162 - Memories

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Author's note: Got a bit lazy with this one but i know where im going with it. It's just been one of those weeks. Hope everyone is doing well, I'm so tired.

My old room. Definitely a flash to the past. My bed in a corner, my desk by a window, my dresser, my little closet, and faded curtains. The room looked how I left it... I think. The bedding was a bit messy, barely. There were a few items skewed around and dust on some surfaces.

There were a stack of boxes along a wall but besides that, things were similar. I didn't see anything crazy.

I wandered towards my desk and look at some of the items. Pencils, pens, erasers, old books, and other desk supplies.

I did end up finding my old notebook that I doodled in and sat on my bed as I flipped through the pages. A bittersweet smile made it's way on my face, Ink would have made fun of me if he saw this. These were so bad yet I was so proud of them at the time. I could not draw people for the life of me.

I flipped through the pages eventually coming across the only bit of Undertale that I had. The pixely hearts, each one a different color, a dog, and flowey in the corner. I think I brought this to school with me so I didn't want to draw too much. Maybe. It was a possibility. I flipped some more pages. There were only doodles. I didn't draw, I remembered that much since I would always be busy.

If I had time to fool around then I had time to work.

I heard a light tap and saw Nightmare at my doorway. He wandered over and took a seat next to me.

"How are you holding up?"

"Fine. Look at how terrible these were," I said as I held the notebook to him. He looked at me, it was clear I was avoiding that question. He sighed softly before taking the notebook.

Him looking human made it easier to read his expression. His visible eyebrow raised as he flipped pages.

"...how old were you when you did this? I don't judge if you were under the age of fifteen." 

"I was young enough I guess. I'm not Ink."

"Yeah, no kidding," I heard him muttered and I resisted the urge to kick him since I'm the one that brought it up. After a bit he stopped flipping through the leaves of lined paper and placed the book to the side.

"Your room is... not as alive as it is back home."

"I don't know if that was intentionally or not what you just said, but yeah. Home definitely looks more lived in with stuff in it from everything," I said. Though I wasn't entirely opposed to a room with not much I wouldn't trade it for the room I took time transforming into my space.

I saw Nightmare was letting his gaze wander, taking in clues and making assumptions about what he noticed. There wasn't much really. But the lack of stuff seemed to tell a lot.

I got up and slowly left my room, Nightmare stayed behind. I wandered down that hall and over to where I heard shuffling noises. My parents room.

I never really entered their room. Not because I couldn't, it just felt weird and wrong. Like a space I shouldn't step into. Now however, I wasn't as cautious. I stepped into the room and saw Fresh holding picture frames.

"What are you doing? Put those back." I reached and he pulled away.

"I will brah, I will. I'm just looking at little you. Look at you, so tiny and unprepared for everything you'd go through." He teased as he held up pictures. I tried again and took one of the pictures back from his grasp. I was expecting some kind of gymnastics photo or a family photo of some kind. My gaze went down to the frame in my hands and I stopped for a second.

It was me when I was really, really, young. I was dressed like a pumpkin for Halloween. I looked at another picture. Me putting an ornament on a tree when I could walk. I place the photo down where Fresh got them from. A shelf in the corner with different photos of events that happened when I was little. At the top were few photos of me in gymnastics but nothing else of that theme.

"I didn't know they had these photos." I said mainly to myself.

"Yeah I noticed a lot here, like this." He held up a small case with a small, plastic, medal inside. My first medal when I was younger.

"I'm surprised they kept this, I never knew where this went." I took the case and looked at the 'medal' inside. I started to notice a lot of things as well. Things from when I was younger.

"Are you still mad?" Fresh asked and I barely glanced at him.

"This... doesn't change things. Just because they kept things when I was younger doesn't change how they behaved later down the line."

"I know. I wasn't just wonderin' ya'know?" Fresh shrugged before perking up, "Oh yeah, and there's no weird things here so... dead end."

"Ugh, right. Come on then." Fresh left the room and I followed after him slowly. I looked at the contents inside once more before closing the door. I walked past my room, saw Nightmare wasn't there, closed my door, and headed back to the main room where Gaster was waiting.

"Anything of use?"

"Nope, just pictures." Fresh said.

Nightmare and myself just shook our heads. Dead end. It was worth a shot anyway.

"Alright, the bridge is next. I'm pretty sure I know where to go from here." I rubbed my head. Just as I was going to head for the door i froze. I heard a specific sound in the distance.

A car was pulling up on the driveway.

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