107 - Battle

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Author's note: fight scenes... how do people write them. Also I guess trigger warning for violence just incase.

I skidded to a stopped at a decent area and saw Ink get up to his feet. This was far enough for me to let loose without endangering anyone else.

"I've been waiting for this day Ink. You have no idea how bad I want this." I said summoning a sharp bone and getting a firm grasp on it. I grinned as I saw Ink prepared his brush.

"You just want to fight me?" He asked and I chuckled shaking my head.

"No... I want to break you like how you broke a part of me. I want to leave you in agony as you see everything you worked on get torn from you. I want to kill you. Let's see which one I get today." I summoned many bones and threw them at Ink using my strings. The fight has begun.

Ink evaded my attack but I just summoned more and keep at it watching him run around til I got bored deciding to go after him myself. 

"Heads up!" I called out before serving a swift kick to Ink's head. He yelped when he realized he was getting knocked back which reminding me that we skeleton were stronger than we looked. I paused a moment to evade some paint, bent back to avoid his brush, and jumped only to get struck in my side. I went flying a bit but skidded to a stop giving Ink an annoyed look. 

I know we're fighting but that doesn't mean I have to like getting hit. But I was glad Ink seemed to realize that talking was not an option. I twisted around the bone I was holding and lunged for Ink. I swiped and he evaded or he swiped at me and I evaded. I could just end this. I had to skills to. But... I really wanted to drag this out. I want to tire him. I want him helpless. I cut at his cheek and he definitely bruised up something.

I suddenly made an upward swipe cutting something as Ink leaped away to avoid damage.

"That was close." He muttered while I only smirked catching what I cut off from him. His vials. He looked stunned and I looked at the colors in my grasp before dropping them and stepping on them cracking a good chunk of them. 

"Come on Ink, let's make things interesting!" I chuckled as I summoned strings and flung them having them rush to Ink like a net while he evaded with a small panic. I went for him again and for a moment he caught me in his paint snare and came flying at me but I fell back kicking him away before he realized what happened. On the ground I summoned bone to be rid of the paint.

I got knicked but I didn't care much. I turned over to look at where he was and summoned two blasters. The nerve of this guy when I saw him turn to run. I reached out and summoned a wall of bones to block him before the blasters went off. I saw and trail of smoke/dust go flying into a wall and saw Ink coughing once it cleared up. I started to walk over.

"Come on, give me something to work with! I was expecting a challenge. Someone that would cause me fear. Someone I would dread fighting, yet that seems to be not the case. You're a total joke. Maybe it's my fault, I did train and stay active a bit more than what we're used to. Along with some... other factors." I snickered in amusement as I took the bone I had and threw it, not flinching when it lodged into his arm pining it to the wall.

Not like it hurt him. 

I saw a dark liquid start to run down the weapon and my grin twitched wider. 

"Well it's not blood but it will do..... you know... I think I'm starting to realize something." I said while my head tilted staring at him.

"Oh really? And what would that be Error," he replied through gritted teeth as he gripped the bone and yanked it out freeing his arm.

"You... were always pathetic. At least when I was around. The fights in the past were barely one on one. You always needed someone or something. You may correct me if I'm wrong but I don't believe you've ever tried to hold a conversation with me. It was always fight, fight, fight!" I exclaimed wrapping him in strings and tossing him up before bringing the strings down crashing him to the floor. 

He seemed to get his fight back breaking free and going on the offensive attacking me through quick paced attacks. 

"I don't care what you believe. You're going to kill everyone, I have to stop you!" He swung at me with his over sized paint brush and I shifted my stance catching it. We were struggling pushing against each other. 

"I guess you're right, I'm going to kill everyone and there's nothing you can do to stop me!" I started laughing tightened my grip on the brush before suddenly shifting our weight sending him a decent distance away. I still had the brush in hand. I tossed it up and summoned a blaster this time not hesitating to blast it into pieces in front of his eyes. 

That look on his face, I could help but laugh. A weird sense of joy went through me that I just couldn't contain. He looked pissed and went for me directly. I let him tackle me looking at him with no care in the world and his glare looked like it could kill if he wanted it. He was still an idiot. With one hand at my collar he tried to push me but I moved my head causing him to hit the ground. 

I heard a crack with didn't change my mood at all. I simply struck his elbow to force him off one way then tucked my knees in before kicking him away. 

Got to say, kicks are my favorite.

I quickly got to my feet and wander to him before stomping down on his body keeping him down. 

"Hey Ink, you're going to love this." I said as I opened a portal above us and a long string fell down to us. 

"Are you paying attention causing you're gonna want to really see this in vivid detail." I said. My eyelights seemed a bit bright as I opened the portal as wide as I could. It looked like I replaced the beautiful star filled sky which I didn't. Ink could only stare in horror seeing the many many many aus he had were all hanging above him tied up in blue strings. He knew exactly what he was looking up at.

"N-No... when did you-"

"Well it's been fun but I just can't wait anymore!" I giggled as I cut him off, a bit deranged sounding, stepping harder on Ink as I tugged harshly on the string.




Rip. Rip.

Rip. Rip. Rip.

The sound of paper tearing and shredding apart filled the air. The pieces fluttered down falling through the portal like snow, or oversized white confetti. It looked so harmless and innocent when the truth was far from it. So many lives destroyed all from a single tug that ripped everything away. The pieces faded and became no more before even a single piece could reach us. They were gone.

I looked down at Ink and he stared up into his empty Doodle-Sphere with small white eyelights.

"No vials, no brush, no friends, no allies, and no aus. I would say no soul but you're used to that one aren't you?" I looked satisfied yet still itching for more. Before even I realized it a sickening sharp crack echoed through the air. I broke his arm. I felt nothing from it. I laughed. 

My laughter was cut off briefly but a hail of inky bullets that forced me off him. I just kept laughing getting up.

"So you still have fight left, interesting..." It seemed to be a last hail mary of some kind because his barrage of attacks were unstable, messy, but there was a lot. He didn't care he wanted me defeated. 

At this point however I didn't care. I won. I got what I wanted. Each attack that hit me didn't change my attitude. 

He summoned a blaster and fired it at me. I summoned my own ready to counter. But I couldn't.

A wall of Ink came between us blocking the attack which confused me more than anything.

Why would he stop his own attack?

Well he didn't, but technically he did.

"Broski!" I heard before Fresh appeared in my view forcing my attention on him.

"Get out of my way Fresh! I'm going to rip his eyelights out!" I couldn't step around him cause he kept getting in the way.

"Brah it's over, you don't need to mess him up anymore." 


"Nope! You told me to stop you if things got too far and you're taking a nose dive off the deep end. I'm sure you don't want the little dude to be scared of you." That got me to stop and blink a few times. I just stared at the colorful skeleton as his words registered in my head.


"Baba!" I heard and dropped all motives to go after Ink looking towards the voice. I saw Gradient, he was on a higher point with a green screen in front of him that dissappeared when he jumped down and ran to me.

"Gradient?!" I exclaimed not believe what I was seeing until his smaller body collided with mine. This was real. He was here. He looked a bit bigger but was still my little boy. I immediately wrapped my arms around him, unsummoning everything, hearing him cry. I teared up holding him like I was afraid he was going to disappear at any moment. 

The wall of ink fell and I saw the Ink of my multiverse standing above a tied up and damaged Ink. He didn't look disturbed by the sight of himself and was just scowling. When Fresh took his place he walked over with a grin

"You know I'm usually forgetful but it's good to see you in one piece Error. We were so worried." His stupid grin. A genuine grin.

"Shut up." I grumbled before pulling him into the hug as well. I didn't like him, I tolerated him. But he had raised Gradient for me and was his parent too. I honestly just needed this. I was so tired.

It was over. I got revenge.

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