152 - Confusing Truths

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My next stop was to go see Fresh but, there was a slight problem I didn't think of. I had no idea where he was. He usually just appeared whenever and wherever he wanted. A mystery I still haven't cracked.

With the current issues going around I figured he'd be somewhere else. I should've expected better from Fresh and my luck. I took Fatal to the Anti-Void and Fresh was just there, asleep on my beanbag seat. My only clue that he was sleeping were the 'Z' that were on display on his shades. Then again he could just be faking it.

He's weird like that.

Myself and Fatal were just staring at the neon menace with different expressions. I eventually looked over at Fatal.

"You know, I was hoping he'd be awake." My statement caught him off guard.

"You wanted him awake?! You're ok that he's around?!"

"Yeah, it's a long story. I'm actually pretty trusting of Fresh. You know, to an extent. I wouldn't trust him when he says he wants to show me something but... I'd still trust him with my life."

"You... but he's not normal. He's an abomination." He gestured to the sleeping skeleton, who was still asleep despite us talking near him.

"Er... can you not say that? I'm being serious when I say that I trust him with my life. He has helped me out in multiple ways no other has managed to do."

"You must be joking."

"Nope." I said before dropping onto the beanbag causing it to move and Fresh to roll off with a startled yelp as he sprawled onto the floor. I blankly looked over as he groaned and rolled around before sitting up.

"Agh! I'm up! I'm up! So rude! I was asleep brah!" Fresh was complaining the whole time, whining like a child.

"Yeah, I need help though," I said which was enough to perk him up and stop whining.

"Oh, why didn't you say so amigo." He turned his head towards Fatal and I could almost feel a shift in his demeanor. Just the way he adjusted made me wonder what he was thinking. For some reason, I doubted that there were any positive thoughts.

I noticed Fatal shuffle in place and I placed my arms in front of him while looking at Fresh.

"No, not him. I need help with something else after this."

"Hmm, if ya' say so! So who's the more glitchy, red stringed, variant of our Geno bro?" Fresh asked. I was about to answer but Fatal beat me to it.

"Just call me Fatal... did you say Geno?"

"Hmm? Yeah, you know Geno?" Fresh tilted he head as he asked the question.

"Er... something like that? How do you know him?"

"Oh, he's our other broski from somewhere else. We don't really have a Geno here... but we met one. He's the best, we should visit him again Error."

"Eh, maybe later Fresh," I said as I thought about what he said. I haven't seen a Geno here and if there was one then there was a chance that Fatal was that Geno. Just a chance though because I don't recall trying to kill a Geno and when I first arrived I wasn't really knowledgeable of anyone. Fatal could've come from somewhere else and just ended up here.

Seems to be a thing where entities are ending up in places they don't belong to. Something that I'll need to investigate eventually no doubt.

"You... I don't understand..." I heard from Fatal and saw he looked conflicted.

"Do you need more proof?" I asked and the ever changing shades had question marks on them.

"Proof? Brah, what's going on?"

"Fatal thinks I'm scum of the earth and he wants to destroy me. I'm proving that I'm not that." I said a bit bluntly ignoring the look Fatal gave me.

"What... I didn't-"

"Brah! Seriously that's like not even close to truth," Fresh said as he hopped up to his feet.

"Ya'know, I thought it was totes weird when you had those red strings on you. I was going to make a wicked soul mates joke but I'm an awesome broski and held back. This makes way more sense! I'm all in!"

Fresh adjusted his shades and stretched while Fatal looked lost. I patted his shoulder.

"Don't worry, we can explain more and maybe finally you'll ask me those questions you wanted answers to." I said and Fresh popped up between us.

"Oh! I know a spot!" Without warning we were poofed away to a new location. We ended up in a living room, not quite sure which one. Fresh immediately went off searching leaving me with Fatal. I noticed he wasn't moving and even his glitches seemed to freeze. I snapped my fingers in front of his face a few times before he moved.

"Hey, welcome back."

"How did-"

"I learned that it's better to just not ask." I knew he wanted to know about Fresh in general but I really didn't have many answers to that.

"...where are we?"

"I... don't know. Hold on." I barely lifted my arm up to open a screen before I heard running footsteps. We looked and saw Fresh running and laughing while holding an upside-down young Papyrus, who was also laughing.

"Oh, nevermind. I know where we are."

"Fresh! Bring him back! You can't just pop up while I have guests!" I heard Sci say as he also ran in before coming to a stop seeing us.

"Hello Sci. Sorry for the interruption." I waved and Sci straightened up, fixing his appearance.

"Error, no no it's good to see you. And you've brought a friend?" He looked at Fatal and I waved off the question more curious about what he said earlier.

"Something like that sure. You have other guests?"

"Oh... uh yeah. It's a bit embarrassing-" He rubbed at the back of his head before he was interrupted.

"I see nothing to be embarrassed about. You needed a second opinion and I was available for it." I heard and familiar speak up as they entered the room.

"Gaster?!" I was actually shocked to see him here. Fresh just chuckled as he turned Papyrus over.

"Yeah I saw the tall bone man with Sci.... but I totally wanted to snag little broski first." Fresh was definitely enjoying himself. Sci huffed and walked over to get his brother back. I watched the scene with slight amusement before feeling weight on my skull.

Looking up I saw Gaster was much closer and had a hand on my head. He gave a smile and I relaxed.

The strings that bounded me to Fatal slowly unraveled. I looked over and quickly grabbed Fatal as I noticed he teetered.

"Woah, easy. We've been traveling around a lot. Sit." I didn't wait, I had him sit on the couch.

"I'm assuming it's been a busy day?" Gaster asked as he took a seat in a chair, he seems to accept whatever was happening. After everything he's been through I guess I shouldn't be surprised with how calm he was. Fresh also sat down and Sci had Papyrus go to his room before following the lead and taking a seat.

"Yeah... you good?" I asked Fatal and he looked at all of us. He looked so lost, confused, and even a bit scared.

"I don't know what's happening. Nothing is making sense! My mind and body say you're my enemy and I should kill you. My soul... it hurts anytime the thought occurs. I don't know what's wrong with me." He sounded frustrated and his glitches were building up.

"Hey, welcome to the club." I said causing him to snap out of the spiraling state and to look at me.

"Come on, do we seem like we have everything really figured out? Things are complicated all the time but thinking about it for too long just makes things worse." I said before placing my hand to my chest and easing out my own soul.

A risky move but a effective one. He looked stunned.

"I... how is this possible?" He seemed a bit startled as I brought my soul closer to him but he didn't hesitate to get a closer look.

"It's a bit of a story if you're willing to listen. I want to know your story too. I want to help you if you'll let me."

"Same here. I can't promise we'll have all the answers but we can try," Sci chimed in and Gaster nodded. It was a bit weird how I was pretty sure they knew more about my own soul than me.

"Yeah, and I'll chime in with my radical commentary to lighten the mood," Fresh said while placing his hands behind his head.

"I don't understand. I'm a threat to you, I know you know this. Yet you're still willing to help me?" Fatal asked and I nodded.

"I know how scary these things can be. Come on, ask away." I encourage Fatal to take the chance to open up.

For a moment, a green hue took over my soul as Fatal lost the tension in his body.

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