10 - Ink

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Welp... it happened. 

I met Ink.

I didn't like it.

It wasn't very long, pretty quick actually.

I was attacked but, not by him.

There was another au being destroyed but this was far too gone to save anyone. The monsters died to the human then something went wrong. It was just chaos all around. I didn't know it was happening until far too late.

I figured the problem was with the human since they were the only one still around. Unless it was something else that got destroyed in the chaos and the human was just alone.

I was right since when I entered the self-destructing world and checked the stats the only thing I could find was the human. I couldn't even get a name so I don't know if this was a Frisk, a Chara, or an anyone really.

Looking around I think I was in Judgement Hall, or a grey scaled version with cracks and floating debris. I couldn't investigate further since I heard footsteps approaching fast and stepped to the side to luckily avoid a knife to the back.

A blur went past me and behold it was the human and they did not look ok. They were glitching quite a bit altering their appearance, not by choice, and their hair shielded their eyes. I could tell they did not expect me since they took a step back.

It was a silent stare down with me giving a slight glare and looking down at them. They killed everyone and the world was falling apart, I wasn't going to be nice. They gripped the knife they had tightly and lunged for me starting a slightly reluctant battle.

It became clear that they were trying to wear me down after the first twenty minutes. My attacks were damaging them but not ever hitting that final blow. I began to wonder if they had done so much genocide that they are amazing at dodging or if they were somehow using the resets to their advantage. I couldn't tell since I was too busy trying to not get hit by them.

I wasn't sure how strong their hits were and if my own hp would survive a hit. Something I'd rather not find out. I was unsure if I was unable to die but once again, I'd rather not find out. Plus it would hurt regardless.

Another undetermined amount of time had passed and it seems like this area is only holding up because the human was here. I wasn't sure how long this was going to last.

And then it happened.

As I fired two blasters and they sent out a barrage of swips a dark wall materialize between us stopping the attacks. I blinked in confusion not sure what just happened and heard struggling on the other side of the wall. When the wall dropped on the spot into a puddle as if it were water before dissolving.

I saw the human covered in pink/purple paint looking tied up, and down right pissed if their yelling was anything to go by, and a familiar paintbrush weilding skeleton looking pleased with the catch he did.

Oh no.

He looked towards me about to say something only to freeze and gasped. When he blinked it changed the shape of his eyelights, confirming it was who I thought it was. He seemed as surprised as I was. It was silent, besides the human's struggling in place, and then he turned to fully face me. A splash of dark paint on his cheek, brown and blue-green clothing, and a sash with multiple colored vials.

Yep, it was him.

I could tellI from how his eyes darted to different parts of me that didn't exactly look amazing at the moment. That menace had managed to cut a bit of my jacket which I now need to fix. I was breathing a bit heavily, I was not in a great posture, and I could feel a bit of sweat at my temple. Add the fact that I probably looked really unsure and I add up to a mess.

"Your-" He started but was cut off by the place suddenly shaking.

It felt like a tremor from an earthquake went through causing us to stumble a bit in our spots. It seems that this place has reached its limit and that was my cue to leave. I glanced at the other skeleton before I ran off opening a portal a bit away.

"Hey! Wait!" I heard but I didn't stop. I jumped through and closed the portal immediately after. Once I was sure I was in the clear I bent over to catch my breath which took about a minute. 

"I... was not... ready... for that... ugh..."

My magic was pretty drained from constantly throwing attacks and moving around. I also had a feeling that avoiding Ink was going to be constant. I think the idea that Error was pushed to a point where he believed it didn't matter anymore scared me. I didn't want to get pushed to that point. 

So it might be best to try and avoid interacting with the artistic skeleton.

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