Fighting About...What?

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"I know you took it!" Sabine yelled, "where is it?"

"I told you that you couldn't keep it," Hera shot back, "you know why I had to!"

Kanan groaned, taking off his mask, "women."

"I don't even know what's happening," Ezra shrugged.

Hera burst through the door, Sabine on her tail, both their faces dark with frustration.

"I know you took him, Hera!"

"Took who?" Ezra asked.

"The stray cat I found!"

"Stray cat?" Kanan asked curiously, "why would you bring a stray cat without talking to us first?"

"Because I knew Hera would disapprove!" Sabine shot at him.

"And I wouldn't?"

"You let me drink before so you'd let me keep an innocent cat on board!"

"You let her have a drink?" Hera bellowed.

Kanan put his hands up in defense, "it was only one! It wasn't even that strong!"

"Not the point," Sabine continued, "this cat is a stray, we can't abandon it! It was being harassed by the Empire for no reason!"

Ezra shrugged, "I say keep it. It looks harmless enough."

Hera sighed, "look, it's wandering around the cockpit right now-"

"Ay!" Zeb boomed, holding up a small gray cat, "anyone want to explain why this was in my room?"

"Sabine can explain that one!" Hera replied, scowling.

"It's the stray I'm going to keep and-"

"Oh no!" Zeb growled, "no, no, no! I'm not having another pain in the rear running around on this ship!"

Zeb looked to Chopper, who had rolled into the room. The droid frustratingly threw his hands up in the air.

Kanan stroked his moustache and sighed.

"Okay everyone, let's take it easy for a second here," he gestured to the seats, and the crew obeyed, filing into empty seats with Zeb still holding the feline.

"Look, this cat can be rescued. I understand where Sabine is coming from."

Sabine threw her hands up, "thank you, Kanan!"

"But," Kanan drawled out, "Hera has a point too. I mean, we can't just keep a cat on here, imagine the trouble that it would cause."

Ezra stood, joining his master.

"Right!" He spoke, crossing his arms as Kanan did, "and as the men of this household, we make the decisions."

Zeb burst out laughing.

"Kid, I'm older than both you and Kanan! If anyone' the man, it's-"

"I'm in charge," Kanan spoke calmly, "I'm the leader, anyway."

"Kanan is right, Zeb. He watches out for you," Hera added.

Sabine sighed, tapping her fingers impatiently, "so now what? Are you going to make a decision, Kanan?"

The Jedi gently stroked his beard, "I'm thinking, give me a minute."

The room was silent, except for the low purring from the cat, who sat on Zeb's broad shoulder.

"Can ya hurry it up? This furball's claws are digging into my shoulder blade!" The Lasat hissed.

Ezra snapped his fingers, his eyes lighting up.

"Let's keep him in that old storage room in the back that nobody uses!"

Kanan suppressed a chuckle, patting the young man's shoulder. Ezra was in over his head yet again. The more that he thought, the more of a ridiculous plan he came up with. There wasn't any good place to put-

"Great idea," Hera smiled, "he can stay in there for a while. But only for a little while."

"Yes!" Sabine cheered, throwing her hands up, "thank you!"

The cat purred against Zeb as he dropped it in disgust. The cat took off into the hallway, with Sabine chasing after it, and Ezra following. Zeb looked to the Twilek and Jedi.

"They're your kids," he shrugged as he took off after them.

Chopper clanged his arm against Kanan's leg. They're actually all of your kids.

Kanan laughed heartily, patting the astromech. Hera shook her head, smiling.

"Chop's right," she spoke over her shoulder.

"You better apologize to Sabine," Kanan replied, "otherwise I'm going to have to deal with two cranky women on this ship."

Hera smiled as Chopper followed her out, "you haven't seen cranky yet!"

Kanan chuckled. He turned, exiting the Ghost and returning to his meditation. Hopefully this time without any distractions.

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