16 - Chocolate

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The next day, I think, I decided to wander the large space keeping in mind that there were places that I probably wasn't allowed to go to. I didn't feel a headache of any sorts so I assumed it would be ok to wander a bit. I was supposed to try and get use to the place, I'd like to not be lost.

I eventually found myself in what I assumed was the living room this time barren of other skeletons. Probably they were off doing a task or just cooped up in their own rooms.

I plopped myself on the couch and immediately noticed that even though the seating was nicer I missed my beanbag. I should go back to the Anti-Void to grab some stuff, at the very least my plant. I need to water it soon. 

I don't know how long I was zoned out before I noticed another presence in the room. Looking up a saw another skeleton already staring at me. One red eye light, a wide permanent looking grin, and a very visible crack in their skull. Horrortale Sans. He stared for a bit before lumbering away to, I don't know where. 

It felt like a weird interaction. He just showed up, noticed I was here, stared until I noticed, kept staring, then walked away. I didn't know what he was thinking. Turns out I wouldn't have to since he returned only seconds later and placed a glass of water down on the table in front of me. He waited until I took the cup for myself before dropping a pile of snacks on the rest of the table. He sat himself down and picked up a remote before turning on what I now just realized was a TV.

How long have I just been existing in this multiverse to not notice that? I know that Sci has his computers and such and when I went to Dusttale that one time Sans didn't have a TV, probably trashed it with nothing to watch. 

I watched the screen program some sort of cooking channel and I didn't complain since, well I didn't have the remote. Horror seemed  pleased with what was on and he immediately started digging into the snacks he brought over. I didn't say anything and just watched the show with the Horrortale monster.

The longer I watched the more I began to notice something. I was getting hungry. That was a foreign feeling that I haven't experienced in a long time. I ignored it at first thinking it was the effects of being in Nightmare's domain. But once the next episode started I was feeling uncomfortable, once again I ignored it. When I felt my 'gut' twist a bit I knew something was wrong.

What I didn't factor in was that the Anti-Void effected my state, not Nightmare's domain. Usually when I leave for an au it's never longer than a few hours, I go back to the white emptiness before going somewhere else. The most I've really consumed was the various teas I get from Sci, food never really crossed my mind.

I finished my water which helped a little but the feeling just came back with a vengeance. At this point Horror was watching me but I didn't notice. I had my knees up and my arms pressed against my stomach area. I heard a crinkling sound before feeling something press against my leg. Looking up a saw an open bag of chips. 

"Take it." 

Being a bit startled from the deeper voice I took the bag not quite getting what he wanted until he spoke again.


It was then that realization struck. I was hungry? I almost couldn't believe it. But considering that Horror has been dealing with a famine back in his au I'm not surprised he picked up on it first. I ate a chip with some hesitation since it has been awhile but once I swallowed the first one the rest just kept coming. 

Horror and myself just sat there watching TV and eating snacks. I finished the bag of chips, a small bag of cookies, some cheese crackers, and some mini muffins. I can say that my hunger has subsided for now so I stopped eating. Horror ate a majority of the snacks he brought, note a majority.

I didn't really pay much attention to Horror afterwards getting invested with the cooking contest I was watching. So I didn't realize Horror wasn't satisfied with the amount I ate compared to him.

Once the contest was over I got up and went to the kitchen to refill my water. I noticed on the counter was a bag of popcorn and what I could only assume was a chocolate bar. I figured Horror forgot them so brought them with me back to the couch.

"You forget these?" I asked once I was close enough and he eyed the objects I had as I put the glass down. He snagged the popcorn and eyed the chocolate bar for a moment before looking at me. 

"You can eat that." 

"Oh, thanks I guess." 

I sat down and became invested in the show again as I unwrapped the chocolate bar. I bite into the treat and felt my body freeze for a moment. I knew Error liked chocolate, at least I'm pretty sure he did, but I have had chocolate in so long. I remember not being allowed to eat some unless it was near the holidays and even then I was very limited. I was an athlete and my mother didn't want me to gain unnecessary weight.

Now I could eat what ever I wanted without the fear of disappointment being directed at me. I could have any treat I wanted and any amount. Well kinda, I don't get the food here I'm pretty sure Nightmare does. I don't even know where he gets it.

Turns out my bite into chocolate shook me a bit more than I expected it to since Horror speaking snapped me out of my daze.

"Tastes good?"

I looked at him and noticed a bit of concern in his gaze but mostly curiosity. Surprisingly in a short moment we seemed to have come to an understanding of sorts. I blinked a few times and looked at the treat on hand before nodding.

"Tastes amazing."

He nodded in approval and we both payed attention to the TV. The atmosphere between us went from awkward and unsettling at first to it now being at ease and a bit understanding.

One things for sure, I want more chocolate in the furture.

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