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"Mina! Rotom can't believe it's you! It's been so long! And Rotom sees yore now a famous person who gets to eat candy from the money people!" Rotom shouted cheerfully.

"Yes, thanks to you I was able to overcome my fear. Slowly of course, but I did it!" Minaret told him.

"That's all well and good but why are you part of the prophecy?" Tet asked.

"Because he's obviously part of Rotom's past!" Scarlett snapped.

"Aren't you just a ray of sunshine." Red mumbled.

"Well forgive me if I'm not entirely in the mood for you people's ridiculous stupidity!" Scarlett growled.

"Ray O Sunshine! The perfect whether man!" Tet yelled suddenly.

"Moving on!" Minaret shouted, trying to get the group under control. "I would like to help you Rotom, but alas I cannot travel with you! I have far too many shows to attend!"

"Who said anything about you traveling with us?" Red asked.

"I assumed you'd want me to, a powerful Pokémon like m-" He was cut off.

"Don't flatter yourself, we just need to find out what Rotom forgot to do for you." Trixie told him.

"Well Rotom promised to do a duet act with me..." Minaret told them.

"Then Rotom will do that! Let's go!" Rotom shouted and he raced off to the stage, Mina and the gang following.

Meanwhile outside a Klef, his Magmortor friend, and a Staraptor had just taken out the two Golurk bodyguards and entered the contest hall.

Rotom and Mina were sitting down on the center of the stage discussing what they would do while the others sat in the stands.

Suddenly a crash was heard but Trixie and Scarlett were too busy arguing over something about Rotom to hear, and Donut didn't really notice so only Red and Tet heard.

"Let's go investigate." Red mumbled and Tet nodded, they went back into the main room where the two Golurk were sprawled on the ground dead, with multiple claw marks and dents on their bodies.

Standing at the entrance in a cliche villain pose was Klef, and his Magmortor and Staraptor friends.

"Look at that, its the bloody scaredy delcatty bloke and his solitaire loving friend Tet." Klef teased. "Storm, take out the Manaphy," he was looking at the Staraptor as he said it.

"Easy prey..." The Staraptor mused as he dove towards Tet.

"Magmo, light up the bloody Rotom!" Klef commanded, directing the command towards the Magmotor.

"Yes boss!" Magmo shouted and he began charging a fire blast.

Tet tried to hit Storm with an ice beam but he missed, Storm was about to grab Tet with his claws when suddenly Red got in the way and took the attack, getting his face shredded in the process.

"AHHHH! IT BURNS!" Red screamed, it was so loud that it made Magmo missed his shot and hit Storm by mistake.

"Nice going you bloody dope!" Klef snapped, raking his claw across Magmo's face. Blood began dripping from the wound.

"Red, why'd you do that?" Tet asked.

"Because, you saved Rotom... now let's take these guys down!" Red shouted, however he didn't look too good.

"Red, I'm going to try something and you're gonna have to trust me, ok?" Tet asked, glancing at Storm, who was recovering and Magmo had finished getting scolded by Klef.

"I trust you." Red told him, and the Tet froze his face. Red was shocked, but his expression didn't change.

"Now let's fight! Together!" Tet told him and Red nodded. Red blasted a thunderbolt at Storm who recoiled painfully.

Tet sent a powerful scald towards Magmo, which threw him back into the wall.

"Ignorance!" Klef shouted, and he ran forward, claws barred. Tet turned a shade of ugly purple and melted into water, dodging the claws.

"What the bloody hell?" Klef asked in shock before he was blasted back by a thunder.

"I'm sure those were both SHOCKING!" Tet joked as he assimilated.

"No." Red replied, shaking his head. The ice had melted during the battle, fortunately it had stalled the pain like intended. "But that was done pretty good fighting."

"You too Red. I think we taught them a lesson they'll never forget." Tet said hopefully.

"As if!" Klef scoffed, holding his right arm in pain as he slowly got up. "We'll just keep coming back every bloody day if we have to! Until we get the Rowan Fortune!"

"Rowan Fortune? What does this have to do with Rowan's money?" Red asked, dumbfounded.

"You really don't know do you? Well mates, I'll explain-" Klef started.

"Please drop the accent, we all know it's fake." Tet told him, Klef scowled but did as told.

"Your brother has all the information for Professor Rowan's bank account. With all the money he has, I could be rich! Which is why I want him!" Klef told them.

"GOLURKS!!!" Minaret screamed suddenly as he ran out of the stage room and into the main room. He knelt beside the Golurk corpses crying.

"What the heck happened here?" Scarlett asked, running in after him, Rotom, Donut, and Trixie following suit.

"It's these guys again." Red explained, motioning towards the three Pokémon, two of which were unconscious.

"Man do they ever give up?" Trixie asked.

"They killed my Golurk! They were my best friends!" Mina cried.

"Alright, I'm thinking about letting them have it or whatever." Donut told them, a fire in his eyes.

"Do it." Scarlett told him, and Donut smiled.

"What is he doing exactly?" Red asked her.

"Maybe he's making us sandwiches!" Rotom suggested hopefully.

"You'll see." Scarlett said, grinning evilly.

Donut pounded his boxing gloves together. "LETS GET READY TO RUMBLE!" He shouted and he flew at Storm so fast he might've teleported. He began punching the bird repeatedly, bruising its face.

Next he began pounding Magmo after Storm had gotten his fill do fist fillet. He knocked a few teeth out of Magmo. And then turned to his final target.

Klef was trying to escape, but he was so badly injured from the previous battle it was futile. Donut ended up beating Klef as well.

When he was finished he smiled and promptly passed out.

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