99 - Reaching Out

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Author note: I'm saying this so people can be reminded. I update at max once a week or at minimum the next day. I'll admit the reason I feel a need to say this.... I'm petty. Anyways on an unrelated note random question, what is your fanfiction pet peeve? I'm just curious since I have my own and everyone is different.

My selection on who was going to survive has gotten bigger when I took the moments to think. I can't just pick a small handful and be done with it after all. Well, I mean I could but I would get less support. Before anyone could catch wind of me being here I needed to get to who I could.

To play it safe I went to Reapertale, alone, and managed to get close with one of the gods. It was an interesting experience.

I saw nothing necessarily wrong with Reapertale but decided to not involve myself with the Sans of that au. There's only so much I can handle with him and I'm not willing to test the death touch here. This lead me to meeting an interesting individual. 

I wanted to take a break from looking around so I perched myself up between two old pillars. By perched I just had my strings to relax on. This one action was enough to gain someone's attention. 

"It's not often I see other beings use strings, so similar to webs." I looked around hearing a female voice and saw Muffet, goddess of Fortune in this au if I remembered correctly. She had on a lot of gold and her dress was made of webs, I'm pretty sure Lust and his bro would've gone nuts over how it looked. 

"Who are you and what brings you here? I think I would remember someone like you, are you here to pray? Probably not given your power..." 

She wasn't hostile towards me, more fascinated from what I could see, and I decided to shoot my shot asking if she wanted to assist me. Surprisingly she didn't ask too many questions as I explained everything but she wanted gold, which I should've expected. I didn't need her to fight but having another god on my side was good. 

I basically secured a safe spot for us in Reapertale. 

She was very aware of my similarities to the reaper she knew, how I looked, and what I could do. But she didn't seem to care all that much. As a goddess herself she understood things better and was a bit sympathetic which is why she offered up her space if I needed it as long as I offered gold or anything else to her which I agreed to. As I gift I gave her something I managed to crochet, a lucky charm with a tassel. It wasn't suspicious and was easy to pass off as an offering. I told her if I'm needed just unravel or destroy it.

Making dolls would've been too obvious, I needed to get creative to make sure I'm not found out too soon.

Another thing I managed to do was speak with two different Sanses that I felt were pretty neutral. Birdtale and Dancetale. They were pretty skeptical of me but were quick to listen when I gave them hard evidence. I told them they didn't have to agree just know the dangers they were unaware of. I gave them their crochet creations that fit their theme and told them the same thing I've been telling others. Unravel or destroy to get to me.

I also knew I needed eyes on the inside. I could easily have Fresh get on Ink's side but I want someone with a stronger connection. I also knew the Nightmare had his group so having someone there would be beneficial but risky. I'll get to that eventually once I plan it out properly.

There was one au however that I wanted Geno to come with me for. So once I was ready I told him we were going. He was surprised I said 'we' but came along as I brought him with me to Outertale. His reaction was worth it, he was stunned staring up at everything he could. I wasn't going to let this place get destroyed and I started to wonder about what would happen after all this. I needed to get to Sciencetale eventually, I feel like I can succeed more in the long run with the assistance of the younger Sans.

Anyways I lead Geno to a spot and had him sit down before taking a seat as well. 

"Pretty amazing right? I would hate to see this place fall into nothingness," I said as I was leaning back to look up.

"I would hate it too. Maybe you can show this place to the others you've been talking to?" Geno suggested never once looking away from the stars above. 

"I've been thinking about it but.... would it be a bit cruel? They see something like this and then they're back trapped in their aus when it's over. I'm not completely brushing off the idea just trying to figure out everything." 

"I'm sure you'll figure something out." 

We fell to silence just enjoying the quiet moment. I haven't spoken with anyone in Outertale and had no idea who I would even go to. There were pros and cons to every option. Outertale was great visually but I didn't know much about the people such as how strong they are compared to the original Undertale. 

"Hey Geno, random question. I don't know how much you remember about stuff but, do you think Grillby is strong?"

I heard him sputter next to me which made me chuckle. 

"What? Why?" He asked a bit alarmed but curious.

"Really? You're asking me why I want to know if the walking embodiment of fire is strong? Come on Geno-"

"That's not what I meant. Why the super random question? Makes me think you're up to something."

"I'm not the bright colored menace Geno come on. Honestly, have you ever seen him fight? I'm trying to cover all my bases here and I'm wondering if I need fire.... why are you looking at me like you don't believe me?"

".......I don't remember seeing him fight ever. But he had his business and could easily kick people out so...." 

"Guess that question remains unanswered." I said with a hum. 

"What about Dr. Alphys?" Geno asked randomly after a bit.

"Current Undertale? No way. One of the Swaps? Definitely." The air was light as we just chatted about the ideas of who could and couldn't fight probably. It was random and it stopped being a serious topic pretty fast. The talk pretty much ended with the topic of the Temmies. We weren't sure of their fighting ability but figured if there were enough of them it would be an issue.

Eventually we did leave since I didn't deem Outertale as a safe spot yet. 

While looking at different one way windows I heard a poof and airhorns. 

"What's up broski!" I heard before feeling weight drape over my shoulder causing me to groan a bit. 

"Hello Fresh. Did you-" I looked at him and froze noticing something, or rather someone.

"So I was doing what I do, hoping around and doing stuff when I stumbled upon this guy. Congrats you're a hero!" Fresh said holding up a young and very confused yet entertained Papyrus. Immediately I snatched him away from Fresh.


"Be mad later!" He said before he poofed us all away. Once I felt the familiar chill of snow I let my anger get the best of me and turned to Fresh. He yelped and ducked as I fired a quickly summoned blaster at him. Papyrus was laughing the whole time I was pelting bones towards the troubling skeleton before he poofed away. 

"Again!" The young skeleton cheered causing me to slump a bit. 

"Maybe some other time. I need to return you to your guardian." I said adjusting my hold on him. It was getting easier to be in contact with others.

"Already here," I heard and saw a very worried Sci standing to the side before he came over and I handed Paps to him. "Seriously thank you, I took my eye sockets off him for only a second-" 

I held a hand up to stop him. "I'll take blame for that. My.... companion decided to bring your brother to me so I could return him." 

"....why?" He asked confused after he confirmed his brother was ok.

"Most likely so I could talk to you."

"Oh.... why do you need to talk to me?" 

"It's... a long story." I slumped a bit, repeating the same things over and over was getting a bit tiring.

"Well I like stories, we could talk at my place so the frost can stop biting us." Sci suggested and I agreed quickly. Once we were at his place, and Paps was in his room, I wasted no time explaining everything I was doing and why. Unlike the others he wasn't really skeptical since I looked the way I did plus I decided to mention the machine he had which seemed to convince him enough that I knew things. I told him he didn't need to help me but it gave me an idea on how to help him.... later. I didn't need to put all my cards out immediately. 

I mainly just answered his questions to the best of my ability. I tried to not be too friendly either since I didn't want it to seem like I was replacing the Sci I already knew and bonded with. Once I was ready to head out I told him I would probably come back and gave him a charm as a just incase before leaving. 

Fresh was already hiding behind Geno not looking apologetic in the slightest.

"So... pretty knarly plan right?"

I might accidentally kill him.

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