100 - New Allies

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Author note: this one feels speedy, idk.

I have an idea of someone I definitely wanted on my side but was unsure for a bit how to go about it. It would be tricky to convince them and I needed a lot to get them to me.

I ended up pausing on recruiting for a bit and popped over to Sciencetale with Geno tagging along so he wasn't alone in the Anti-Void. Once introductions were out of the way I had Sci take me to the machine he had and asked why it wasn't working. Geno was stuck answering small Papyrus's many questions in the main room.

"Well, everything is in place but I can't get it stable. It needs power to run and I don't have that." He explained showing me an empty area for a power source. I took a risk and decided to help out since this could definitely benefit us. 

"I might have a solution but, you can't ask questions." I said to him.

I still had the remains of 404's soul, that had a lot of power in it. Using it can power the machine and give Sci the time and resourses he needs for a more permanent solution. My strings held the sould together and I placed it in, with permission of course.

All it needed were coordinates and it should work. To test I went to Dancetale to ask Sans if we could test it there since he was aware of us. He agreed as long as he could observe. I gave Sci the information for Dancetale so we could test it. Using a one way window I signaled that we were good and to my surprise the machine fired on and stabilized a connection. Geno walked through to see that it did indeed work. 

With more testing we found out we could be exact with locations as long as a machine was active. Taking them back was a bit trickier to figure out since going bavk to where a machine was would just be a waste of time but it's a work in progress. I wasn't going to be around to help with traveling between aus and I was pretty sure after this, if all goes well, they'll want to visit each other. Establishing a method of travel seemed important. Sci was happy with the development and I left it at that.

Good news later on, we established a bond in Outertale when Geno went to watch the stars. Apparently he had a run in with that au's Undyne and his state caught her off guard. She expressed that she wanted to help him and that's when I came in and talked to her. She was very attentive and understood the weight of the situation even if it took a few times to explain it properly. 

She wanted to be the hero of her au and offered her assistance if needed. I immediately asked if there was a spot where we could gather if we needed and she pointed out of area that didn't really get visitors. I return I offered her a chance to train as long as she kept us a secret. She was thrilled with the idea.

A bit later after that I was planning my next move when I felt a pull. Leaving the Anti-Void I found myself in Underfell and wandered towards where an angry skeleton was. 

"You called?" I called and his attention snapped to me. He cleared his voice.

"Error. I have thought about your offer. After a few... incident I figured it would be best to honor you with my assistance in your plans." Underfell Papyrus said with a hand at his hip. I wondered what the incidents were, probably a reset. 

"....sure. Anyways, thanks for agreeing. I'm still working on the allies thing but I know how you can help prepare. Not everyone is as skilled as you when it come to fighting so, maybe you can help with training while learning new skills. I think you'd benefit from such a rare opportunity." To my surprise he agreed quickly and I gave him a new charm instead of the bundled strings. 

The plan to get the main ally was close I just needed more people. Fresh was keeping himself busy doing who knows what but I knew he wasn't screwing me over so I didn't care. 

I decided next to get a human ally and found myself a bit in a snag. I couldn't just grab a human since I'm pretty sure that would mess something up if I wasn't careful. After a bit of searching I found a Chara from an au called Storyshift. They looked unique from others I've seen. A pink shirt, reddish brown jacket, blue pants, and dark shoes. The hair, eyes, and skin was reminiscent of any Chara. 

To talk to them wasn't as simple as approaching them. I kinda had to capture them. Not my best move but, seeing this human angrily flailing in my strings brought me some amusement. I did approach them saying that it was an accident which of course they didn't believe.

"You expect me to believe that you catching me was an accident you.... Sans lookalike!" They pointed at me from their odd position.

"You don't have to believe me but I can say it's interesting meeting an older Chara.... think I've only done that once before..."

"An older Chara? There's only me." I've got their attention.

"Not really, there's more. A lot more. Soon enough there won't be any."

"...was that a threat?" They asked with a slight glare and I raised a bone brow.

"What? No, if I wanted to threaten you a would do much better than that. Oh, let me..." I moved the strings that trapped them and winced when they fell. "....my bad."

"Ow.... what did you mean by what you said earlier?"

"Right well, my name is Error and I'm currently going around to different places to see if a world is worth saving. There are many different alternative universes out there made by someone. Unfortunately there are too many. Soon enough the multiverse will collapse on itself and destroy everyone so I'm trying to see who should survive it before it takes everyone." I saw their gaze hardened not sure if they should believe me.

"You don't have to believe me kid but just know it's going to happen regardless. Everyone will be taken to an early grave that can't be replaced. Once it's gone, it's gone. Just to convince you because I'm feeling nice...." I opened some one way windows to different aus and watched as Chara walked over in astonishment seeing people they knew but different. 

"You know, if you decide to help me out your au will be saved from destruction. You don't even have to fight if you don't want to."

"There's going to be a fight?" They asked not looking away from what they were being shown.

"Well I'm a destroyer and the person that did this mess is a creator. A fight is going to happen whether I want it or not. You don't have to-"

"I'll help. I would much rather a handful of us survive than no one. I'm not hero but I can't just sit back and hope for the best." I stared at the human for a bit seeing a glint of determination in their gaze and fished out a charm for them.

"Hold onto this. If you need me then undo it or destroy it. It'll help me keep track." I closed the windows and they left after a bit thinking over what they learned. I could probably get more humans but definitely later. I just reminded myself that I don't need fighters, once I have an ally I can know which au is theirs and spare it but.... fighter would be helpful. 

I felt weight on my shoulders. 

"You doing ok broski? You need a break?" I heard the familiar voice of Fresh, once again he had draped an arm on me. 

"I'm fine Fresh. Just getting... a bit fidgety. Nothing to worry about yet." 

"If you say so. Anyways I've been thinking about the bad skelliebros and been wondering how we're going to deal with that? No doubt they will attack but if they notice what you're up to they might hit up Ink and the others."

"I'm aware, I just don't know who to go to. I doubt Nightmare will listen and the others are loyal to him..... I think. I'm not sure how this multiverse is like." 

"I'm hearin' ya'. I haven't really spotted anybody important yet so guess I'll keep hopping around.... after a break." With a colorful poof we were back in the Anti-Void and I sat down as Fresh went to Geno.

I needed to work a bit faster, I'm getting impatient.

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