Dark Shadow

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The first story for @juliatheawzom3274 's contest! 

I made the whole thing up and it's a different story every chapter. But if there's a fan out there that wants to write fanfiction copying any of my ideas; you are most welcome too! X)

"The Jedi is no use to me dead."

Kanan gasped as the electric beam was deactivated. Ever since he had been captured by the Empire, the electric beam had been the least of his worries. All that mattered for the young Jedi was keeping the ones he loved safe.

But Grand Moff Tarkin, along with the Grand Inquisitor we're getting more and more impatient with him.

"His resistance... is impressive." Said the Grand Inquisitor.

"Yes..." Added Grand Moff Tarkin. "He does possess the will of a Jedi of old."

The Grand Inquisitor thought for a second before asking his superior.

"Is it possible; he does not know of any other rebels to speak of?"

"Perhaps. I recommend we transfer him from Lothal to another location. One that never fails to extract a confession."

"Grand Admiral." Said a male voice

The two turned to see Agent Kallus coming back inside. 

"Message from Mustafar. We are to transfer the Jedi to Coruscant."

"Coruscant?" Repeated the Grand Inquisitor.

"Mustafar seems more appropriate according to the situation." Added the Moff.

"They are other orders." Said Agent Kallus glaring at the Sith assassin. "You are in any circumstances allowed to torture him any longer. No matter how much the Jedi knows."

The two officers were surprised, Tarkin asked angrily.

"Can I please know why Darth Vader made such a request?"

"The orders weren't from Lord Vader." Answered Kallus. "But from Emperor Palpatine."

They all looked at Kanan who seemed more horrified than surprised.


"Coruscant?" Repeated Hera from Sabine.

"He's a goner if they take him there." Said Zeb. "Arg, such an irony these days."

Ezra could see in Hera's eyes that she was realizing something. He sensed her fear rise up as she said.

"You did very today, especially you Ezra. Now go and get some rest. I want you in full shape for tomorrow's plan."

Zeb and Sabine nodded but Ezra stayed screwed to his sit. Hera probably didn't notice he was still in the cockpit because she gasped when she saw him sitting there.

"Is something wrong Hera?" Asked the young Padawan

"I... no. No Ezra. Kanan... Kanan is your Master, he's our friend: he will be fine! He won't..."

"I never said he wasn't. And I wasn't talking about Kanan, I was asking about you."

Hera realized she had let her fear get the best of her. Ezra asked.

"What did you mean by 'he won't'? He won't what?"

Hera hesitated until she finally sighed and sat in the chair next to him. There was a long silence where she didn't even dare to look at him. She finally took his hand in hers.

"Ezra... I've known Kanan for years now. And he is you're Master. He risked his life for yours and today... you have too."

Ezra blinked. He wasn't sure where she was getting at. She was avoiding as much eye-contact with him as she could which was very unlike her.

"But I want to be sure, that if you hear the truth you will understand: Kanan is family."

"Whatever it is Hera, you can tell me."

"He should be the one to tell you that." Said Hera. "And Ezra; I will understand that after you hear this... you might want to walk away."

"I won't!" Said Ezra putting his second hand on hers. "Whatever it is: tell me!"

The Twi'lek sighed.


Grand Moff Tarkin had left a meeting with the Emperor who had claimed to have need of the young Jedi for a darker scheme to crush the rebels on Lothal. The Grand Admiral wasn't stupid or foolish: he knew there was something more behind it.

"Agent Kallus." Said the Grand Admiral who was joined by the officer.

"I did the research you demanded." Said Kallus handing him a datapad as they kept on walking. "Kanan Jarrus: born Caleb Dume on Coruscant in the year 3244. He was Master Depa Billaba's apprentice during the Clone Wars. She was executed during Order 66, the Padawan however escaped."

Tarkin looked down at the files.

"Anything interesting about his time as a Commander? Any incidents?"

"No sir." Answered Kallus.

Tarkin stopped walking as a detail caught his eye.

"There is no report about which Jedi found him and brought him in. This sort of detail was kept by the Jedi in case of trouble. Where is it?"

"There is none." Answered the Imperial Agent. "There is a Senator that came visit Kanan Jarrus shortly after he was indoctrinated in the Jedi Order, however."

"Senator Julia Thea." Said Tarkin reading the report. "From Naboo, I believe. She disappeared, didn't she?"

"She was reported killed."

"Did she come accompanied when she visited the boy?"

"I... didn't check, sir."

Tarkin passed the Agent when he froze at the list of names that came with Julia Thea. Simple: there was only one

"Agent Kallus."

"Yes sir?"

"Give me a full report of Senator Thea's life. And while you're at it release Kanan Jarrus from his cell; give him a more spacious and secured one. I went to have the Jedi over for dinner. Set course for Coruscant immediately."

"I-Immediately? Huh- Yes sir!"

Tarkin looked again at the list as the ship jumped for hyperspace.


Ezra was in Kanan's room, his head dug in his legs. He was looking at a holo-image of Kanan from his legs sadly.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

The door opened. Ezra didn't look up because he already knew it was Hera. The Twi'lek sat on the floor beside him. Neither said a thing, Hera closed her eyes before saying.

"I can't imagine how angry you must be." 


"... He was going to tell you. But then... he learned that the Empire had taken your parents during Empire Day and-... He couldn't face you after this."

"They're probably dead; that's why he didn't say anything. Do Sabine and Zeb know?"

"No." Said Hera. "It would only put all of us in danger. But you two grew closer and the bond between Master and apprentice has to be built on trust... he thought he needed to tell you."

There was only silence, Hera expected Ezra to be angry, she even expected him to run away by now. But the orphaned boy simply asked.

"Hera... I want you to be honest on this one..."

She nodded.

"Is Kanan gonna join the Empire?"


Tarkin carved a slice of his pie that he shoved in his mouth.

"Delicious. Have some."

Kanan starred at him. There he was, in Grand Moff Tarkin's personal quarters, dressed in Imperial clothes that made him feel like a freak. Less than two hours ago he had been in chains, now he was treated like some kind of fancy guest.

Kanan's glance to the window was quickly noticed by Tarkin who smirked.

"Don't even think about it: we are in hyperspace. Unless if you find something to breathe in space. Have some pie."

"What game are you playing? You have me here with you. Unchained, and unsupervised. Why shouldn't I make a run for myself? Or destroy this Star Destroyer with me in it while we're at it. Destroying you and the Inquisitor will keep my crew safe." 

"Will it?" Asked Tarkin who took a sip of red wine. "Let me explain the situation you are in, Jedi. Outside this room is an army of my most elite soldiers aiming this door at this very moment. It is the only way in or out of this place. They will shoot if you take me hostage." 

Kanan squint as Tarkin continued.

"I also took a security measure to sabotage the ship's reactors. If you kill me, this cruiser will be pulverized. And as for your crew..."

He paused before adding.

"My final orders are to hunt and kill every single one of them. Although I'm sure Darth Vader will find a hidden interest in the young Ezra Bridger."

Tarkin knew he had hit the soft point when he saw Kanan's fist tighten up. Tarkin pointed at his plate.


Kanan looked down at the meal before taking both fork and knife in his hands. Tarkin longingly studied every movement he made. As Kanan swallowed Tarkin said.

"It's good, isn't it? I learned it was your mother's favorite."

Tarkin smiled as Kanan looked at him. Tarkin realized something as he sat back against his seat.

"You already knew."

The officer smiled adding.

"I have to admit I was extremely surprised. But it makes sense now. Why you cut yourself from the 'Force', why you fight the Empire with your rebel friends."

"I dought you know." Answered Kanan.

"Stop me when I say something you don't understand." Started Tarkin. "You were brought to the Jedi Order by your mother, Senator Julia Thea of Naboo. You found out about it when you overheard that the Jedi Council had originally refused Master Billaba's request to take you on as her Padawan."

Kanan looked down.

"You did your own little 'investigation', one the Council never bothered to look into. You found out your mother had been murdered as a trail for the Sith assassin: Asaj Ventress. You then discovered that the only reason the Council accepted Depa Billaba's demand is that an influential member of the Senate pressurized them to agree."

Kanan looked up as Tarkin asked.

"How am I doing?"

As Kanan did not answer, he went on.

"You had met Anakin Skywalker's padawan: Ahsoka Tano in the past. So you asked a favor from her and her Master to take you to see this generous Senator."

Tarkin paused as he corrected.

"Or should I say: Chancellor."

Tarkin stood up as he walked around the room.

"Bastard son of Chancellor Sheev Palpatine. He visited you with your mother. But you were not powerful enough, were you? Killed all evidence. Forgot about you. Something changed his mind today, however. Tell me... how did Master Depa Billaba die?"

"She was killed on Kaller."

"By clones? Or by you? All the clones you once commanded are dead. We have only your word and rumors about what happened. Yet... someone tried to burn her body: maybe to destroy the evidence that she died of electrocution? What will the Ghost Crew think?"


"Maybe they don't know about this part. But I think you told them about what I'm about to say." 

Kanan stood up.

"Your full name is Caleb Dume Thea-Palpatine. Which... in legal terms; makes you the rightful successor to the Galactic Empire. Even before Darth Vader himself. You ran, hid, cut yourself from Palpatine's heritage. But now you are back. Do not worry: education centers on Coruscant are very effective."

The ship jumped out of lightspeed. Kanan walked over to the window with Tarkin coming up behind him and added. The lights of Coruscant were hidden by the fleet of Star Destroyers guarding the planet.

"Welcome to your true family; Caleb Palpatine."


And the first chapter: done! Waiting for word number 2. 

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