Princess Looma returns

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I was home sitting playing video games since I finished my homework done. "Yes.....yes.......YEAH!!!!!!!" I said in victory and started dancing a bit.
"What's the special occasion?" Fiwi asked as she appeared from her Lamp. It's been a few weeks and her and I have become great roommates. She did ask about if Vera was my pet and I explained to her that I adopted Vera as a little sister. Not a pet. I knew it would be wrong back in Ben's world if I kept a Vulpimancer as a pet. The reason why she's on a leash is so she doesn't get lose which she is ok with.
"Well I finally beat a super hard Boss in Ratchet and Clank: A crack in time." I said as I saved my game and shut it down. "I need a breather now. And a snack." I said as I went to the kitchen and made myself a snack. "I'm gonna watch the news." Fiwi said as she turned on the tv and watched the news. "And in other news a strange four armed creature has been seen roaming the city last night. Citizens believe this creature could be connected to the four armed hero we have seen" the news reporter said as an image of Fourarms was shown next to an image of a familiar looking four armed creature. Upon realizing who it is my face went pale. "L-L-Looma" I said. A knock was then heard at my door and I went to go hide.
Fiwi opened the door in a human disguise and said "its Tsuna. Relax. He has a Lion."
"What?" I asked as I looked a saw a little lion with flames by Tsunas side.

"Athius meet Natsu" Tsuna said
(A/N: Now before any of you say "That can't be true because Natsu can only exist in the future" here's what I say to you. MY BOOK) "What the?" I asked. Tsuna then explained to me that Natsu was from a Vongola ring box and that he's his partner. "Ok. That's actually pretty cool." I said. Tsuna then added saying "He can become a weapon. When I'm in dying or Hyper Dying will mode that is". I then thought and asked "Hey can you ask Reborn about an eighth Vongola ring will ya?" "Sure thing." He said.
After Tsuna and I hung out for a bit he headed back home. I then got started making diner. "Hey Fiwi do you think you can make the Eighth Vongola ring appear?" I asked my genie roommate. "Sorry. I can't." She answered to which I then asked her "Why not?" "Listen I may have infinite cosmic power but I can't do something like that. If there's an item someone must earn I sense that and I know that they will have to find it." She explained. I just shrugged it off and we ate.
After I cleaned up I decided to head out and try and find Looma. I parked my Triple-Excelerator near Tsuna's place and turned into Ghostfreak to get him. I woke him and Reborn up and we went out and started driving.
"So this Looma person is the four armed creature people have spotted?" Tsuna asked as he slowly woke up. "Yeah. She's a Tetramand princess. Fourarms species." I explained. "So why do you think she's here?" Reborn asked as he was fully awake. "She's after her fiancé. Which is me unfortunately." I said. "Wait what? Why?" Tsuna asked. "Well you see because female Tetramands are traditionally stronger than males, they are in turn considered the better warriors, and due to this, if a male Tetramand manages to defeat a female Tetramand, the male becomes the female's chosen husband." I explained. "So you defeated her in combat?" Reborn asked. "Well Ben and Kevin tricked me into doing it,in which I used Gutrots fear gas on them but yes." I said.
Soon my Alien DNA tracker then began going off near a construction site and there she was.

"Looma." I said as I got off my Triple-Excelerator. "Hello dear." She said. "Listen what do you want?" I asked. "Oh nothing. Just to take you back so we can get married." She answered. "Yeah if you can beat me first." I said. "How old is she?" Tsuna asked whispering to me. "I don't actually know." I said whispering back. She then sent a sonic clap sending us back. "Reborn Some Help?" Tsuna asked as Reborn nodded and fired a Hyper dying will bullet at Tsuna and Natsu also appeared and transformed into a gauntlet for Tsuna's right hand.

"If I cannot stop Looma I will not die in peace." He said. "My turn" I said and transformed into something new.

"Huh. He's new." I said. "I'll call you. Blazerilla" I then said looking at my gorilla like body.
Name: Blazerilla
Species: Magrillians
Home world: Magmos
Powers: Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Durability
Enhanced Agility (via Propulsion)
Enhanced Speed (via Propulsion)
Enhanced Reflexes
Enhanced Jumping
Blazing Sonic Clap
Shock Waves
Heat Resistance
Flight (via Propulsion)
Explosive punches

"Alright this guy seems awesome." I said as I charged at Looma. I punched her in the gut and right where I made contact she exploded backwards a few yards. I then began to throw fire balls at her as Tsuna did the same. "Now we have to knock her out and I'll take her back to my place." I explained. Tsuna nodded and said "I have an idea. I'll use the Zero point breakthrough: first edition and freeze her". He then did the technique and she was frozen. "Thanks." I said as I then transformed into Bigchill and froze her again and then into Fourarms and picked her up and said "Meet me at my house. There's a return home button on there." I said as I jumped Home.
Tsuna and I soon arrived at the same time and headed down into my base/lab. "So what do we do?" Tsuna asked. "I don't know. We could try my dimensional portal but she might end up somewhere else." I said. "What about Bahamut?" Tsuna then asked. "To risky." I said.
Little did we know Looma had a heating device on her and melted through the ice. "I'm not going anywhere with out you!" She said as she broke free and charged at me.
Panicking I grabbed some metal plates and threw them at her. I hit her arms and legs causing cuts in non-lethal areas but she did bleed. She approached me again but I threw one more at her. She caught it and threw it back but I ducked and it hit Animo's mutantion gauntlets. The gauntlets then began to shake and glow. I then turned into Feedback and absorbed the energy that was flowing out but I had to fire it. When I did there was a huge flash of light.
Next thing I knew I was human but not mutated. I looked at Tsuna and Reborn and they were fine but where Looma stood there was a girl. She was six feet tall but she had no clothing. I looked away blushes and yelled "FIWI GET CLOTHES ON THAT GIRL!!!!"
I then heard the genie snap her fingers and she said "You can look!" I then looked and she was clothed. She was wearing a back tank top with gold around the collar,arms and waist with jeans. She had tan skin yellow eyes and black and red hair. She also had strange shoes and arm growths.

"Wait. Looma?" I asked her. "Yes. Why?" She answered and then looked down and realized what happened. "WHAT THE?!?!" She yelled. After a while of explaining not only to her but to her father who we were able to contact Looma moved in with me as a roommate. And turns out she can still turn into her Tetramand form. I contacted Azmuth and he helped me make a device for her. It looked like an omnitrix but it was a small golden wristband with a red gem on it.
During the weekend while Looma and I were cleaning I heard a loud crashing noise in the basement. "What was that?!?" I yelled running down and saw that Looma accidentally busted down a wall. Inside was a wooden box. I took it out and opened it.
Inside it there was a letter and two boxes. I opened the letter and it read "To Athius our son. If you are to find this without us giving them to you then not only are you ready but we are gone. These two boxes contain the Vongola Star ring and the ring box for it containing your animal partner. The box we placed the Star ring in is special. It can only be opened when your heart is filled with courage. We love you with all of our heart and we hope to see you again." I felt a tear roll down my face when I was done reading it.
But I didn't have time for this as I got a video message from someone on my computer in my base. "Hello Athius." The voice said as Albedo appeared.

"Albedo" I said growing. "I believe I have something of yours." He said as an image of Haru and Tsuna appeared. "Want them? Come to the coordinates alone." He said as he went away and the coordinates appeared. I grabbed the boxes as well as a deck of metal throwing cards reborn gave me just Incase and I turned into XLR8 and ran to the location.

A/N; ALRIGHT guys. Flame here. So yeah thanks humatrix-X-24 for drawing Human Looma and Blazerilla. Anyway bye!!!

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