151 - Proving Innocence

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"Is this really necessary?" I asked.


"Are you sure? Seems a bit much to me." I asked again looking at an upside-down Fatal.


"Because honestly, I'm pretty sure the blood I have will eventually run to my head and I'll pass out. Wait do I... no, yeah I bleed so I have flowing blood." Thinking about my own biology was a rabbit hole I tried to avoid. Magic exists, clothes are weird, I can eat despite a lack of visible organs, etc., etc. Fun stuff.

"I'm sure then that you'll give me the answers I need much faster." Fatal had his arms folded in front of him. Red threads wrapped around his boney hand that was clenched into a fist. Either he was angry or he was straining with his strength.

"Yeah, you don't know me then." I said glancing away from him.

After a brief recovery following my sudden escape from the nightmare fuel that is 'goopy Dream' I was quickly tied and hung up in red strings. Not a fan but I had to let it happen if I wanted Fatal to lower his guard and talk. I probably should've expected this since I haven't seen a Geno in this multiverse, though I don't remember trying to kill a Geno before so that thought is still in the workshop.

My arms were pinned to my sides and my legs were a distant thought with how his strings were holding me in place. I should be scared probably, this guy was dangerous, I've faced dangers before.

But, I couldn't really feel dread from being in front of him. Something about him just struck me as off. There was no doubt he was dangerous but I just didn't feel threatened.


That could change for me very quickly. I blame my constant brushes with death. Speaking of death, I should visit the reaper eventually. I had no reason to, he kinda annoyed me. I should go see Muffet though-

"Are you paying attention?!" A glitchy voice broke through my thoughts followed by a sudden tightened constriction around my body.

"Ack! Yeah yeah I'm listening, now. Geez." I quickly said.

"You're getting on my nerves-" I couldn't help but interrupt.

"Oh really?! I'm the one getting on your nerves?! Please enlighten me for a second, since I'm the one tied up and upside-down against my will, how I am the one getting on your nerves." I said as I narrowed my gaze, clearly unamused.

I saw his blue eye flicker to red to match his other one but it went back to blue. So it was good to know that he can get mad and I wasn't dealing with some kind of blank husk or something.

"You... it doesn't matter. I want answers."

"Ok." I responded immediately.

There was a moment of silence between us. I don't know what was going through his mind. Was he not expecting me to agree?

"You know I'd like to give you answers before I black out over here so, any day now would be great." I felt the strings loosen a bit but my hand subtly grabbed on. I didn't want to fall skull first even if it was a small drop.

"You'll give me answers? Willingly?"

"Yes." There was another pause, though it didn't last long as the strings suddenly tightened a lot causing me to winced with a grunt.

"What trick are you trying to pull?!" He did not sound happy.

"Nothing! Gah, come on-"

"Don't lie! You are not this cooperative to me."

"Says you." I muttered.

"Do you really think I'll fall for your tricks? This was a waste of time, I should've just destroyed you."

There was a sudden spike of danger and I realized he was serious about that. No doubt about to follow through with it right now.

"Woah! Woah! Woah! Wait! I swear I'm not the monster you think I am. Mmm, could have worded that a bit better..."

"You lie-"

"No! I'm not, swear. Listen you want answers, I'll give them. In fact, on top of that I can prove that I'm not who you think I am. You were observing me earlier right? In that au?" I saw Fatal think for a moment before the strings eased up.

"Go on."

"You saw me with Ink and others, willingly mind you. Would the version of me you're thinking of do that?"

"You could've easily been doing that for your own gain. If you have nothing else-"

"Hey, listen. That probably wasn't my best example but I can really prove it." I was now trying to get him to believe me and trying and work along with me.


"I... hmm... oh, ok hear me out. I can show you. You can keep your strings on me and whatever, delete me if I'm lying, but you have to give me a chance here. I know how to prove it, I can do things that I know for a fact the me you're thinking of wouldn't do."

"..." There was no response as we stared at each other. He seemed to be thinking it over, I'm not sure what answers he wanted but they seemed important enough to hesitate on getting rid of me.

"I'd like a response soon because I'm getting fuzzy over here, no rush or anything." I really was now starting to feel something. I can't remember the last time I felt like this, probably when I was sick. However my head felt light then, not heavy like it is now. So I guess that didn't really compare.

I was glad I prepared myself earlier though, I was suddenly released. My hand holding the strings tightened and my body turned as I fell. It still hurt crashing my hip and legs onto to ground but it was better than my head.

I sat there feeling the tingles of my blood flowing properly before I was lifted to my feet with strings attached to the wrist of the hand that held on. I wasn't a fan of feeling other strings besides my own against my bones but I literally couldn't do anything about that now.

"If you try anything-"

"I got it. No need to give threats. How much proof do you need? What do you want? I doubt one thing would be enough." I was giving him the chance to choose his limit. I heard him grumble before getting a clear answer.

"An au first. Show me an au that you haven't destroyed and not because Ink made it recently. Not the original au either." I thought about it. He wanted to see an au that the original Error would've definitely destroyed. Lucky me, I knew a good one.

"Deal." I reached out with my other hand and thought about the location before I snapped my fingers, opening a portal. I tugged on the strings as I headed through bringing him with me. We entered a snowy environment and I started walking automatically.

"Where are you going?"

"Would you really have been satisfied with just going to an au? You wanted proof, I'll give it to you." I didn't look back as I walked. To my luck I didn't have to wander too far. I didn't know how patient Fatal was after all. I saw a familiar skeleton, purple coat and fluff, leaning against a tree. Fatal stopped moving which caused me to as well. I looked back at him and he just stared at the skeleton in disbelief.

"...there's no way."

"Want to bet?" I asked before looking at Lust and giving a whistle to gain his attention. I waved as he looked at me and I saw him light up before walking over.

"Error! What a surprise, I wasn't expecting a visit. I see you brought a new friend, good you needed more."

"Yeesh, who annoyed you today?" I asked before reaching my free arm out when I noticed he was going in for a hug. He saw my arm out and proceeded with the gesture.

"Everyone, it's hard being me you know?"

"I'm sure," I said with sarcasm before we released each other. I looked over at Fatal and he seemed to be frozen. Lust also looked over and waved a hand in front of his face.

"Hello? Anyone home?" We saw him move and Lust chuckled.

"Ah, there you are. Thought we lost you for a second. Anyways Error, who's your friend?"

"He's new. We're talking through some issues and I figured showing him others was fine. He looks a bit worn out as you can see. It's been a long day."

"No no I get it. We need breaks and I'm glad you came to visit for that," Lust said.

"How... are you fine with him?" Fatal asked suddenly and Lust beamed. He looked like he wanted to talk with whoever.

"Who? This softie?" He pointed to me.

"Hey," I interjected and Lust waved me off.

"Hush dear, he asked me. Error is my bestie, we go way back. You should've seen them when when first met, it was a riot."

"Ugh, do you have to bring that up." I huffed and felt him poke my cheek.

"Don't pout, it makes you cute."

"I hate you."

"No you don't, anyways Error's been a good friend. Of course I'd be fine with them."

"You say them?" Fatal questioned and Lust nodded.

"Yes. Error is a them, not a he. It's ok, you didn't know." Lust seemed to be fine brushing off people that he wasn't aware could seriously harm him. I wasn't complaining though since Fatal seemed unsure of how to respond.

"Well we are just visiting. I hope you're not slacking off from something." I said knowing most Sans had that habit of lazying at times and I saw Lust tense. He was definitely slacking from something and I just reminded him.

"Oh, Papyrus is going to kill me. I should get going. See you later, don't be a stranger!" Lust said before running off while waving bye. I waved back watching him leave. Once he was gone Fatal spoke.

"Underlust? You let- you're acquainted with- he touched you-" I heard his voice become harder to understand.

"Hey, breathe before you glitch out and crash." I cut off his potential rambles and he did glitch out a bit, but calmed down quick enough.

"Need more proof? I have more." I gave a slight smile as I opened another portal and gestured inside. Fatal seemed to be determined for more proof and nodded.

With that confirmation we continued.

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