Chapter 33: Corruption, Possible Survivor

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Ember's POV

I exited out of the portal and began looking around.

"Jun? Nina?" I called out. "Are you both alright?"

No response, I was starting to get concerned.

"Guys?" I said.

I heard something, but before I could react, something tackled me.

"Oof!" I groaned. "Hey? What's the big deal?!"

I looked up to see Jun, his eyes pure black glaring down at me, Nina was close by, their faces held no recognition.

"Jun? Nina? It's me! Ember!" I shouted, as the two of them tried to attack me.

I pushed them away and scrambled to my feet.

There's no use trying to talk to you, I told myself. They're basically attack bots now. They won't recognize you.

My friends... have they met the same fate?

Something materialize into my hand and when I looked, I saw the Keyblade had returned to me.

"Hello, old friend," I whispered.

Then I closed my eyes. "Take me to Dreadfort."

I opened my eyes.

Alright, Ember! What's with you with closing eyes? You're probably asking now. My answer? Shut up, I have human rights too.

However, I wasn't prepared for what I saw.

Dreadfort was in ruins... complete ruins.

Nobody else was there... not a single soul.


I ran to the rubble and began searching, I found nothing at first, until I found the body of Dano.

Dano? He's always annoyed me with his OMG, WE ALL GOING TO DIE! But I didn't expect to see him dead. I thought, then a terrible thought came over me.. Who else died?!

As I searched, I found dozens of bodies, most of them, people  I didn't know. 

However, I found two bodies I recognized.

Kane... and Dexter.

I never thought that I would find their bodies.

The rest of the Frostbourne must have retreated when Dreadfort collapsed, and they didn't have time to bury the dead. I realized. I can't leave them here like this.

Without a second thought, I began to pick up the bodies, and carry them away from the ruins, to a nice looking place. I dug a hole and began burying the bodies.

You may say this is a waste of time, but it's the least they deserve. They deserve a burial. 

I worked for hours, digging holes and burying the bodies.

It was almost night when I went to take of the last body, the Elytra Corps Captain.

However, when I picked her up, I felt something pounding.

A heart beat.

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