The Encounter

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Kageyama looked on in horror as his allies in the government burst into the building. They shot everything that moved with rifles, women, children. people screamed and blood splattered the walls,as he stood completely frozen. Why were they doing this. He felt a deep lump in his through and fought the urge to cry out. He heard rumors in the academy but he didn't believe them, didn't want to believe them, until now. He didn't want this, he wanted to protect the people, to be a symbol of justice like his dad. Kageyama didn't know what to do anymore.

Before Kageyama could move on his own again he was hustled back into the van. This was his first mission as a government enforcer. Everyone laughed around him cheering. But Kagayama could not cheer, he was ashamed of what he was now. "What's the matter new recruit," Kageyama's superior officer looked down on him with cool menacing eyes. Kageyama was taken aback he didn't know how to respond. "Stop the car," Oikawa told the driver. The car pulled around the corner and came to a sudden halt shaking everyone around. Oikawa hustled the raven-haired boy out of the car. "wha.. what are you doing" Kageyama stuttered trying to hide the fear in his voice. "See there," Oikawa said, "I want you to shoot them." Kageyama looked over in horror at a mother and her small child huddled by the corner, they looked to be on the verge of death already.

Oikawa handed him his rifle and pointed at them. Kageyama took a deep breath and raised the rifle with an unsteady hand. It's fine he thought, they are going to die anyway, I'm just giving them mercy. But he could not do it, he would not do it. "no," Kageyama whispered softly lowering the gun. suddenly he felt something hard and solid hit his face and he stumbled backward into the dirt. Oikawa step backed and laughed "you are pathetic." he hooted and the troops in the car hollered along with him. his right eye felt swollen from the blow and he knew that he would have a black eye later. Oikawa pulled out his gun and pointed it at Kageyama. he didn't have time to react before he had a bullet in his left leg.

he tried to cry out but it was no use, he just made some kind of gurgling sound before hitting the floor. Oikawa left and Kageyama could barley hear footsteps leaving and sensed the van rumble away leaving him alone, stranded. His head pounded and there was a shrill ringing in his ears. For a couple seconds he could not hear or see anything all that existed was a bright white pain. it was a while before he was able to think and he started to cry. Tears rolling down his face, he lay there facing his new reality without a purpose, he had no hope left. Eventually, he gained his bearings and got up but stumbled right back down when he noticed that Oikawa had shot the mother and child anyways. The mothers hand reached out toward the limp body of her child as if to try and save him one last time. Kageyama leaned his hand against some nearby rubble and threw up. He wiped his mouth with his hand and breathing deeply started walking in the other direction, he couldn't stand to see the sight anymore.

he walked across the rubble for what felt like an hour (actually 20 mins) before he collapsed near a building. blood was trailing down his leg and his face was black and swollen by now. What was he going to do now he thought? he put his face in his hand trying to expel the twisting feeling of hopelessness in his gut.

Suddenly he heard a rustle in some bushes nearby, his head snapped so hard in that direction that it was a miracle he didn't get whiplash. He couldn't hear anything except for a woosh and he thought he saw a bright-colored blur out of the corner of his eye but at this point, he wasn't sure. He got up and put his back against the cold concrete wall. he slowly peeked around the corner to see a boy dragging himself over toward the old chemical farms. The boy suddenly fell on to his knees coughing up blood.

Kagayama slowly approached him. the boy's knees buckled and he hit the floor. He noticed the boy had a head of orange messy hair and was very very small with a feminine like build. he reached down a grabbed the boy's shoulder carefully turning him around and gasping he saw that the boy had been shot in the abdomen, the boy could not be more than 14.

he picked him up and brought him to a nearby building laying him gently down on the table and starting to look for anything to treat him. he removed the boy's shirt seeing his lean perfectly flawless white skin that was surprisingly toned for his size. He poured some water he found over the wound to clear away the blood and hopefully stop him from getting an infection. After he was done he wrapped the wound in some bandages that were in his pack, which he was grateful Oikawa didn't bother taking.

after he was done he just leaned back and stared at the boy, he looked so peaceful and cute, but what was strange is that he was wearing military-grade gear including a gray vest and combat boots. Kageyama could not figure out why he would be wearing such things and honestly didn't care to think much about it right now. Kageyama sighed and picked the boy up again laying him down on a couch nearby. he leaned up against the wall and slowly sat on the floor across the way from the couch that the boy was on. Now that the adrenaline left him he started to silently cry. He did not know what to do with himself any more, he felt as if he was at the bottom of a deep-sea and he was slowly drowning. He still felt that way as he drifted off to sleep.

until next time ~❤️~

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