A Starred Rose.

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Ten years ago.

"Dear Arcadia, my time on this Earth runs short. I do not know how much longer I have until I die, but I have to say these things. You were my most trusted friend, and a wonderful person to work with. I do understand why you were overcome with jealousy, I wish I could've handled things differently. I'm sorry Arcadia, I truly am. But how I just ask you something, please take care of Rotom. He needs someone to look after him, and I trust you. So please Arcadia. This is my final dying wish, take care of Rotom. Sincerely, Professor Rowan.

Meanwhile in the present.

The gang was cutting through a large forest between Celestic town and Hearthome City to get there faster.

Rotom, Tet, and Donut were playing tag. Red was examining a map and also trying to read a botany book at the same time. Scarlett was making sure Donut didn't go to far or eat any rocks.

Trixie was jumping from tree branch to tree branch from above, making sure Scarlett didn't try anything with Rotom.

By the time they had finally reached Hearthome City the sun was setting. The gang decided to make camp and sleep on the outskirts of the city.

Everyone had a fairly easy time dozing off, however they were awoken early in the morning to shouts coming from Pokémon.

The Pokémon were mostly Plusle and Minun, and there were a lot of them. So many nobody couldn't even count them.

"Minaret! Sign my face!" One shouted.

"Marry me Minaret!" Another screamed.

"We love you Minaret!" A third squealed.

"Now now ladies, calm down. I haven't even put on my performance yet." A Roserade, most likely Minaret, told them all.

He was standing in front of the door of the contest hall, two Golurk guarding him to make sure the crowd didn't eat him alive.

"I think that's the guy." Red told them.

"Thanks captain obvious!" Scarlett shouted at him.

"Rotom feels like he remembers this guy, so maybe it is right!" Rotom said squinting at the Roserade.

"Alright then, let's just go and talk to him." Tet suggested.

"How do you suggest we get past those Golurk?" Scarlett asked.

"Maybe if we... do something." Donut suggested half heartedly.

"I've got it covered." Trixie said with a sly grin. Then she began glowing and transformed into a Golurk.

"Wow, Trixie that was awesome!" Rotom praised, and Trixie blushed slightly.

"Alright then! Onwards!" Tet shouted and they went forward, Trixie leading the way.

The crowd parted for the illusion and the Pokémon behind it, however the Golurk guards blocked their way.

"Step back behind the line!" The one ordered.

"But I work with you guys!" Trixie lied, doing her best impression of a Golurk.

"No you don't!" The second one told her forcefully.

"Guys guys guys! Let them through." Minaret told them.

"But-" the one started.

"I said, let them through!" Minaret ordered, more forcefully this time. The Golurk got out of their way. Minaret went inside the contest hall and motioned for the group to follow, which they did.

He lead them into the preparation room and sat down on a chair.

"Hello there friends, why have you come here? I know you do not wish to see me perform. Nobody who does is that smart to try an illusion." Minaret told them, and Trixie's illusion vanished. Leaving a shiny Zorua where the Golurk once stood.

"We need your help, there's some prophecy thing that Rotom is a part of and we were thinking you were the Starred Rose they mention." Red explained.

"He's part of the prophecy!?" Minaret gasped.

"Yeah, it's cool or whatever." Donut added, laying on the floor.

Minaret turned to Rotom. "Rotom! Is that you? It has to be!" He shouted suddenly.

"Hello Mr. Minuet! Rotom is here for help!" Rotom told him.

"It's Minaret." Scarlett told him.

"Yes! It is you Rotom! Don't you remember from Floroma Town?" Minaret asked, standing up abruptly.

"No, Rotom doesn't remember." Rotom told him, shaking his head.

"Maybe this will remind you." Minaret said, opening up a travel suitcase and taking out a photo of him and Rotom smiling in front of beds of flowers.

"Wait! Rotom remembers you now!" Rotom shouted suddenly, as he let the memory come back to him.


Rotom and the Professor had gone to Floroma town for the day, Rotom had gone off to explore the flower fields.

But he ended up seeing a Roselia doing a stunning performance. Once the Pokémon has finished Rotom clapped.

The Pokémon turned and gasped, falling backwards from the sudden realization he had been being watched.

"That was a great performance!" Rotom  told him, smiling warmly.

"Th-thanks." The Roselia mumbled, getting up and brushing himself off. "Bu-but I'm n-not too s-sure."

"What do you mean? Rotom thinks you were amazing! Better than him!" Rotom told the flower Pokémon, who smiled faintly.

"Re-really?" He asked

"Yes really! You should perform in from if others!" Rotom told him.

"I-I'm too ne-nervous for that." He said to Rotom.

"Why?" Rotom asked "have you ever tried it?"

"N-no." He admitted.

"Then how do you know you're scared of it?" Rotom asked.

"You're right... I do-don't!" The Roselia realized. "Thanks so much! I'm gonna try to get better now! And by the way, I'm Minaret!"

"Rotom is Rotom!" Rotom told him, and they shook hands.

Flashback end.

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