A Dragon Maid!? Pt2

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I soon woke up in a strange area. It was a field with a purple sky.

I saw that my  Aunt and Tsuna were just waking up beside me. "Where are we?" Tsuna asked as he got up. Aunt Kobayashi groaned as she got up and asked "Did I go drinking?" "No you didn't. By the way you need fix your drinking problem." I said.
"Well well Well. If it isn't the apprentice of Ben." I heard a familiar female voice said behind me. I turned around and saw Charmcaster.

"Welp that debunks my idea of it begin Gwen." I thought. "Who is she?" My aunt asked. "Just a witch from Ben's world." I answered. "I prefer sorceress. Anyway bet your wondering where your friends are. " Charmcaster said as she snapped her fingers. Torhu Kanna Lucoa then appeared with another woman with a horn,fish tail and trident.

"That's Elma." Kobayashi said. The four dragons then opened their eyes and they were glowing purple. They then attacked us and we ran for cover.
"What's wrong with them?" Tsuna asked me. "Charmcaster must have them under her control." I said. "You two stay here I'll handle it." I said as I transformed into Chromastone.

"I'd like to see you beat this." I said as I began fighting them. After awhile though they overpowered me. I turned into Diamondhead and made a protective dome around me Kobayashi and Tsuna. "Any ideas?" I asked as I turned human. "How about your new form?" Tsuna suggested. "Yeah the one from Torhu. Makes sense. Fight dragon with dragon." My aunt agreed. "But I haven't had time to train with it." I said nervously. I then decided to turn into Echo Echo instead.

"Let's do this." I said as I multiplied and surrounded Charmcaster. "Wall of SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUND!!!!!!!!!" Me and my clones said causing Charmcaster to lose control of the four dragons. I ran to Torhu and asked her "how do I beat you guys?" "Use your new form so you ca-ARGH!!!" She screamed in pain as Charmcaster regained control of them. I was then sent flying back into my copies and turned back to normal.
Kobyashi and Tsuna helped me up and and took me behind some cover. "You need to use your new form. It's the only way." Tsuna said. "I can't ok. I'm scared Charmcaster might take over my body. I don't wanna hurt you guys." I said.
"Oh don't worry I'll do that my self." Charmcaster said as she grabbed Tsuna and Kobayashi with two energy whips. "NO!!" I yelled.
"Let then go!" I demanded. "Athius you can do it. You have the will power based off of what you told me." My aunt said. "I-I don't know." I said.
Charmcaster then attacked me and sent me flying.
I transformed into Stinkfly and flew away and hid away.
"I have use my new form no matter what." I thought.
I then decided to transform into it.

I sprouted wings and flew down in front of Charmcaster and saved Tsuna and Kobyashi. "His new form is a butler?" Tsuna asked "He looks like a more young and Handsome butler. " My aunt said. Apparently she is a maid and butler fanatic. "Makes sense in all honesty. Torhu is a maid so I must be a butler. From now on this form shall be Bahumut." I said as the DNA Data dump followed into my Brian.

Name: Bahumut.
Species: Dragon
Home World: Torhus dimension
Powers and Abilities: flight, sharp claws, energy fire breath. Also has similar magic to Torhu.
Other info: Wields a Sword.

"Now shall we begin?" I asked as I made a sword appear with my magic.

"What an interesting blade." I said as I looked at it. I then charged at the four dragons. I saw that they had stones on their backs and sliced them off releasing them but also causing them to pass out.
Tsuna and Kobayashi helped the four to safety.
Charmcaster smirked and began to laugh. "What is so funny may I ask." I said to Charmcaster. "You know I learned a new spell from those four." Charmcaster said as she then used the magic she drained from them and turned into a dragon.

"Your not the only one who is a dragon." I said. I then became a dragon myself

We both roared and began to fight. During the fight I began to overpower Charmcaster and slammed her down to the ground. She the reverted back to normal. I then did the same and turned back to my human form.
The area then disappeared and turned back into my aunts apartment.
Before I could capture her Charmcaster escaped. I decided I had enough for today and turned back into human form.
For some reason though I was super exhausted. "Bahumut must drain my life energy" I said. "We can help you train." Torhu said. I nodded and said "Thanks." "No thank you. You saved us." Elma said smiling. "Oh here I found this in that weird pocket space. Take it as a gift." Lucoa said as she handed me a dusty oil lamp.

There appeared to be writing on it so I rubbed it. It then began to shake as smoke spewed out from it followed by a girl who had golden bands on her wrists.

She looked like she was 16. "Ten thousand years of slumber can give you such a crick in the neck." The girl said as she rubbed her neck and stretched out. "Uh Who are you?" I asked. "Names Fiwi. I'm a genie." Fiwi said smiling. Fiwi then went over the rules about genies and them granting wishes.
"So what's your first wish?" She asked. "Tell me something can you send something to anyone in anyplace in space in time?" I asked. "I have infinite cosmic power but a teeny tiny living space." Fiwi answered. "I only have two. One I wish that my parents as well as my friends in Ben's world will get a holodisk projector and see how I'm doing. My second wish is your freedom." I said.
Everyone was shocked as well as Fiwi.
"What the heck?!?" My aunt said as she as well as Elma and Torhu listed off what I should have wished for. "Don't care. I just want my parents to know how I'm doing and what I'm doing. Other than that I don't want anything else. It would feel like slavery to me." I explained. Fiwi nodded and she snapped her fingers. Her bands then latched off.
"Thanks. Can I stay with you though?" Fiwi asked. I agreed and said "sure."
Fiwi then teleported me Tsuna and herself back to my place.
"I can help you and fight with ya. I know every fighting style including Tetraman,Appolexian etc. what do you think?" Fiwi asked
"Awesome." I replied.

My team is getting bigger and better everyday

A/N: HEY GUYS!!!! Flame here. So yeah Athius has a Genie now. Also thanks to humatrix-X-24 for making Bahumut. Yeah thanks dude. Bye!!!!

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