15 - The Offer

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When I opened my eyes again I knew I wasn't in the Anti-Void. That white space didn't have a dark ceiling. Shifting around a bit I felt that I was covered by something, it was just some covers upon further inspection. I was throughly confused as to where was I. I didn't have a room much less a bed yet here I was. 

Sitting up I looked around the furnished space. There was a window covered by thick curtains, a side table with a lamp that was off, a desk, and empty bookshelf, an arm chair, and other things I couldn't bother remembering. 

I rubbed my skull feeling that it was a bit sore at the back and decided to stand up only to immediately have to sit back down with the dizziness that suddenly hit like a truck. I groaned before hearing a knock on the door. I froze looking at the wooden surface before clearing my dry throat, however that worked.

"...come in." 

The door opened and I was greeted by a smiling skeleton with black streaks on his cheeks. 

"Oh good you're awake this time-"

"This time?"

"The boss wants to see you! Come on!" He left giving me no choice but to follow. I still had that headache but it was more bearable this time around. We walked for a bit until we made it to the front room, or main room, or something I don't know maybe a living room now that I thought about it. I saw other Sanses chilling around and one perked up before heading over. It was Dust.

"Good to see you're still kicking Error."

"I could say the same to you."

"Boss needs to see them Dust," Killer interrupted causing the hoodie wearing skeleton to shrug.

"I'll just come with." 

There were no complaints as our small group continued on. Soon we entered another large room with only Nightmare sitting in a seat. His attention came to us and he say up.

"Good you're awake. Can you come here?" 

Unsure but outnumbered I walked over to the negativity king. I stopped a certain distance away which he took notice of. 

"I never formally introduced myself. I am Nightmare, king of negativity. How are you feeling?"

"Uh... better."

"Good, you were out for awhile. I would like to apologize for that mess earlier. I didn't think our conversation would end so abruptly."

"Oh... that's not your fault. What happened?"

"Seems Dream attempted a sneak attack after I threw him. Got a good hit on your head. I brought you into that mess so I got you and returned to my domain."

"I see..." 

"I want to continue our talk but I'll cut to the chase. I want to ally with you. You can still go around and do what you must but the only thing is that we are not enemies. We pick aus to watch over and if anything is reported then we all deal with it, not by ourselves."

"I... I don't know. Like I've said I've been fine on my own." 

"Why don't you stay here for a bit to help decide." Dust said bringing the attention to him. "You can still go wherever you currently live anyways. It's not going anywhere.... right?"

"I suppose not."

"Then it's decided," Nightmare said before standing. "You shall stay here for a bit to get use to us and see if that fits for you. Besides it's been three days and you might need to rest more."

"Three days?!"

So once I calmed down from that situation Dust escorted me back to my temporary room, if I decide to stay it may become permanent. I didn't see any of the others when I went by the living room area again. Killer didn't accompany us back so I assumed he stayed with Nightmare.

"So you go by Dust now. How have you been? I heard you've been ok but I like to hear answers directly."

"Yeah I go by Dust now and I've been doing better. Much better than before. Despite the lot of us being a bit unstable we are holding up pretty good. One guy has a huge hole in his skull yet he still goes strong. We call him Horror since he's from Horrortale."

"Makes sense."

"Yeah, there's two others I haven't seen much of but I have met them. One's named Scoundrel and the other is Insanity. I don't know much about them but by their names alone you can tell..." 

He trailed off a bit and I nodded understanding what he was implying. I didn't know much about those two sanses either, as Error or myself in the past, but I would be weary of them. Especially Insanity, that just doesn't sound like a fun time. 

"Oh yeah, there's also Cross. He's pretty new and keeps to himself. I don't know the whole deal with him but I don't question the boss. He knows what he's doing." 

Well that's something. If Cross was here either the events of Underverse happened, which I don't think is the case, or he was found before those events. Those are the only things I could think of at least.

"I'm still trying to wrap my skull around the fact that I've been asleep for three days."

"I was surprised as well. But when was the last time you slept before whatever happened had happened?"

"Good question.... I don't know."

It was silent after my statement and Dust stopped walking to look at me.

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"Well I'm from the Anti-Void and I don't have a clock to tell the time. I don't know when was the last time I slept."

He snapped out of his daze and picked up the pace giving me the only choice to follow him. Once we made it back to the room I woke up in he pointed inside.

"You're going to sleep to help get better. No arguments." 

By the tone of his voice there was no retaliating so I just put my hands up in a surrendering motion and slipped by him into the room. He didn't leave until I was under the covers. 

The last I saw was ghost Papyrus observing the scene with curiosity before the door blocked my view of the both of them. I huffed a bit and stared at the ceiling. I have no idea how this was going to turn out. I wanted to stay in my room my entire visit so I didn't have a reason to say yes to Nightmare's offer. 

But, there was a part of me that wanted to give it a chance. I'll just see when I wake up again. With that thought done my eyes shut and I began drifting off to sleep.

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