98 - Planting Seeds

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Author's note: *sitting there looking at an idea* I think.... I'm a bit stumped... writing is hard. This week has been a drag I swear.

I heard the crunching of the snow continued to grow in volume along with the grumbles. I saw the tall monster entering the area with his gaze down on my tracks before he came to a sudden stop. 

"What? Where are they?!" He looked around. He growled seeming agitated as he looked around for me. 

"You know for someone with such a reputation as yours I'd figure you'd do the basic act of looking up." I called out and he looked up seeing me above him, watching while sitting on various strings. 

"Sans?! Wait you're not Sans! Who are you, you imposter!" He summoned sharp bones and pointed them at me. I waved him off.

"Oh please, if I wanted to impersonate someone it wouldn't be your brother. Besides...." I dropped down a bit getting closer to the tall skeleton. "Take a good look, do I look like I would even be able to? We might share some similarities but we aren't the same." I could see his gaze taking in my appearance, he didn't know who I was. Good. 

"I know you're a busy guy so I'll just get to it. My name is not important at the moment but I am a destroyer and I'm trying to decide if your world is worth sparing." A bit blunt and a tiny lie but it was needed to get his attention. 

"What on earth are you blabbering about?! As if someone like you could destroy. You look like my lazy bones brother just more fragile." I decided to let that brush by, for now.

"Well if you don't believe me, do you have time to spare? I can make my point.... more clear that way. Just a quick in and out, no one would notice if you were gone." I lowered to the ground as I talked and opened a portal for him to walk through. 

He looked mad but I could see the curiosity in him. 

"Fine! But if you try anything I will destroy you!" He stomped into the portal.

"You could try," I muttered to myself and followed him. We were in the Anti-Void now, just away from Geno's location. 

"Now is your chance to ask questions while I get something." I said as I opened another portal to a bunch of paper and looked at them to see which one would be the example I used today.

"What is this place?" He asked looking around seeing, well nothing. 

"This is the Anti-Void, an endless white void of nothingness. I would not recommend staying here for too long on your own. You can lose your mind. Next question."

"Why do you... look like that?" He sounded unsure for a spilt second about his own question.

"Hehe ouch, something wrong with how I look? I'm just pulling your leg Papyrus. I look and sound like this because that's just how I am, plus the whole Anti-Void thing, my powers, my name, it all factors in together."

"Well what is your name?" He asked finally as I selected a paper and pulled it in closing the portal. 

"My name is Error. Now I'm sure you'll have more questions and trust me I'll answer them only if I see you as.... well, not an obstacle in my way. Take that as you will." I saw him glare and held up the paper swiping near it opening a screen gaining his intrigue.

"What is that?" 

"I feel the need to show you something. You see if I told you that your world is one of many you probably wouldn't believe me. But it's true." I opened up a one way window showing Underfell, just not his Underfell. 

"That's the Underground so what this doesn't- IS THAT ME?!" He could see himself talking with his brother unaware of the human child being so close to them. 


"Different aus, alternative universes, this is just a copy of yours." 

"....why are you showing me this?" He tone changed to suspicion.

"I'm trying to prevent something. You see there are multiple worlds all clustered together. While I am a destroyer there is a creator. He makes these worlds with little caring of the consequences. The entirety of the multiverse will eventually collapse if too many come together."

"Well if it's your job to destroy then why haven't you?!" He accused me and I rose a hand unbothered.

"Simple, the creator works too fast for me to catch up and.... I was attacked and broken to the point where.... I could only get one escape. Your brother knows more than you realize Papyrus, it's partially his fault that things have gotten so bad. You don't have to believe me but just know, if I don't fix this...."

I had my string wrap around the paper and tear it. The au glitched and started to fall apart with monsters running with no escape. Underfell Papyrus could only watch in disbelief as monsters ran, the ground glitching and breaking, beings fell into dark nothingness. Himself, his brother, the human, could do nothing but fall. The au fell into nothing, it was a bit much but I figured it was necessary.

"That, but on a much larger scale. Either everyone goes down or only most. I'm sure you can understand that there are worlds trapped with the same fate as you. Stuck down in the underground to suffer. Some are even much much worse."

"...what do you want from me?" He asked after a moment gathering his thoughts.

"Loyalty. I can save as many aus as I want however having a monster on my side for each au would make it easier. I can explain more only if you're on board, if not I'll send you on your way so you can forget and live your repeating life over and over like usual. I won't lie, I also want revenge. Helping your au survive only happens to be part of that revenge. The creator doesn't care, I'll make him."

I could see he looked conflicted. I did throw a lot at him only giving him more questions. 

"How about you think about it for a bit?" I made a bundle of strings and infused my magic in it, it looked like a yarn ball. A very small one. "Just unravel this if you want to talk more, also don't go around telling others about me especially your brother. Trust me, if I want to I will deal with you." 

I opened the portal back to Underfell and stepped through causing him follow behind me. "Also that should keep you from forgetting so... have fun with that." 

"Forgetting what? I doubt that I'll forget this." He grumbled confused.

"You'd be surprised. Go on, you're a busy skeleton after all. I'm sure you have other duties to attend to. I'll be around, you know how to reach me." I watched as he headed back. I kept the portal open a bit watching him walk away and glance back like he wasn't sure if what happened was real. I did sprinkle seeds of doubt to trust his brother... also sprinkled seeds of truth showing him what I did. He's going to be confused for a bit... so more agitated.

I made sure I didn't leave any evidence behind before going back to the Doodle-Sphere. I had a few aus that I knew would be a good idea to get involved with but I wasn't sure if I wanted to stick with just skeletons or branch out to other beings. Either way an entity will provide me with the information of their au but I need to think for a bit of what would be the better option.

Underfell Papyrus is strong, that's a given as tempting as it would be to just get Papyrus's I don't think it'll work. Something will happen and make things worse. Too much of a good thing is bad. I looked at a good amount of aus and decided to brainstorm for a bit. Back to the Anti-Void.

I stepped into the white nothingness and saw just sitting watching the windows I had opened for him.

"See something interesting?" I asked him.

"I mean, seeing different aus is interesting but nothing really stands out if that's what you mean. How did it go on your end?"

"I'm not sure but I've planted my words where I wanted now I just have to wait. I've been thinking of the next aus and realized this was going to be a bit of a process."

"Well it's to be expected... I'm sure you can do it." 

"Thank you..... I think I'm going to need to warn you. I might get a human in this mess so... don't attack on sight."

".....I make no promises."

"Good enough," I huffed out feeling a headache already. I had no idea where Fresh was but knowing him... probably terrorizing someone. He was my eyes and ears with free reign to move wherever. I might have to make an unexpected choice if it really comes down to it. But for the sake of my mentality I wouldn't think about it too hard. 

One down.... many more to go.

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