141 - Retreat to Dark

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That bad feeling I had just didn't want to go away. It was annoying to have that thought creeping up that something was wrong. After a bit I was definitely getting jittery. I didn't want there to be a problem but I didn't want to ignore whatever it was thus making it into a problem. Then I just didn't feel safe anymore.

Why did life have to be complicated?

Once I woke Gradient I decided the next best thing would be to take him and Gaster back with me to Nightmare's domain. I didn't want to do this in the first place but out of all the locations I knew it was the safest since many can't travel there unless they know how to get there. Plus I needed to talk with Nightmare since he seemed to know how to guide my thoughts to a less destructive path when needed.

I'll just think of the trip to.the domain like ripping a bandage off and having Gaster meet the other people that I pretty much live with.

We gathered at the front of the skeleton brothers' home and I was saying my goodbyes.

"Thanks for having us over, Sci. I'll stop by for a normal visit again, I swear." I saw Sci smile while adjusting his sleeves.

"Hey no worries there. It was good to see you and Gradient again. It was nice to meet Gaster as well."

"The feelings are mutual," Gaster said giving Sci a hand shake.

"Bye bye!" Paps called out while waving to us. Gradient waved back as I opened the portal and we went to Nightmare's domain. Immediately, I hovered my hand near Gaster as he leaned and stabilized himself.

"The air feels heavy." He placed a hand to his head shaking off whatever washed over him.

"Yeah, it takes some getting used to. Anyways this is where I mainly live. Well, one of the main places. This is Nightmare's domain, yes his name is Nightmare I'm fully aware." I glanced at Gaster seeing him look at the decor so I brought my attention to Gradient.

"Why don't you go and find someone or just hang out in your room? I can tell you're still tired and I don't want to bore you with grown up talk." Gradient seemed to think over his options before rushing to a set a stairs to climb up. Good.

"Is there any other reason you sent him off?" Gaster asked and I nodded.

"Yes. Your reaction. These guys aren't exactly in the best of conditions and I don't want you be put off guard." I didn't want to just say these guys weren't the best but I didn't want to sugar coat it either.

"Error, I highly doubt it would phase me. I've been in the Void for a long period of time and faced that pink abomination. You know I can handle myself."

"Well... we'll see about that. Don't say I didn't warn you." I started walking and thankfully heard Gaster follow me as I wandered to the main room. To my luck, or misfortune, I saw Horror. His singular red eye immediately locked onto us as we walked over and I heard Gaster take an intake of air but he didn't falter in his steps.

"You're back. Already?" Horror asked.

"Yes. I brought a guest so be nice."

"I'm not the one you have to worry about being nice."

"I know. Anyways, Horror this is Gaster. Gaster this is Horror one of my... I guess roommates."

"That's a term," Horror said getting up to greet Gaster. I felt a bit guilty since I could tell Gaster was really trying to not stare at the obvious hole in the skeleton's skull. Horror just chuckled, amused as he realized the same thing.

"Anyways, I'm Horror. Nice to meet you." He extended his hand and my gaze went to his palm immediately. Apparently Gaster did the same since Horror showed he had no tricks and Gaster shook his hand.

"It's nice to meet you as well. How long have you know Error?" Gaster asked to try and start a normal conversation. I could tell he wanted to ask what happened that made him different from the Sans he knew. He held himself back.

"...awhile. I'm pretty sure. I haven't been keeping track." Horror admitted and I nodded.

"Yeah, I haven't been either. Long enough would be my answer," I said as I heard steps. I glanced back seeing Killer cheerfully heading towards us with Dust, Cross, and Nightmare lingering further back.

"Well I'm surprised. I didn't think Error would have the guts to bring their guest here," Killer said as he examined Gaster.

"Don't have guts in the first place but that's besides the point. Gaster that's Killer, yes I know the name isn't great. The one in the hood is Dust, take a guess. The one in black and white is Cross. Finally the one in darkness is my... ally Nightmare."

"You struggled with that." Killer said and I just waved him off.

"Well he's not my boss like he is with you guys. I just listen to him cause he hasn't given me a reason not to."

"Isn't that the same-"

"No," I interrupted Killer.

"Ah, I see. It's nice to meet you lot even if my visit was sudden," Gaster said as Nightmare was quick to grab Killer preventing him from doing anything, dropping his knife.

"It's not as sudden as you would think," Nightmare said as he ignored the squirming skeleton in his tendril.

"Hey! What gives?!"

"You would lose. Don't." Nightmare warned Killer, aware of his intentions.

"Nightmare's right, you would not beat Gaster in a fight even if you just wanted to play around." I watched as Killer huffed seeing his immediate entertainment was taken.

"You seem... different from my Gaster." Cross said seemingly a bit unsure of how to approach. I quickly jumped on that gesturing the others to the main room.

"Why don't you all chat, get to know each other? I need to talk to Nightmare real quick about anything I missed while I was gone." I didn't wait as I told them to play nice as I walked away. Nightmare was quick to follow.

Once out of earshot he spoke up.

"What's wrong? Don't lie." He tone was to the point. Something I was used to and didn't plan on fighting against.

"I feel like something is off but I can't tell what. It's not Gaster so don't suggest it. I went to the Doodle-Sphere earlier to check and Ink has nothing to do with it as far as I could see. Have you noticed anything off?"

"Hmm... everything feels pretty normal. A few negativity spikes here and there but nothing out of the ordinary. Are you sure you're not just tired?"

"I took a nap, no I'm not." I argued, doubting a lack of rest was the reason.

"You're not one to just have odd feelings. If you think something is wrong then I'll believe you. Though I'm sure it's something you've taken care of or will take care. Don't worry yourself. Having a clear mind is better than being stressed."

I sighed taking in what he said. He had a point. Stressing helps no one. Especially me.

"I'll try. I just need to-" Nightmare cut me offf.


"What? What do you mean no? You didn't even hear what I had to say."

"I don't need to in order to know you were going to plan something that will tire you out. When you tire you get agitated. You can't think clearly when you're agitated. Let me handle being on look out. I'm more than capable. If I need assistance I'll tell you. Do we have an understanding?"

I stared at him as he just returned the stare just as intense. It was tense for a bit until I caved first.

"Ugh, fine."

"Good. Go back to your guest. Enjoy your time. Make sure the place isn't destroyed." Before I could reply he sunk into the darkness below.

"...I hate it was he does that." I huffed before heading back.

Returning to the main room I saw Cross and Horror sitting on either side of Gaster watching as Dust and Killer were arguing a out who knows what.

"Hey, what did I miss?" I asked as I wandered over.

"Dust made a comment about how Killer can't handle guests and the argument kinda spiraled from there," Cross said keeping his gaze on the arguing skeletons.

"I see, I'm sorry you had to see this Gaster."

"It's perfectly fine. Despite the heavy air it's nice to see that this place can be lively. Besides, I'm not one to really judge living spaces." He said. I was glad that he was fine with the arguing, even though it escalated and I had to use my strings to separate them.

The group seemed to get along well enough with Gaster which I was glad for. I couldn't help but still be concerned. This group was pretty much my family in a way.

I'll be damned if I let anything or anyone harm them.

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