The Call

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Kanan made his way back to the base, his hands gripped tightly on the steering wheel. Mart and Chopper hadn't said anything since their meeting at the sewer. There was nothing left to say, and Kanan had been strategizing as they continued along. The first step was to deliver Mart back to the others. Then they would take evasive action.

"You doing okay back there, Mart?"

"Yes," the rebel replied, gripping Kanan tighter as the speed picked up, "just making sure that I don't fall off."

Chopper made no comment about Kanan's driving and continued to wail. Kanan sighed. He knew that Chopper had missed Hera dearly. He couldn't blame him.

"We'll be there soon," he yelled over the rushing wind, "the Empire is... too occupied to find us."

Mart didn't reply but continued to grip Kanan's shirt. The Jedi didn't mind, for he knew that there was nothing to say about his comment. The rest of the ride was in silence.

Up ahead, Mart had told Kanan that they were close and he could see the speeder bikes. Neither didn't know what to tell the crew. But Kanan had a plan. A plan that Hera would disapprove of, however, was worth the risk. After all, the best pilot in the galaxy was far more important than an old Jedi.


Pulling up to the bikes, the three hopped off as the crew joined them.

"W-where's Hera?" Ezra asked, "you didn't find her?"

Mart stepped up, removing his helmet, "I'm sorry," he spoke quietly.

Kanan patted Mart's shoulder gently, "why don't you get cleaned up?" he spoke softly. Mart took the signal and left the crew alone to deal with the loss.

"She's dead, isn't she?" Sabine spoke her words almost at a choke.

"Not yet," Kanan replied, "not unless we take action immediately."

Ezra rubbed the back of his neck, "well, here's the bad news...we can't leave."

Kanan took off his mask, rubbing his blinded eyes, "I know, Ezra. We need some allies that are willing to help."

"Who can we ask?" Zeb crossed his arms, "the Rebellion won't buy it, they have much larger problems to focus on."

Kanan sighed. "I was thinking of Cham...maybe he'd be willing to help. I'll give him a call."

Sabine placed her arms around the Jedi's shoulders.

"I'm sorry, Kanan. I know how much you-you cared about Hera."

Ezra joined in on the embrace as Zeb placed his hand on Kanan's shoulder.

"We will save her, Kanan."

Cham sat in his ship, admiring the stars. For once.

They had been fighting a battle for almost a week now and the attackers had finally surrendered. Numa had been very helpful, aiding the crew as the fought, and managed to take down a few ships as well.

Of course, Cham thought of Hera. Of how she was doing. He hadn't heard from her in a while and he began to grow worried. However, he shrugged it off. His daughter was strong enough. She had proven that to him many times now.

"Sir!" Numa rushed into the cockpit, "sorry to disturb you, but Hera is calling!"

Cham smiled, straightening his vest.

"Right on time. Patch her through, Numa."

The hologram appeared in front of him, only it wasn't Hera.

"Kanan!" Cham exclaimed, his smile fading briefly but quickly formed once again.

"Hello, sir," the Jedi spoke solemnly. Cham grinned, folding his arms.

"I'll admit Kanan, I didn't think you'd be calling me. Alone. If you're planning on asking an important question-"

"I do have an important question, sir," Kanan agreed, sighing a little.

"You are planning on marrying my daughter and need approval?"

Kanan put his hands up, "woah, woah, woah, uh, no. I'm sorry, that isn't the important question."

Cham sat up in his seat now, "my apologies, Kanan. I should not have assumed that-"

Kanan held up a hand, "no apology needed. I need to tell you that Hera-"

Cham straightened. Kanan looked worried.

"Hera was captured by the Empire. We need your help," he continued.

Cham's expression froze.

"Will you help rescue her?"

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