161 - Bitter Homes

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"So I'm assume you're going to go along with the whole 'running away' thing?"  Fresh asked after a bit of walking. We were a fair distance from those people we encounters and Fresh only now was calming down from his giddiness. Whatever he did it greatly amused him and I had no intention in figuring out what he did.

"I don't see why they shouldn't. It wouldn't be the first time they've disappeared." Nightmare said and I looked at him, almost offended.

"Oh my god, Nightmare I said I was sorry. We had a whole moment and everything and you're still upset? Now?"

"It happened more than once." Nightmare said casual and I groaned.

"It wasn't my fault!"

"I mean you could've tried going back that one time-" Fresh said with a snicker as I turned to glare at him.

"You little-"

"Focus," Gaster said calmly and I looked fowards as Fresh hummed.

"Sorry G man, won't happen again... for a bit."

"Anyways, back to what Fresh mentioned, are you sticking with the whole running away thing?" Gaster asked.

"It works for me. I'll add head injury since it would set up a whole story with being found or whatever. I'm not really trying to think of it too much. If not running away then at the very least missing since my parents probably wouldn't believe that they did any wrong to warrant me running away. They'll just think I couldn't handle things.... now that I say it out loud I will say I ran away. I want to say I ran away because of them." My tone went from neutral to bitter the more I talked about it.

"Brah, harsh. I thought the whole thing was an accident?"

"It was but I'd much rather say it's their fault. I know they aren't monsters but it doesn't mean I have to like being a certain way that was forced upon me. If they didn't stress me out then I wouldn't have been on that bridge."

"Hmm, are you going to tell them you... died?" Nightmare asked and my gaze shifted to him.

"How would I even explain that while I'm physically in front of them, if it comes to it?"

"...good point. Either way I'm not against it."

"Night bro!" I heard Fresh exclaim, though it sounded pretty fake.

"What? Are you surprised? I still enjoy negativity to a degree. I get to see how humans deal with it now. No diferent than monsters I'm sure but, these ones in particular... I've been waiting. If we see them, I will enjoy any negativity that comes from them." There was a moment of no responses before I spoke.

"Ok... cool it king of negativity. You already look emo, don't push it," I said as I faltered my step so his elbow didn't hit me.

"Well regardless, we'll come up with something for whichever situation comes up," Gaster said. I blinked as my thoughts were brought back on track.

"Right. The rift issue. We need to find it. I'm pretty sure the bridge is... this way?" I pointed down a street but paused to think about it.

"Wait, I should just find the river path... where was it again..."

"Uh oh, frazzled brain rot," Fresh said and I waved him off.

"Shush, I'm trying to think. Ugh I can't remember from here and I don't have a map. Let's just go this way, I'll find familiar grounds." I was annoyed by the turn of events, or just my memories.

Fresh couldn't to ask questions and I gave half hearted answers. I doubted he was actually curious about certain things and just wanted to fill in the void of silence.

Eventually my gut feeling came up as we were walking. I felt familiar settings and emotions as our journey continued. I wasn't able to stop myself as I slowed to a stop in front of a house. It looked rather similar to other house shape wise but the colors differed. The porch was gray, the house was a blueish hue, and the trimmings were white. There were some plants by the porch and I could see the top of a tree that was peeking from the back yard.

Looking at the stoney path that lead to the steps in front of the door made my gut twist. Walking up the path home wasn't always an enjoyable feeling knowing what I would have to be dealing with inside. I noticed my dad's car wasn't in the driveway, I don't remember if he worked around this time.

I cautiously stepped onto the path and made my way onto the porch. I heard one of the others whisper my name, probably to ask me what I was doing or trying to stop me from getting too close. I stepped onto the first step, skipped the second one since it creaks, and got onto the porch. I cautiously made my way to the front window and peeked in.

I saw the living room. It looked the same, at least I think it did. I didn't hear a TV on or noises from anywhere else. My mother had these terrible looking porcelain figures that would be on a shelf and I could see them now.

So they didn't move.

"Error, what are you doing?" I heard and looked seeing Fresh also peeking in through the window.

"I used to live here. Things look the same..."

"Maybe we should go in? It wouldn't hurt to check if the problem we're looking for is here. It'll save us the trio of going somewhere else just to end up coming back," Nightmare suggested as he also go onto the porch.

"Are we sure that's wise?" Gaster asked.

"Come on, just a real look. Zippin' in and out like that," Fresh said as he snapped his fingers.

I walked over to the edge of the porch and stepped down before walking around to the gated wooden fence. I ran a bit and jumped up, grabbing the top before pulling myself up and over. I landed in the grass on the other side and huffed before walking into the backyard. It was already barren and hasn't changed.

I could still hear Fresh talking up front as I walked to a window. I remembered that the latch was broken on this particular window. I was cautious as I placed the sleeves of Nightmare hoodie on the glass and applied pressure, pushing upwards. The window moved up.

I took a moment to climb in and found myself in the kitchen. It looked as neat and organized as usual save for a few bowls in the sink. I closed the window and walked around the table before heading down the hall. My gaze wander to some frames on the wall, paintings or pictures grazed my view but I didn't stop walking. I continued to the front door.

I twisted the lock and opened the door. On the other side I saw the three companions looking surprised. I stepped aside and gestured for them to enter the house.

"Welcome to my old home. Let's be quick, search around for anything," I said as I shut the door and relocked it. If my parents came home without us noticing then at the very least I'm sure I'll hear the lock.

"This was your home brah? This feels... uh..."

"Depressing. Everything is so neat, it's like seeing one of those pictures on a catalog," Nightmare said as he wandered towards the living room.

"Funny, thought you would like it."

"I want organization but I also live with a bunch of idiots that make my space their home. I want it to at least look lived in," he said in return. Gaster wandered the hall towards the kitchen and Fresh was somewhere. I think. I lost sight of him pretty fast.

I glanced over at a clock and sighed before walking towards one location in particular to see if there was anything at all that could help us.

My old room.

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