Twin Moons

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Now this chapter is a little different... it is a passage from one of the books I'm writing called "The Birth of the Phoenix".
Still Star Wars. Still Rebels. I haven't post it yet because Fallen Knights is first.... way first.
I just hope you like it. 😁

The Ghost jumped out of hyperspace and a huge silence took place among the members of the Ghost.

Ezra couldn't believe his eyes.

He had refused to believe Sato until now. The planet... it was dying. Ezra had never sensed so much destruction, death and fear coming from so many people at once.
The ship flew passed the many Star Destroyers that were still in the atmosphere. Sabine looked up as she tried to glance for any life form, any sign of survivors... but nothing. No signal, no attacks... nothing. The troopers were either dead or held captive somwhere deep inside the ship.
The few dots of light they could see from up in space were hummangest explosions and fires.

"I can't believe it..." Said in awe Zeb.

That was the least of the words that could describe what the crew was seeing.

"The Empire's capitol... in flames..." Said Sabine. "Ezra?"

Ezra closed his eyes as he said.

"Get us down Hera."

"I can't believe I'm saying this but... welcome to Coruscant."

No one came to stop them. No Imperial security attacked them. The planet-city looked deserted. The Ghost was flying free above the surface. As they got closer the show got worse.

They couldn't see the corpses from up in space. Now they could.

They were hundreds, not to think thousands. Imperials, civilians; men, woman... children... crashed ships in buildings were most of the causes of the fires. But no one was there to stop them.

"Where is everyone?"

"The population must have evacuated to the lower levels." Replied Hera.

"The Dark Night isn't stopping us." Added Zeb. "Which means: this is a trap."

Ezra wasn't listening. Sabine was no Jedi, but she could feel how angry he was. Kanan was not here to see what had happened of his home. Maybe it was for the best. These past months have been hard without him.

As the Ghost landed on a plateform of the Senate building, Ezra prepared himself to leave. He took both his new lightsaber and Kanan's, just incase.

"I'm coming with you." Said the Mandalorian.

"Sabine, no. We've talked about this."

"He will kill you." She answered.

"I'm sorry, I know you wanted to do it."

Ezra opened the door as the two looked at each other. Well, Ezra was avoiding her glance as much as possible.

He knew how much she hated him. How much she cursed him for what he did. How selfish he had been and how it humiliated her.

But Sabine couldn't bring to herself that she might see him again. As he walked down the ramp, Sabine called out.

"I forgive you." She said as it made Ezra stop. "For what you did."

Ezra turned as he slowly smiled.

"Remind them that I love them." He said.

Sabine nodded as she replied, closing the door.

"You'll tell them yourself Ezra."

Ezra watched the Ghost find refuge in the lower levels like Kronos had instructed them to. The young Padawan found himself in front of the most gigantic building he had ever seen. It was twice the size of the Imperial building on Lothal.

Ezra was not afraid. He was everything but afraid. He knew he had to do this.

The Senate building was in much better shape than Coruscant itself. There wasn't much of a fight here. The Senators must have taken refuge swiftly, Palpatine was off-world. Just like Vader.
That's why attacking Coruscant had been so easy for the Dark Night. Attacking the right planets:

Imperial factories and stations all across the galaxy.
Leading Vader and Palpatine to turn on each other then attack their capitol when both were too distracted tormenting the other.

Now this was the result of these... terrorists.

The Dark Night weren't rebels. They murdered Rebels cells for information. Most of the members of the Dark Night weren't even... 'human-like', but they weren't aliens either. They were something else. Another specie entirely, one that had been observing Ezra in the shadows. Waiting.

Ezra was not afraid.

This specie was odered to let him through. Go see the persone responsible for the deaths of so many.

Pijal had not survived. Jeddah had been freed by the Empire. The Imperials stations were destroyed with the ones that surrendered inside. Lothal had escaped the Dark Night just in time thanks to Kronos.

Coruscant was the last stand. It had to be.

Ezra was letting the Force guide when in a corridor he stopped as a building in the outside got his attention.
He had only seen that building in holograms. Kanan had told him so much about it.

It was strange.

This... Temple, was now nothing, it looked so peaceful. If the Empire had never existed, this place should have been his home. It was a strange thought.

How could he call this place home?

This Jedi Temple had the tomb of so many of Kanan's brothers and sisters. Their screams echoed in those walls. Their last breaths, and cries of help. While people, the ones that they protected, stayed silent, and just watched.

Ezra's eyes opened to the door in front of him.

He was there. Behind that door.

If Ezra had not been so scared of what  he did, that was because he thought he knew him. This was someone else, someone sinister. Filled with anger.

As Ezra walked through the door, he climbed over the corpses of Inquisitors and Royal Guards. The room was silent. Even the wind of the shattered window could not be loud enough to quiet the sensation Ezra was feeling.

Behind a broken desk, a cut chair, a small figure was looking outside.

"Hello Ezra. It's been a long time."

The figure turned. It was a boy. A young boy. Black armour. He had shaved his hair and now tatoos all over his body that made his yellow eyes gleam.

"What... what happened to you?" Asked Ezra. "Why are you so... young?"

"After everything you've seen that is your question?" Said the boy. "An experiment that went wrong. Or that succeeded too well... Depending on how you look at it."

The boy walked past the desk.

"It's incredible what you can do with Kyber Crystal. The Jedi, the Empire... they only see it as a power cell."

"And you've used it to kill." Answered Ezra. "Creating destruction and deaths where ever you went! You... and your Dark Night."

"Don't lexure me about destruction Ezra!" Cried the boy. "I know what you did. What you created... amazing. Fascinating."

Ezra frowned as he came down the stairs.

"I could barely believe it. I think... congratulations are in order. We are both creators of chaos."

"No no no." Said Ezra. "You've used your powers to destroy entire planets and kill their capacity to creat life!"

The boy laughed.

"Where did you hear that!? It's ridiculous!" Once he was more composed he explained. "I care less about the planets. I've lost my Empire. I entended to make Lothal it's capitol but... my... beloved master... got in the way... again."

"I know what you did." Said Ezra. "I what your inventions can do."

"Good. If you didn't I'd be disappointed if you didn't. Is there something you don't know?"


"Why?" Repeated the boy. "You know why. It started right here. Long ago. Long, looong ago. It's here, in this very room that the Empire was born. Here that your great-grandmaster died."

"It has nothing to do with Sabine?" Asked Ezra.

The boy looked up in thoughts as the two started walking slowly in circles.

"Yeah... that too."

Ezra could barely laugh as he said.

"There is no turning back Aiden. The Empire wants you dead. Even Palpatine knows you're way too dangerous! And your Order will lock you away for the rest of eternity!"

"Hmm... they did that with Absolute too... I don't suppose you heard of him?"

"Aiden... I don't want to hurt you... everyone will be merciful if you stop this madness now!"

"Why ever would I stop!?" Cried the boy spinning. "I've been more myself than I ever have! My experiences! They bring me alive! They are unstoppable! Nothing will ever stop me! No one!"

"Not even me?" Asked Ezra.

Aiden lost his smile as he abruptly turned to the Jedi.

"Wouldn't you even stop for me?" Asked Ezra again.

"You abandoned me, remember?" Said Aiden.

"No! That's not true! Your master: he separated us! And he... he had his reasons!"

"You're scared..." Realized Aiden. "Why?"

"Because I don't want to lose you. Not again... please!" Cried Ezra handing his hand.

"You don't want to lose me?"

"No... you're my brother!"

Aiden started in Ezra's blue, electric eyes that he once had as well. The boy took hold of his lightsabers.

"And yet... you betrayed me... for love."

Ezra was despaired. Nothing would change his love for his brother. Aiden shook his head as he took a flask with dark, tiny, glowing crystals inside.

"My newest invention. Once I've destroyed Mandalore, I'll take care of Lothal."

"Aiden! No!"

Aiden didn't have time to drink the whole flask because the glass shattered on the ground and a violent light propulsed Ezra against the wall.


Ezra could hear the screams both of fear and the laughter of his brother destroying the city. He couldn't believe what he had become. Ezra felt the energy of all the Suns in the galaxy suffer under Aiden's new powers.

Ezra crawled to the ground as he knew it was only a matter of time before Aiden roamed free in the galaxy and no one would be capable of stopping him.

No Jedi. No Sith. No one.

His hand took hold of the flask as he looked at the remaining Kyber Crystals inside.
How Aiden had created Dark Crystals was beyond him.

Yet without a second thought, Ezra drank the whole thing.

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