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"It's nice to meet you Trixie!" Rotom replied cheerily. "Rotom is Rotom!" He offered his hand.

"Nice to meet you too." She replied, chuckling at his way of talking.

"Rotom appreciates you helping him, but what were you doing in there?" Rotom asked her.

"I just needed to get away from my parents for a bit. Who was that guy?" She asked him.

"He was Klef, Rotom doesn't like him. For some reason he wants to hurt Rotom. Rotom doesn't know why though. Something about Files and Fortune." Rotom replied.

"Well whatever, he should learn to back off." Trixie said, looking around.

"Hey, why are you looking around?" Rotom asked.

"Because, I don't want to deal with my parents right now." Trixie answered.

"Why?" Rotom inquired.

"Because we had a fight, but wait why are you here?" Trixie asked.

"Rotom is trying to figure out some prophecy thing, so he's traveling the world!" Rotom told her.

"Wow! Can I go with you? I've always wanted to go on an adventure!" Trixie asked him.

"Yeah, Rotom and his friends could use some help! Welcome to the team!" Rotom grinned.

"You kinda remind me of a Rotom I met before, it was so long ago though... he had hurt himself and I helped him out. He said we'd see each other again but he just left..." Trixie said, frowning slightly.

"Wait... Rotom remembers meetings Zorua that looked just like you... it's a bit vague but..." Rotom stopped, as suddenly the memory returned completely.


"Don't go to far Rotom, and remember, we're leaving tomorrow." Professor Rowan told the Rotom.

"Ok Maker! Rotom will be careful! Bye!" He shouted cheerily, and he floated off to explore.

However he was being reckless and ended up flying straight into a tree branch, and then he fell down onto a rock, rolled down a hill, and crashed in front of Trixie.

The Zorua looked at him with concern in her eyes, she was smaller then and had a look of childhood wonder.

"Are you ok?" She asked, heading over to him.

"Rotom is ok..." he mumbled, however he didn't sound ok.

"Here, let me help you out, I can get you some berries!" She suggested, running to a bush and grabbing some Oran Berries.

She gave them to him and he took them, eating them. They talked for a while, and laughed a bunch.

"Trixie! Trixie where are you?" A female voice called.

"Oh, that's my mommy. I better get going. Promise we'll meet again?" She asked Rotom.

"Rotom promises Trixie!" Rotom promised, and the shiny Zorua ran off. However he has forgotten he was leaving the next day.

Flashback end.

"Trixie! Rotom remembers you now! You saved him when he was hurt!" Rotom told her suddenly, and he hugged her, she blushed slightly but he didn't notice.

"Wait a second? You're the same Rotom?" Trixie asked in disbelief.

"Yeah! He promised he'd meet you again, but he forgot he had to leave! Rotom is sorry Trixie!" Rotom apologized.

"It's fine, you kept your promise after all. We did meet again." Trixie reminded him, and she smiled.

"A promise fulfilled. One down, two to go." The Misdreavus's voice said from nowhere.

"What was that? And what did it mean?" Trixie asked confused.

"Oh, it's just the prophecy." Rotom told her, and he explained everything.

"So you're part of the prophecy? And so am I?" Trixie asked in disbelief.

"Yep! Now let's get back to the rest of the group!" Rotom suggested, he started to float off towards the camp. Trixie hesitated.

"Bye mom, bye dad. I'll be back soon." She mumbled, but then she ran after Rotom.

"Were your parents there? Rotom didn't see them?" Rotom asked her.

"Mom and dad would never let their 'precious shiny baby.' Go out on a dangerous quest. But I'll be back eventually." Trixie told Rotom, though she seemed to be telling herself as well.

"Well anyways, let's go! Rotom can't wait for you to meet everyone!" Rotom shouted, racing off, Trixie close behind.

When Rotom got back and introduced Trixie to everyone Scarlett glared at Trixie the whole time, especially when he mentioned the hug.

"I wonder what's up with that Misdreavus." Red wondered.

"I'm sure she just wants to have some fun!" Tet told him.

"Or maybe she's crazy... whatever." Donut suggested.

"Or maybe she's trying to help us because something bad is happening!" Scarlett pointed out the obvious.

"You're the only half competent one here, and that's not a compliment." Trixie told Scarlett, grinning slyly.

"Be quiet will you? I'm trying to do something important!" Scarlett told her, but all she was doing was staring at Rotom lovingly. Rotom was chasing a butterfree.

"You know he doesn't like you right? Just give up while you can." Trixie told her, smirking.

"Oh shut up! You don't know how he thinks! And why do you care anyways?" Scarlett asked her angrily.

"Because, I think he's kinda cute. And I'm not having some random Totodile get in my way." Trixie told her, before walking off and giggling to herself.

"Jynx." Scarlett mumbled before going back to watching Rotom chase the butterfree.

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