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So, two things:
1. Thank you for the first chapter!
And Julia... I have a little thing to say about it:
Kanan is your favourite character; I think you might be biased.

2. _Kitsunnie09_
... no I have nothing else to add to that.
Apart that you'll get two notifications on your phone after I click publish.
Love you girl! XD

Rex walked out of the ship after thanking Sue for the lift.

It had been a couple of months since Hera left to join her father and son back on Ryloth while he had stayed to help Sabine Wren on Lothal.

The retired veteran walked over to a pink Twi'lek working on a bike near by a crashed Y-wing.

"Excuse me, is this the Syndulla's house?"

"Mmhun." Murmured the man.

Rex looked around before walking to the door.

"Looks brand new." He said to himself.

Rex knocked three times wondering why Hera, Jacen and Cham weren't there to welcome him.

There was a loud rumble before the door opened. Rex smiled to Hera.

"Here I am!"

It took another glance for the clone to realize that she was looking at him like she had seen a ghost.

"You're early!" Cried devastated Hera as Rex made his way in. "Your message said you were coming in a week!"

"The message I send last Tuesday...?"

Hera said in a Twi'lek accent, softly to herself.

"Tu es-daaay... riiiight... WELCOME!"

Rex looked around.

The house looked like a tornado had come through and swept their entire furniture. A lamp came crashing down in front of them after which Hera laughed. Uneasily laughed.

Rex looked at her carefully; she looked like she hadn't slept in days. She was covered in flour, paint,... oil? Or water?

"Heraaaa... what's going on?"

"Nothing!" She cried with a smile.

"Okkk... soooo... where is Cham?"

When the Devil is spoken, the Devil comes. Running.... And covered in icing sugar. Ripped clothes... are those streamers?
It was weird to see how the mighty Cham Syndulla had now to retreat from food and paper.

The Twi'lek gasped. Exhausted.

"I gave him... Eur. All-... we had pff... left..."

He lifted his head and saw Rex.

"Commander Rex! You're here!"  He paused. "... Why are you here?"

Rex said.

"You look like you were in a Sugar-War with angry kids during a birthday party."

Cham tried to clean himself adding.

"Don't mention it... we've been at it for days!"

"Hmm... w-what is going on? And where is Jacen?"

The three heard footsteps and echoing voice screaming.

"Grandpa Rex! Is that you!?"

Cham groaned as he ripped his face in his hands.

"Here we go..."

Rex heard Hera count.

"Three... two... one..."

Rex was pulled to the floor with Cham and Hera as Jacen jumped above them and rolled against the wall.


The three adults felt a hit against the legs and waist as Jacen screamed on each of them. He was moving so fast that none of them saw him move.

"Tag you're it! Tag you're it! Tag you're you're it!"

He twirled on himself, his eyes seemed drifting to the sky as he added.

"Tag you're it! Ha ha ha ha!"

As he ran away Rex heard Hera sigh.

"Master Skywalker says it's a phase. Every Padawan go through a rush of power that overwhelm their ability to reason. Kanan handled Ezra's... if only he could be here. Luke was suppose to come over and help us handle him but he had an emergency."

"What sort of emergency?" Asked Rex.

"Something about finding a powerful youngling." Answered Cham.

Jacen was running all across the house. The objects seemed to fly and follow him around and he was screaming from one corner of the house to another.

Rex nodded.

"Aaaah. We clones called it 'Pawi-Meltdown' back in the days."

"What did the Jedi do to control them?" Asked Cham hopeful.

"They took the apprentices back in the Jedi Temple in ermengency. I'm afraid I don't know anything about what they did next. I did see this once: on Ahsoka Tano."

Rex's eyes saw how both Twi'leks seemed to look for more details.

"I don't know much." Answered the old man. "Only that hers was so bad, she broke through the Jedi Temple's floor and into Master Kit Fisto's chambers. She found Kit Fisto inside, obviously..."

He paused.

"... Along with the Jedi Knight Aayla Secura."

Hera's eyes rounded before her son's scream caught her back to her hypocrisy.
Rex observed the youngling for a while.

"Did you give him sugar?"

"Yes." Replied Cham. "A lot."

"Never give food to the Jedi, especially sugar. Those were some of the instructions the Jedis gave us after the Vebb Disaster."

"Oh. We keep on giving him. It's seemed to calm him down for an hour."

"Yes but you'd only give him more energy..." Rex thought for a second. "I think I know how to calm him down. How about you two get some rest while I handle Miny-Kanan here."

Cham shook his head.

"Rex I appreciate your generosity but this is not-"

"Oh it has nothing to do with generosity." Answered Rex. "Go. I have everything well in hands."

Rex went off to catch Jacen while Hera and Cham looked at each other worried.


"I'm worried." Said Hera once they knocked on the door.

They waited a few seconds. As soon as the door opened Rex said.

"Please don't be mad."

The Syndullas were shocked.

"Commander... what did you do?"

"Jacen!" Cried Hera. "Jacen where are you!?"

Cham looked around and saw how tidy everything was. Once they were in the living room Rex had already started to explain.

"He was really out of control. So I had to use a methode the Council approved us incase of Pawi MeltDowns."

"Which is?"

Rex pointed to the ceiling and while Cham burst into laughter; Hera screamed again.


Jacen was hanged to the ceiling by his feet. The kid blinked a few times as the scream of his mother woke him up. Cham said smiling.

"The dream of all parents..."

"Which side are you on?!" Cried Hera hiting him.

"Daughter, no matter if his loyalty was with the Jedi Order, Republic or even Separatist, that's what I should have done to Mace Windu right after I met him."

"I thought you respected Mace Windu!"

"I do." Answered Cham. "Remind me who was the Padawan of his Padawan again?"

Hera rolled her eyes as Jacen waved at her slightly.

"Oh... hey mom."

His voice was slow and if he wasn't six, Hera would have sworn he was drunk.

"Jacen! How do you feel baby?"

"Warm and fuzzy..."

"This is a good sign." Said Rex. "I can get you down in two hours or less. The affect of the sugar is already fadin-"

Hera punched Rex clear across the face!
The clone did not stand back up while Cham lifted his eyebrows as he smirked when Hera shook her hand.

"Ouach... I bet he always dreamt of doing that to a Jedi!"

Cham smirked as he added.

"I wonder why."

And done! 😊
I hope you liked this one. It was fun!

(I'd like to note for some readers here that there is no such thing as a 'Pawi-MeltDown')

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