A Trip to a Place Nobody Dares Go

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"So why didn't you ever have Donut do that before?" Red asked.

"Because it exhausts him. Now he's going to be asleep for the day." Scarlett explained.

"I don't think so, I just think he likes sleep." Tet stated, poking Donut.

"Well Rotom has good news! The ceiling voice lady told us we only have one more thing to do until we complete the prophecy!" Rotom shouted joyfully.

"So now we just have 'trip to a place nobody dares go.'" Trixie reminded them.

"That's great, but where do we have to go?" Red wondered.

"If it's a place nobody dares go, then I guess it's a Justin Bibarel concert!" Yet shouted.

"Really? You're hopeless." Scarlett told him.

"Perhaps I can be of assistance!" Minaret told them. "When I was taking a rest stop in Solaceon town on the way here. I was told to stay away from some ruins, perhaps that is the place!"

"That's good enough for us! Thanks Mina! Let's go team!" Red shouted, fishing a map out of his bag.

"Bye Mina! See you later! Rotom can't wait to meet again and he was happy to see you! Bye!" Rotom yelled waving, he floated out the door along with everyone else.

"Guys we have bad news." Red told them, pointing at a Porygon-Z who was lifelessly floating through the town.

"Not him again!" Scarlett shouted worriedly.

"Is that the random Porygon-Z who attacked you guys?" Trixie asked.

"Yeah, we have to stop him. He's not very... ICE!" Tet shouted randomly.

"That joke is irrelevant." Scarlett told him.

"Yeah, you should've said that last chapter." Red told him.

"STOP BREAKING MY WALL!" Palkia shouted from space.

"Ok Trump!" Rotom yelled back.

"Back to the story!" Trixie snapped.

"Well in any sense, I think we should take him down right here, right now!" Trixie told them.

"But Donut is unconscious! Maybe we should just run." Red told her.

"Are you scared?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No! I just don't think it's in our best interest to fight right now!" He countered.

"Let's just go!" Scarlett growled, walking off and dragging Donut behind her.

"Yay adventure!" Rotom shouted and he races after them.

"Scaredy dellcatty!" Trixie teased, but then she ran off, Red and Tet trailing behind her.

The next day

The gang had arrived in Solaceon town where they looked around the area, there was a giant ranch on one side, and a mountain on the other.

"That's the Solaceon Ruins! It must be there!" Red shouted, looking down at his map.

"Alright then lets go!" Scarlett ordered, walking towards the ruins.

"But couldn't we not? Or whatever." Donut mumbled as he slowly walked after her, yawning.

"Yay ruins!" Tet shouted.

"Man this region loves ruins." Trixie mumbled.

"Rotom thinks it's important that there's ruins! Because then there's also... non ruins!" Rotom went towards the ruins, Red and Trixie following suit.

When they arrived inside the ruins, it was so dark that their only sources of light were Red and Rotom.

"Can't Donut light a fire?" Red asked.

"Do you even know him?" Scarlett asked.

"Fair enough." Red replied.

"When are we going to find something?" Trixie asked, already tired of aimlessly wandering about.

"Rotom is scared of the dark, it has things like zubats, and hobos, and zubat hobos." Rotom whimpered.

"Well if they even think about hurting us, they BATter leave!" Tet cracked up laughing while Scarlett rolled her eyes.

"I don't think this is the right place, that Mina doesn't know what he's talking about." Scarlett told them.


Suddenly thousands of bright lights came swarming towards them at ridiculous speeds.

"Rotom look out!" Trixie shouted, tackling Rotom out of the way and sending them barreling down a stairwell.

The rest of the gang were stunned by the attacks, and a swarm of blinking lights restrained them.

When Rotom and Trixie arrived at the bottom of the stairwell, they waiting until they were sure it was safe to get up.

"Trixie, what were those things?" Rotom asked.

"The attack was signal beam, but I have no clue who used it." Trixie replied.

"Well we have to save them, Rotom probably knows them since he's been here before! He knows it! He even took a souvenir!" Rotom told her.

"Wait! Do you have it with you?" She asked him.

"Yeah, Rotom took this amulet coin. He always holds it!" Rotom told her, showing her the golden coin.

"Maybe that's what they want!We just have to find their leader and give it to him!" Trixie realized.

"How will we do that?" Rotom asked.

"We fight." Trixie told him grinning.

The two made their way up the stairs with caution, Rotom was sure to be as quiet as possible.

Somehow they made it further into the ruins without encountering the screaming Pokémon, or any Pokémon for that matter.

Then a group of Elgyem jumped them, all using signal beam. Rotom fired a thunder to counter them, and blasted them away.

"Elgyem, I guess that's whose here." Trixie mused.

"Rotom is sure we can beat them! Together!" Rotom shouted encouragingly, and Trixie laughed.

"Yeah, together."

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