116 - A Simple Trip

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I was currently finishing up a mug of coffee as I could hear Gradient finishing his breakfast. He seemed pretty thrilled with the idea of going to Classic's au for a visit when I told him about it. It reminded me of my younger days when I first started gymnastics and actually had fun. Hurrying to eat so we could leave faster. 

"I'll be right back!" I heard as Gradient ran out passing me. I blinked and looked towards where he ran seeing he was already out if sight.

"He seems excited." I heard and spotted Dust who was just sitting nearby with a mug in hand for himself. He had his hood up as usual but seemed to be relaxed.

"Yeah, he probably wants to see Frisk or something else I probably missed." I said as I gulped down the rest of my beverage. I was still a bit.. upset... that I missed things but knew there was nothing I could do about it.

"You sure about this visit? You seem tired." Dust said and I rolled my eyelights.

"When am I not? I'll be fine Dust. Just make sure no one kills each other while we're gone."

"I make no promises." He said in a huff glancing away.

"Good enough," I said with a shrug as Gradient returned. 

"Ok, all set." He said with a bag at his side. Probably his drawing tablet.

"You sure?" I asked.


"You positive?" I asked again with an bone brow raised.


"Because I'm not coming back if you forget something-"

"Baba, I promise I'm ready." He said and I huffed amused before opening a portal and gesturing for him to go. Gradient hopped in first and I gave Dust a salute before going through also.

We ended up in the room we all arrived in that first time the machine acted up. It seemed cleaned up from last time. Heading to the main room Gradient went ahead of me and I walked at a much slower pace. I heard Gradient greet Papyrus in the kitchen as I turned for the living room.

"Well... this is a surprise." I said seeing Stretch and Sci sitting around.

"Oh hey Error, I wasn't expecting you to visit." Sci said in a happy tone and I wandered over taking taking a seat.

"Could say the same for you as well. Did you bring Paps?" I asked and Sci shook his head. 

"Not today apparently the guards are having some kind of activity day and he wanted to join in... I don't know but I know he'll be okay. I figured I needed a day to myself so I came here."

"Ah, ok. Why are you here Stretch?" I asked and the taller hoodie wearing skeleton just shrugged lounging back further into the cushioned seat.

"...riveting conversation," I said sarcastically and Sci chuckled before he asked me a question in return.

"Well what about you Error?" 

"I needed a day to myself too. Been trying to do things... work with Ink and such... it's tiring. Things were easier when we just fought and argued but that itch has been dealt with already so..." I just shrugged. Fighting that other Ink really just... was like going to a wreck room and letting out all your frustrations. Once you're done you're pretty much drained.

"Eh, things happen. Shouldn't you be glad you aren't fighting?" Stretch asked not even looking at me as he did.

"I guess but his attention span is a challenge for me and he is more... he's well... I mean he's my opposite and his little quirks annoy me at times."

"Well you'll be fine." Stretch said as he got quieter, probably falling asleep on the spot. The quieter atmosphere didn't last as we heard the sound of a shortcut. 

"Hey, I'm back." I heard the familiar lazed tone of the comedic skeleton. 

"Hey," we voiced out at the same time and Classic looked over to me.

"Error, how are you?" 

"Fine mostly, you?"

"Bone tired as usual 'tibia' honest."

"...yeah ok." I said in response to the puns while the other sounded amused. Hearing Papyrus groan in the distance caused me to chuckle as well. 

"Anyways, did you need something?" He asked as he plopped on a seat.

"No, no I'm just visiting-" 

"Hi Sans." 

"-with Gradient today." I said as Gradient greeted Sans wandering in.

"Hey kid, Frisk is at Tori's if you wanted to see them." Sans jabbed his thumb towards the door as he dropped the information. Gradient looked at me and I hesitated but waved him off and he happily headed out on his own. I'm sure he's fine and that he's done it before but it feels weird knowing he doesn't need me as often as he did. I'm glad he's growing up though.

"Hmm that reminds me, Error I would like to ask you a favor." I heard from Sans and looked over giving him my full attention.

"A favor? From me? What happened? Who are you mad at?"

"Yeah, this is interesting... a favor from Error." I heard from Sci. 

"Well I'm not one for being petty but I was wondering if you could help out with something. See the school is having a festival for Halloween and Frisk wanted to do a haunted house kind of thing. I, of course had no issue with this, but I couldn't help but hear some talk about how it wouldn't be scary. So... think you could help out?" 

I blinked and smirked. "Geez who pissed you off? Sounds fun. It's not that hard to scare kids thankfully but if you want help who am I to deny it. I already have ideas swimming in my skull." I chuckled at the thought of getting involved in this.

"Don't go too overboard," I heard from Stretch and I looked at him.

"Relax, I'm not going to kill anyone." A bit of mindless entertainment was just what I needed really. Granted it wasn't tomorrow or anything but it would be fun to plan something. I've wanted to do something like this when I was human since scare actors always looked like they were having fun. 

"Thanks, I'll fill you in with the details later." Sans said waving off the topic pretty quickly. I spent a decent amount of time just relaxing with this group. Conversation just flowed naturally between us. I was having a good time before I decided that I wanted to head out to visit someone else.

I told the others I'd be back then took a shortcut and ended up in a familiar building within the main city. I wandered down the neon lit hall to a lounge room and waved towards some glass spotting the colorful skeleton menace himself. He waved back overly excited and got up from his seat. He spoke into his headset slowly backing away from his equipment before pushing a button and rushing out.

"Hey broski! I didn't know you'd be poppin by!" 

"Yeah, I decided to have a chill day... you don't mind do you?"

"What?! Nah you're chill broski! You can visit whenever you like when I'm crushing it on the air! Anyways, chill here, relax, lay low, drift in the good vibes. Radio is in the corner if you wanna listen in, I gotta get back! Have fun!" Just as quick as he arrived he was back in his little space entertaining those who were willing to listen.

Didn't think I'd ever have a day where I can say I'm glad Fresh has found something he seems to genuinely enjoy doing. Plus I missed him, would never say that to his face. His ego is fine where it is. Maybe I should branch out my interests. Not now but one day, could be fun exploring things. 

I got comfortable on a couch and listened to the small radio as Fresh gave an energetic energy to his fans. The darker walls, scattered lights, hum of the fan overhead, and background noise gave a nice overall atmosphere. I needed this.

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