156 - Non-predicted Shifts

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Shattered definitely was something. That was the only way to really describe him. He was unpredictable and able to attack multiple targets at once. Fresh didn't really have the benefit of fighting someone like Shattered. Error did with Nightmare but that was something different.

That being said, Fresh was having the time of his life. He was dodging attacks and getting as close as he can to try landing hits. Nightmare mainly attacked or blocked from a distance and Gaster was just doing as he pleased able to attack from a distance or get close.

Plus he was quick.

Shattered managed to grab Fresh at one point and slam him into the ground before flinging him away. Gaster wouldn't let them get far by summoning a boney hand to catch the skeleton that was sent flying. Fresh could only huff that first time he was caught and waved at Gaster.

"Thanks G man! Nightmare you need to step it up to be my favorite."

"Focus." Nightmare called out unfazed by the random comment.

"You're no fun. How Error stands you I'll never truly know." Fresh muttered before hopping away from the hand as a dark tendril crashed onto it.

"You little pest-"

"Hey, watch the name calling." Fresh said interrupting Shattered before Gaster fired a series of magic bullets forcing Shattered to block. He seemed too prideful to really attempt dodging, finding himself fully capable of blocking.

Fresh decided to use that. No dodging mean a non moving target after all. He chuckled and ran for Shattered making sure to slide into his view before winding back his arm and throwing the metal bat.

It went flying to it's target only to get knocked away. That wasn't too much of a problem since Fresh was running behind it and leaped over the swinging limb that knocked his weapon away. He used his cans of strings the cover Shattered as he went over and used his magic to bind him. Seems his moment of confusion was enough for Nightmare since he was quick to grab him and slam him down to the floor.

It left quite the dust cloud and Fresh whistled at the sight.

"Alright! See brahs thats wasn't so hard. Easy in and easy out." Fresh patted his hands and turned to face Gaster.

He was ready to celebrate too early since he felt something crash into his back and he collided into the ground a bit of a ways away and groaned. He had just managed to avoided hitting Gaster.

"Ok, ow. Not radical at all." Fresh pushed himself up. If he was feeling pain then that just meant that Error was going to be severely sore later.

Gaster just barely blocked an attack, getting knocked away himself and Nightmare was too busy fighting most of Shattered. Fresh should've figured the strings wouldn't hold the goopy Dream imposter for very long.

Parts of him felt torn on what he should do. He heard alarmed shouts and looked over seeing Swad was back and flying toward him at full speed. Fresh gritted his teeth and braced for impact.

Impact which never came.

Swad went right past Fresh and he had to blink wondering what just happened. He heard a cry of pain, or agony, and looked back seeing Swad had tackled Shattered. His two blades were glowy and pinning him down. Fresh could've sworn he saw steam or smoke seeping from where blades met flesh, or goop He didn't understand the biology of it all.

"You know, I didn't appreciate what you tried to do earlier. Real rude of you." Swad grinned down at Shattered digging his weapon in more before flying up to avoid a frantic tendril. He definitely was bitter about what Shattered said and almost did to him earlier.

Hearing a buzzing noise Fresh looked over seeing Fatal step through a portal. They stared at each other for a bit before Fatal spoke.

"This au is fine and Ink sent that weed and kid away once I figured out their aus. I'm pretty sure we've given the others enough time and can send these guys back to fix our other problem."

"Oh for serious? Alright bud, good job. I'm sure Error would've been all proud or whatever they'd say to you. So... yeah you do that brah since I can't. Imma just... hey G man! You good?!"

Fresh ran off to check on the taller skeleton monster. Gaster was a currently shaking off some dirt and accepted Fresh's offer to help him up.

"I'm fine Er...  I mean Fresh. We should return to the rest." Fresh just followed Gaster back.

"You just got knocked a bit brah, you sure you're good?"

"Fresh, I'm more durable than I look," Gaster said causing Fresh to make a surrendering motion.

They returned to Fatal, Swad, and Nightmare standing above Shattered keeping him in place. Fatal seemed to be looking over some coding before opening up a portal.

"I've blocked some stuff temporarily so he shouldn't be able to return before we fix the main issue," Fatal said before Nightmare seemed to take that as permission to grab Shattered as Swad retrieve his weapons and throw him through the portal. Fatal closed it and the attention shifted to Swad who raised his hands up.

"What? I'm not doing anything. Shouldn't I get a thank you?"

"I have no reason to do that," Nightmare said uninterested, or just tense, in this Dream's presence.

"Yeesh, this version of my brother is such a buzz kill," Swad said before a portal opened under him and he fell through. Fatal wasn't going to let the back and forth continue.

"So... it's over?" Fresh asked with a slight pout. He enjoyed the fighting but knew others didn't have the same sentiments he did.

"Yes," Nightmare said before sinking into the ground, no doubt going to check on the others.

"Well then.... oh right, the kiddo." Fresh perked up and they all headed towards where the others gathered. Well, Gaster and Fatal did, Fresh ran back to retrieve his bat and then hurried to catch up to the other two.

Everyone was fixed up or sitting to recover. Questions and such were being thrown around when Nightmare joined up with his group since that mentioned the fighting had to be over.

Fresh ignored everyone else discussing what happened and wandered over towards where his body was.

"Well it was fun while it lasted. Oh well, can't wait for the next disaster to happen for me to do again, hahaha!" Fresh sat his other body up, that thankfully remained unresponsive, and switched over. Error's body along with Fresh's slumped over to the ground. Ink, Dream, and Gaster soon went over to check on them after seeing no movement.

"Are they ok?" Dream asked as he crouched by both bodies.

"I think they went to normal.... however that works," Ink said as he copied Dream. Gaster was the one to pick up Fresh's body as a dark tendril slipped between the group and picked up Error.

"What next?" Nightmare asked making it clear he was coming along to wherever. Fatal tilted his head as his thoughts ran to remember.


"Oh, I can handle that. But first we should send others-" Ink started before Nightmare interrupted.

"We really don't have time, they will be fine." Nightmare didn't seem to want to wait any longer.

Ink sighed and spilled the dark puddle for them to travel through. Dream hopped in first, Nightmare followed keeping Error close, Gaster adjust Fresh befpre going in, and Fatal needed to be gestured by Ink before he jumped in. Ink was the last one in.

Time to see if Core and Gradient figured out anything.

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