Chapter 21: The Sword

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Ember's POV

We walked into the cavern to see a broken civilization? I'm not sure, it was confusing.

"No sign of any relics," Nina commented. "Or this Keeper."

"All I see..." Jun said, looking around. "Is that sword over there!"

I separated from them to go grab the sword.

"We're not here for the sword, are we?" Nina commented.

"Odd, no sign of anything else, and your tracker is definitely picking..." however, before he could finish his sentence, he was levitated into the air, with a glowing ropes around his neck.

"JUN!" Nina yelled  in horror, only to be met by the same fate.

"What?!" I cried out in shock as I saw my friends being strangled to death.

"You young travelers have made a huge mistake entering here," The Keeper said. "What your travelers are looking for is not here! How did you find this place?"

"Keeper, please," Jun choked out. "We're searching for the relics."

"The relics were lost in time," The Keeper said. "I will not allow them to fall into anybody's hands!"

Too late for that, I thought.

"Keeper, please!" Nina begged. "We need the relics, or the whole world will be in danger!"

"Enough!" The Keeper shouted. "I will not be fooled by your trickery! You have made a huge mistake and now you will die!"


The Keeper glared at me. "Perhaps you want to join your friends?" He asked.

I pulled out my new sword, pretty terrified.

The Keeper took out his axe and began to spin it as he began to slowly approach me.

I began to panic, I couldn't fight him, he would over power me and my friends would die before that even happens. 

I can't fight him and my friends are dying! I have to do something!

The Keeper had gotten very close to me, and I knew it was only a matter of time until he killed me.

Panicking, I blurted out. "HOW DO WE DEFEAT KYLLIAN?!" 

The Keeper halted. "K-Kyllian... Wilcox..." he said. "I have not remembered that name for so long."

I lowered my sword down in surprise.

"I am deeply sorry about your friends," he said, releasing Jun and Nina.

The two fell onto the ground, gasping and coughing.

"Who are you?" The Keeper asked.

"I- my name is Ember Ayers," I answered.

"So... it was true," The Keeper said. "You are Ember, the one to wield the Keyblade and later all of the relics."

Then he turned to my friends. "I can tell that you're not from here," he said.

"Yeah, we were sent from another dimension," Nina explained.

The Keeper nodded, as if he had expected to hear that.

"Well, am I ruining this party?" Someone asked and we turned to see Kyllian. "Sorry about that."

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