9 - Can't Change

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I learned something, something that I can't change. Certain aus were bound to happen if they were made a certain way. I can possibly make the situation better but I can't change the outcome. Let me explain.

This happened a good while ago. I was looking through a normal Undertale au when I noticed Sans acting a bit off. He wasn't as laid back or cracking as many jokes. He was tense at times and looked at the human with subtle dislike but never really let others see it.

I thought nothing of it since the coding wasn't corrupted in anyway and it was possible he was annoyed with the resets happening. That was until I actually looked at the resets. Multiple resets have been made and the ratio from pacifist, neutral, and genocide were horribly off balance. There were five times more genocide routes than the other two routes, even less for just pacifist. 

I kept an eye on that au for awhile and it wasn't until Sans took the life of another monster that I realized what was going on. A good chunk of aus in the multiverse start off as normal Undertale however things eventually happen to change it. Either a character does something, a choice is made, or certain things are just switched around.

The next time I came around to checking that au it had changed to Dusttale.

Lots of aus had negative outcomes that I couldn't change. As much as I wished everyone could have a happy ending I couldn't do that. If I changed something I might cause a corruption since things wouldn't flow the way they were ment to.

The same thing I noticed with an au like Horrortale. As much as I wanted to stop Undyne from doing what she does I can't do that. I want to help with the food situation but I dont even eat, not anymore anyways. I want to stop a lot of wrongs but I can't. 

I had to force myself to look away. 

It hurts.

I hate it.

Seems I wasn't good at hiding this negativity.

When I went to visit Sci to exchange some older books for new ones he noticed my lowered mood. Despite repeatedly telling him I was fine he never once believed me. But he never pried.

Papyrus eventually came down stairs all dressed up ready to go outside. He noticed my form on the couch and looked excited only to then notice my apparent mood as well. That didn't stop him from coming over to greet me. When he tried to tell me about his day he was stopped by his brother.

"I'm sure your day was amazing Paps but, right now is not the best time. Maybe later you can tell them."

That wasn't good enough for him though, he wanted to make me feel better. In doing so however he managed to find a way to get around my haphephobia. 

I remember hearing his small footsteps run upstairs and Sci left for the kitchen to make tea, even though I told him it wasn't necessary. I was a bit zoned out so I didn't know Papyrus had returned until I felt a blanket drape over my front. I was confused to say the least and tensed a bit when the small skeleton climbed onto the couch next to me.

"I have made a discory!"

"...you mean a discovery?"


His little arms attempted to wrap around me in a hug with the blanket being a barrier between us. 

"I can now hug you without touching! Neh!"

It was a nice gesture. Really touching actually. I can't remember the last time I received a hug. An actually hug not one of those quick side hugs. And thanks to the blanket I was able to return the gesture with out fearing about glitching up. 

I didn't know Sci was watching us until he walked over placing a mug in front of me. 

"Here, it's tea. I think you'll like it."

Once the mug was handed off he took the small skeleton off me so I could drink the beverage and sat on the couch as well with Paps on his lap. I took a small sip and was greeted by warmth, also slight stinging in my mouth but that was my fault.

"So... how's your research coming along?" 

Sci seemed surprised by the sudden question but it was quickly replaced with a look of glee. I spent the rest of my time there listening to Sci talk about how his research was going and watching Papyrus listening pretending to understand what was being said.

This was a peaceful moment that I wouldn't want to change.

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