139 - Space Food

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After a bit of wandering and some wrong turns we managed to find this au's Grillby's. I was still hesitant to go inside, for one reason or another. However, Gradient seemed pretty excited so I pushed those worries away.

The inside was rather spacious with very few monsters around. The walls were dark yet the countertop, tables, seats, and other decorations were quite bright. There were little specs of color scattered around like the stars outside. I don't know how a place managed to be dark and light and the same time.

"Here, take a seat in that booth." I directed Gradient towards a booth and he slid into a seat. Gaster picked a spot across from him. I hesitated to sit since I wasn't sure if we were supposed to order up by the bar or if we were supposed to wait.

"Error, take a seat. I'm sure the owner will be here shortly," Gaster said gesturing to the spot next to Gradient. I barely glanced at him before complying and taking a seat.

"Are you alright? You seem a bit tense?" Gradient asked and I patted his head.

"I'm fine. Just a bit out of my element I suppose. I'm not use to doing normal things like this," I said as I lightly tapped the tables surface. My gaze went out to a window seeing the astral scenery on the other side.

"I can image that being a destroyer doesn't lead to a normal life." Gaster sounded amused. I just nodded and adjusted my jacket.

"What do they have here?" Gradient asked and I had to pause and thing about it.

"Well usually there's burgers and fries but I'm not sure if the menu is the same here."

"Well nows a good time," Gaster said as Outertale Grillby approached. I was frozen for a second. Not for a negative reason but because I literally forgot how stunning Grillby looked in this au. The colors weren't the normal warm oranges of Classic's au. As a matter of fact he wasn't a single color. He spoke making me blink.

"Hello... drinks?"

"I'll just have water," Gaster said.

"Do you have soda?" Gradient asked and the fire monster nodded causing Gradient to perk up.

"Then that please." Grillby nodded before looking at me. I blanked for a second remembering that I wasn't a fan a social interactions all that much.

"Uh... whatever you recommend," I said. There was only a second of silence before Grillby left the table.

"Whatever he recommends? You sure Baba?"

"Kid, I doubt he's going to poison me."

"Even so, you don't seem the type to take that sort of risk. Plus you forgot to ask about the menu." Gaster said not scolding but his tone seemed inquisitive, I think.

"Oh. Guess I forgot. I'll ask when he comes back. Anyways, how's the visit so far? I know we only just started but it doesn't hurt to check in."

"Error, I'm having a good time. I want to know more about this one. So Gradient, what do you do? What do you like doing in your free time?"

"Oh, I guess... hmm. I like doing art. I'm not good at doing gruff with paper and pencil, or markers, or paints... but I got this tablet. I like doing digital art."

"Oh? Interesting, maybe later you can dhow me some of your work. I more of a pencil and paper guy myself."

"...maybe after." Gradient got shy over the idea of willingly showing someone else his art.

"Well, what else do you like to do?"

"I like... I like sparring," he said after some thought. I immediately leaned back with my hands up as Gaster turned his gaze to me.

"Not my choice. He wanted to do that on his own and I approve of his activities. The ones that train him know that I will quite literally break them in half if they harm him severely."

"Baba, I'll get a bit scuffed while training."

"Oh I know but if one of them goes overboard intentionally then it's on site. I don't care."

"Baba-" Gradient groaned and Gaster chuckled.

"Sorry Gradient but that's how being a parent is like. We'll go through many lengths for our children. Not all are perfect but not many are lucky enough to have someone care for them like Error does for you. I've only recent mended bonds and gained new ones and trust me, the protectivness doesn't just leave."

Gradient huffed and I chuckled as Grillby returned placing the three drinks down. A water, a soda, and something that was colorful. I raised a bone brow but didn't comment on it.

"Right, um what is on the menu?" I asked before I was handing a menu. I gave my thanks and quickly gazed through it before passing it the Gradient. He looked at each item before piping up.

"I want galaxy fries... those sound good." He passed it to Gaster who seemed to know pretty quickly.

"I'll have the chicken salad," Gaster said and I honestly didn't know what I should've expected.

"I'll have the cheese flatbread, thanks." Once Grillby left Gaster spoke up.

"Not all that hungry?"

"Meh, saving room for possible dessert later," I said before grabbing the glass with the multi colored beverage. As I brought the glass to my mouth I realized something that I forgot about. Grillby was a bartender.

A good bartender.

I buffered a bit when I had my first sip. It tasted good, don't get me wrong, but there was a burn afterwards that I wasn't used to.

"What is it?" Gradient asked and I immediately moved it further from him.

"Not for you and we'll leave it at that." Gaster just raised a bone brow at me.

"Do you...?" I understood the question and shook my head.

"No, but I kinda need it. I'm tense enough at the moment. Don't worry, I'll drink water too." I wasn't getting rid of the drink. Besides, this was a first for me and I didn't really find a reason not to. Plus I trust Gaster would be able to keep me from doing something stupid if it comes to it. I doubt one glass would effect me but I'm not experienced to be certain about that.

Gaster asked Gradient about the different aus he's been to and our food arrived in the middle of him talking. It was nice just having the three of us go back and forth as topics slowly changed around. While they were absorbed in talking I opened a small portal to my living space in Nightmare's domain. It opened next to a pouch on my desk that I grabbed.

Need to pay for the meal after all and whatever else we might buy today.

I managed to relax and enjoy my time. After we ate I went to the bar to pay for the meal telling the other two to wait outside for me.

"How much?" I asked and Grillby just kind of stared at me. I was confused by the staring until I realized why he was probably staring.

"Uh yeah. I'm not trying to start a tab, just having a day out with family. So... how much?" After clearing that up I paid for the meal, tossed in a few extra as a tip, and headed out before he finished counting the amount.

I joined up with the other two and we headed off. I figured the next place we could go to was a different au but I wasn't entirely sure which one yet so we just ended walking around the star filled au to let our food settle.

Once Gradient showed signs of being tired, he was walking at a slower pace, I figured it was time to move on. I had a destination in mind and I opened the portal to Sciencetale expressing how there was a friend I wanted Gaster to meet.

I couldn't really warn Sci. I just knocked on the door and gave an apologetic look to a shocked looking skeleton. Thankfully he let us in. Gradient wandered upstairs to interact with Paps and the rest of us went to the living room.

I figured that the two scientists would get along. I was right as once we got through mandatory introductions they asked about what each other were studying. Their chatter slowly became background noise to me since I ended up dosing off.

The food and drink did its job making me filled enough and the walk added to making me tired. I needed a quick nap.

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