106 - Turning Sides

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Fresh and Geno stood by me as they looked up at the aus I had gathered. 

"I've got to say, it's more than I thought you would keep brah," Fresh said looking up while adjusting his shades.

"I'm keeping the multiverse alive, not empty," I replied.

"Once this is over you'll be going back to your multiverse correct?" Geno asked and I nodded.

"Yep, I'm sure you and the others can watch over each other without me. Sci's almost done with his machine, or is done, and you'll be able to go wherever. Turns out my strings do a pretty good job holding your soul together. I should've know but it never crossed my mind."

"You sure the strings won't fade?" He asked unsure but I wasn't concerned.

"Well considering we showed up here and strings were still here I believe you'll be fine Geno. Anyways, Fresh, we ready?"

"Yep. Other me told me Ink is moving and we're ready to get this party started!" He exclaimed.

"Alright then, see you two later." I waved as Fresh moved over to Geno and they poofed away.

I took a breath and opened up a portal. First I went to Dancetale, Birdtale, Underfell, and Reapertale. I just went through putting strings around the place. They really did nothing but I made it look like I was preparing to do something. Any allies I made that weren't a Sans, besides the three main Papyrus, I had wait in the Anti-Void to make things more convincing. Except for Sci, I needed him for a bit. It wasn't many but it was enough.

I didn't care if I was spotted, I didn't stop when anyone called, I just kept going. In a way I was making a mess but I wasn't damaging anything. I was leaving Outertale alone to get Ink to head there. It had the space I needed.

Before I could act I made one stop to the Doodle-Sphere, after making sure Ink wasn't around, and covered everything in my strings. These ones would get destroyed, I placed the main string down on a spot on the floor. 

"There we go... this is going to be fun... and draining. But gods it will be worth it." 

I opened a window to Outertale and saw Ink was with a whole bunch of others looking purely for me.

"Looks like I've scared him. Good. These poor skeletons are going to have a heart attack." I shift the view a bit and saw Geno sitting alone. 

"And Geno is waiting while Fresh stays to the side, good." I closed the window and went to the Anti-Void. The others I gathered were waiting. 

"Is it time?" Storyshift Chara asked.

"Almost, Undyne I need to borrow you." I said gesturing for her to come over.

"What are you going to do?" She asked as I wrapped her in strings. 

"I'm going to make it look like you didn't willingly let me do this to you. Just so no one gets any ideas. You're home will be safe just trust the process. Don't be afraid to kick around when the rest of you get taken," I said to the rest before opening the portal to Outertale and walking with Undyne. We had to do a bit of trekking but I saw Geno at a lower level of land. He was waiting. I had to wave a bit to get his attention without making noise and gestured which way the group was. 

Fresh must've told him to be dramatic because he had the hood of his cloak up and his back to the arriving group.

"Will he be ok?" Undyne asked quietly.

"He should be, he has to face Ink and confront him before I do anything. This isn't a part of the plan but Geno needs this. I won't let things get too far. I saw Ink and the others here brought start to arrive. I saw the main duos of Undertale, Underfell, and Underswap and was glad the Papyrus have managed to show up.

I could barely hear them from my spot when they started talking.

"There you are Error! Whatever you're planning you won't get away with. We- uh... Error I know you don't like me but could you turn around and face me at least." Ink said looking bothered to not be looked at while he talked.

I saw the others seem unsure since they didnt know what was coming. Then Geno turned around letting his hood down and I saw Ink look shocked.

Geno's pov

I turned to face him, Ink. I felt this anger bubble up inside since I almost met a terrible fate all because he made a mistake.

"Geno?" Ink asked.

"Ink." I nodded back.

"Ink, you know him?" Underfell Sans asked.

"Of course he knows me. I'm Error right? Or at least you thought your plan worked and I really did become Error." I said stuffing my hands in my pockets. 

"What plan?" Classic Sans asked.

"Well-" I started but Ink cut me off.

"No! This can't be right, I saw you. You were Error or maybe you're just some other Aftertale Sans." Ink looked confused.

"Am I though?" I questioned.

"Aftertale? I thought you said Error got rid of Aftertale?" Dream asked looking at Ink with suspicion.

"Wow you really can't stop lying can you? I wonder how many lies you told to get everyone here." I inquired seeing the others get confused.

"What's going on? Ink." Swap asked. Ink looked around seemingly unsure of what he was supposed to do.

"I'll tell you. Your buddy Ink here has made a mistake. To fix it he... attempted a process to fix it. Getting rid of me and gaining a new destroyer."

"A new destroyer? Ink said Error was laying low so was planning something since our last big fight with him." Outertale Sans said and I looked at him for a bit.

"....I'm curious but I'm not going to ask how long ago that fight was since... let's say time differences? Yeah, time differences." I guessed since different multiverses ment different rules. 

"Ink, what is actually going on?" One asked and I could see the others looked confused or agitated.

"Easy, Error dissappeared a good while ago. Congratulations Ink, you won. Let's celebrate your victory, accept you quickly found out that victory became a problem. You can't create too many aus without someone around to give you the space you want. You threw me into the Anti-Void to suffer for your greed!" I extended a hand and the other skeletons got out of the way as I summoned a blaster and fired at Ink. 

Ink had summoned a wall to block my blast and I frowned but letted up. 

"If you're not who Ink thought you were... the Error we saw in my au, where is he?" Classic asked me.

"They are around." I said emphasizing on the word 'they'. "You followed their trail haven't you?"

"The strings were planted?!" Ink exclaimed.

"Exactly." I grinned before summoning multiple blasters around to keep everyone together in one location. 

"You're working for Error?!" A Swap variant I can't remember asked. 

"Not for. With. He's working with me." I heard and looked over seeing Error had sat themselves on top of one of my blasters. They stared at Ink with a wide grin.

"Did you miss me?" 

Error's pov

"Did you miss me?" I asked staring at Ink resisting all urges that tell me to blast him on the spot. I saw Ink shift to fight and the others do the same.

"Uh uh, I wouldn't do anything rash now." I said reaching out and grabbing Outertale Undyne from her spot and holding her next to me with her body just suspending above the ground.

"Undyne!" I saw Outertale Sans panic but drop his hands showing he wouldn't attack. 

"Error you don't have to involve others in our fight!" Ink said and I chuckled.

"Ha! Oh that rich coming from you. Pray tell then, why are all these other skeletons here? Certainly not for sight seeing. She's still alive and if you want to keep it that way I suggest you think about what you're doing... I might slip." I glanced over to Undyne. She mainly kept her head down since she doesn't believe she can pull off a convincing performance knowing that she was perfectly safe. 

"Just let her go! What do you want?" Ink tried regaining control of the situation.

"Your head on a stick or served on a platter for one. The mass destruction of these aus, except for Classic Sans of course..... yeah I think that's it." I shrugged.

"We won't let you destroy the aus! Thats so many lives!" Ink said and he sounded reasonable. But, it wouldn't matter. 

"Oh really? I guess I need more convincing." I opened up another portal and extended a hand grabbing my other guests and pulling them out. Storyshift Chara, Chara and Asriel from Epictale, Reapertale Muffet, Papyrus from Underlust, Mafiatale, Swap Gold, and Sciencetale Sans. I would've had Sci's brother with him but the kid doesn't need to see this happen.

The Charas and Asriel immediately started kicking around in their bindings which just made the others below tense up. 

"Good enough? I think so." I said. 

"Kiddos!" Epictale Sans called in alarm.

"Just because you have hostages doesn't mean we won't try to stop you." Ink said after a moment of confusion and I tilted my head.

"Hostages? Oh... well we'll get to that in a second but first I'll make it interesting. If you decide to come on my side, I'll spare you and your au." My offer made everyone go silent and I couldn't help but feel smug. 

"Do you really think anyone will take your side if you didn't have lives on the line?" Ink asked.

"I guess that's fair." I said letting everyone down and undoing their bindings. 

"You're free to go." I said but none of them went to Ink.

"Undyne?" Outertale asked and the fish woman crossed her arms.

"I'm staying here. I'm keeping my au safe." She stood her ground.

"Same here." Storyshift Chara said looking at Ink with a hard stare. The other brushed themselves off but nodded in agreement.

"Well look at that, they're free to go to your side but they aren't. I'll say it again. Come to my side and your au gets spared." I saw Outertale Sans move first to the surprise of the others going over to check on Undyne mainly to make sure she was OK. I allowed it. Dancetale and Birdtale came over together followed by Gaster Sans who just shrugged as he walked past the others that gave him looks. 

The Swap Papyrus wandered over.

"Swap Paps?!" Ink said surprised.

"Saving my au means saving my brother and my home. It's no contest to me." 

"Muffet are you sure?" Reaper Sans asked as the spider woman nodded. He shrugged and wandered over. Underfell Papyrus was next along with Classic Papyrus. Sans looked conflicted and Underfell Sans looked torn. The last two to head over to my side that gave a reaction were Swap and Dream. 

"Dream?! Swap?! Seriously?!" Ink shouted.

"Yes Ink, you lied to us! At least I know Error is honest about sparing us." Dream said.

"They could change their mind!" Ink seemed to be losing his cool as the rest came over. That was enough for him. I saw a rush of paint go to Dream and I shortcutted in front blocking it with a blaster. 

"I thought I was supposed to be the bad one." I said before blasting at Ink knocking him back. I looked at Geno.

"Protect them! You know the plan."

"Got it!" I heard before I rushed off to Ink wrapping him up and flinging him away to a further area to fight privately. This was between me and him.

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