisting, even after Lizzie says no. I know it's because he wants to win the bet (perseverance or annoyance?) but seriously. No means no!

That just didn't sit well with me, but to each his own, or something like that.

Mattel still haven't done anything else with Dizzie, other than her diary (which is another story for another time, if any of you know what I'm talking about, don't spoil it! :D)

Sooooo, I rate this as a four-star webisode. If you want your Dizzie fill, or just want to be in the know, you should watch the webisode.

Do you agree with my verdict and comments? Or do you have something else to say about the webisode?

Coming Tomorrow: Croquet-tastrophe, requested by Wicked_Rebellion


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