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Kageyama woke up and opened his eyes, his vision was blurry but he thought he saw something orange dart up and behind the counter. He finally got his bearings and stood up, the boy on the couch was gone. he slowly walked forward and suddenly a weight landed on top of him. His eyes widened in surprise as the boy was on top of him holding a knife to his throat.

It all happened so fast all Kageyama could get out was a gasping noise. "Why am I here," the boy said in a small shrill voice. "Where is here." the boy continued staring straight into Kageyama's eyes. Kageyama couldn't help but stare back his big brown eyes were filled with such violence, he could tell that this boy was very guarded.

Kageyama put his hand up in the "I surrender" pose and tried to smile lightly at the boy but to the raven-haired boys surprise he just scowled back at him "answer my question." Kageyama gulped. "Um, I found you all passed out and uh..I actually don't exactly know where we are. The red-headed boy smirked, "And why would you a dumb government pawn help me". Hinata said taking the knife and flipping it over his shoulder in an exaggerated motion. Kageyama looked up at him confused "why wouldn't I help you." to this, the boy laughed it wasn't even a genuine laugh but still it was as bright and as warm as the sun.

The boy swiftly moved off of Kageyama and turned around. "look I still don't really understand why you helped me but I'm going to let you live this time as a professional courtesy, you know for saving my life and all." "Also you look like crap" the boy said taking note of his poorly bandaged leg and slowly fading black eye. After that, he got up and began to walk away "I'm not one to just let some poor child die," Kageyama replied.

After Kageyama said that the boy froze and tensed up his whole body shaking. Kageyama frowned trying to figure out what he had said but before he could the boy turned around and seeming to almost teleport punching him hard in the gut. he kneeled over shocked at the sheer force of the impact.

"Take that back," he growled, "I am no kid." Kageyama might have laughed at the kid, had his face not looked so utterly terrifying the raven-haired boy was sure to see it in his nightmares. His look was so utterly serious that the raven-haired boy actually asked "your not a kid?" there was a small silence before the shorter boy answered "I happen to be 19" "wait you're the same age as me?!!" Kageyama replied in shock

with that, the orange-haired boy got up and began to slowly limp in the direction of the chemical sites. "wait who are you" Kageyama spluttered still half in shock of all the events that had happened to him that day. "It doesn't really matter" the orange-haired boy replied. Then he resumed walking. "where are you going," Kageyama paused before continuing "I don't have anywhere to go."

"Hmmmm" The orange haired boy turned around and stared into Kageyama's deep blue eyes. he was uncomfortably close to Kageyama's face, he blushed bright red and backed up a bit. "As I thought" "Youll never make it out here on your own" "Your just a sad government pawn" Kageyama face twisted with rage but before he could say anything the orange-haired buy continued. "Let me guess you had some delusional dream of keeping the peace and serving justice". " then you found out who they really are." "Unbrainwashed pawns like you are a rare find indeed" he chirped clicking his tongue. Kageyama closed his mouth a stern expression crossing his face. Everything the boy said was true it was like he was an open book.

Kageyama searched for somthing not wanting to seam completely incompetent "At least I'm trying to do something to help" Kageyama spluttered. The little redhead laughed. he had a mesmerizing laugh but Kageyama soon snapped out of it and glared at the boy annoyedly. "You really don't recognize me, They never showed you a picture?" the smaller boy smirked. Kageyama just stared back at the orange-haired boy in confusion, he was really starting to get on his nerves. "alright for the sake of my own amusement I'll tell you who I am, You probably know me as wildfire, but my names Shouyo Hinata."

All of the color drained out of Kageyama's face and he gasped. The leader of the rebellion known as wildfire for his fiery red hair, and blazing a trail to the no.1 spot in the government's most-wanted list stood right in front of him, cheeky grin and all. "tell you what, I see a spark in you so I'll give you a one time only offer, Come with me and join the rebellion," he said reaching out his hand. "unlike the government, we stand for the people.............and we kick ass."

You can guess what Kageyama chose. he smiled and took Hinata's hand "I'm Tobio...Tobio Kageyama." and with that Hinata lead Kageyama in the way of the chemical fields. "Hey why are we going in that direction," Kageyama asked confused. "there's tons of radiation that way, it'll kill us." the redhead chuckled again then looked over at Kageyama with gleaming eyes "that's precisely what we want the government to think" then he winked and continued hiking through the rubble in that direction.

Kageyama just followed, he was speechless. Hinata was amazing no wonder the government was so scared of him and his operation. 'There are 5 rules you must follow if you are to join our ranks" the shorty blurted out. "Okay, what are they" Kageyama replied "Rule 1, everyone must pitch in there are no slackers", "Rule 2, obey the ranking system" "Rule 3, Never purposefully hurt another rebel mentally or physically" "Rule 4, Never leave a man behind" "Rule 5, nothing goes on withount me knowing about it first" "you got it, newbie," Hinata placed a finger on Kageyama's chest accusingly causing Kageyama's heart to beat faster. "Actually what type of ranking system do you go by" Kageyama pondered. "Good question we go by a similar system to the old fashion military." " Commander which is me then in descending order General, Colonel, Major, Lieutenant, Seargent, corporal and then Private which would be your rank till you move up......that is if you ever do."

They suddenly approached a giant pile of rubble made out of some kind of sleek black material. "Obsidian, pretty cool huh". Hinata squeaked with delight. Then he pressed some sort of button "access code 8636539" he said into a speaker at the bottom and then he heard a female voice come out of the speaker "welcome home commander" The doors opened up and what Kageyama saw was amazing, he'll never forget the first time he laid eyes on the base It was truly excellent. Like a sunrise that marked a new begging, setting a fire in the very depth of his soul.

Until next time ~❤️~

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