8 - Funk it

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I was breathing heavily. Next to me was my Glaster blaster and in front of me was a spot on the floor smoking. My legs were trembling a bit from the scare, I was not training. My body was currently calming down from a series of glitches. I just had a big scare not that long ago and then this happened.

I think I might have killed someone.

I'm not even sure if what happened actually happened.


I was sitting on my strings like a swing, glasses on, making a new puppet this time of Dancetale Sans. It's been awhile since the incident and I've managed to not be too shaken up by it.

It has felt like a tradition to make a new puppet when I meet a new sans so that's why I was doing this. Once I was done I lowered myself to the floor and walked over to the rest of my things. Soon enough Dancetale puppet was added to the collection above.

As I was admiring my work I didn't realize until much too late that someone else was admiring it as well. That is until they spoke.

"Brah, those be looking wicked fine."

I felt my world come to a halt and a chill go through my body. A pin drop could be heard from how quiet it suddenly became. I slowly turned my head and saw a neon clad skeleton with a wide smile. The shades on his face read 'SUP BRAH' and... I can't remember what happened after since my fight or flight kicked in at an alarming rate. But I do remember hearing a blast and then seeing the smoking spot.

-end of flashback-

I was still staring at the spot with uncertainty. I did not want to meet this skeleton. I didn't want to kill him either! I don't know if this was my fear or Error's from the past but this was still freaky. Though he's technically not a sans, he is a skeleton, but he's a parasite. Ugh, the rules for him are too weird.

How did he even get here?!

I took a few steps forward and saw no trace of the neon nightmare causing my blaster to go away. Either I completely vaporized him or he avoided it somehow.

"Brah that was cold. Is that anyway to greet a new homie?"


I turned around seeing the same onslaught of colors and shades that now read 'NOT RAD'.

Nope, still scared.

I launched a few bones at the skeleton/parasite forcing him to distance himself if he didn't want to get hit.

His shades changed to 'WOAH!!!' and he waved his arms around to keep his balance while dodging the barrage of bones.

"Woah! Woah! Woah! Chillax my dude, hold your fire! I come in peace!"

"I don't believe that," I muttered while pulling out strings on one hand ready to attack at any moment. "How did you even get here?!"

Seeing the attacks have stopped for the moment Fresh relaxed letting out a breath of relief.

"I don't think that's important broksi."

"I disagree!" My voice glitched.

"You're being totally unradical brah."

I growled a bit and lifted the other hand resummoning the gaster blaster again causing him to sweat a bit. This guy's was on my list of people I didn't want to meet yet here I was. I saw that he shades read 'UH OH'.

"Ok ok look, I can sense that the vibes are totally uncool right now. I just crashed into your crib to greet my new broski."

"I'm not your 'broski'.... creep. Get the funk out!" Oh that was weird, I don't curse often but when I do I don't expect to be censored. He seemed unbothered by my insult but didn't like the cursing. He instead placed his arms behind his head and relaxed his posture.

"Take a chill pill dawg, I just want to introduce myself. I am the bodacious Fresh, how's it hangin' glitchy brah?" He moved closer and stuck his hand out for a handshake and I started at the boney appendage like it was infected and was going to jump out to me. After awhile his shades changed to just dots and he retracted his hand away.

"Alright I can see my radical presence is throwing you all out of wack. How about you toss on over your name?"

".......Error. Now leave."

"Error huh? I should've know with all those gnarly glitch you've got going all up here. Like that over there." He pointed behind me.

And I feel like a complete fool for turning to look.

Looking back after noticing nothing odd or out of place he was suddenly much closer, too close.

"You really need to chillax. I can totes help with-"

"No!" I snapped my fingers opening a portal beneath him. I don't know where he went and I didn't care. Once he fell through I closed it up and glared at where the 90's abomination had stood not that long ago.

Now in my past life I would say I liked Fresh. Heck, I remember specifically looking at Fresh content when I needed a little cheering up. However, I would've never want to meet him in real life.

Now, I don't know how to feel about him. I certainly don't want to be alone with him. I was lucky to be able to get rid of him when I did. He obviously had intentions and I had no idea what it could be.

".....he'll be back."

I made the blaster dissappear positive, more like feeling hopeful, he won't show up anytime soon.

I was right. Kinda.

He showed up an about an hour later while I was watering my flower.

"Whassup my homeslice! EEEKK!!"

I almost damaged my poor flower.

After getting rid of him again he showed up another hour later. This time while I was messing with my strings. Let's just say I wasn't really expecting it at that time.

"Broski! Your fine amigo Fresh is back! AAAHH!!!"

We both ended up tangled up in a mess blue strings. After a bit of struggling I freed myself then once again kicked out the bright entity. Now that he was tangled up it should be harder for him to come back.

I don't know what he wanted and I didn't want to know.

The third time was a bit different. I didn't even see him come in or out when it happened. I was watching an au through my one way window when I heard shuffling behind me. Turning around to look I didn't see anything so brushed it off.

".....I really should learn by now," I muttered before closing the window and walking towards where the shuffling sound came from.

I didn't notice anything at first until my gaze caught sight of a folded note by my small book pile. I picked it up on my way to my beanbag and plopped down before opening the note. When I read it what was on it I almost shredded it.

Awesome message here!:

I gotta bounce but we'll be besties soon fam! Count on it!

...I really did not like him.

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