26 - Confrontation

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It's been awhile since the sudden illness had taken place and everything has been fine for the most part. I have been pretty much ordered to look for aus that aren't important to destroy. And mainly for me it's been copies that have genocide routes. I have to do this at least twice a month. It first I wasn't on board but it was surprisingly easy to adjust.

I had to accept the role I had and I wasn't going to let my agitation build up again to what it became that one time. Even though it's been awhile I still bad for snapping at the others. They've accepted my apologies but that didn't change the guilt I had. 

At the moment I was destroying an au with Insanity tagging along. We having interacted much at all and Nightmare wanted me to bring them along. Seeing the he gets a kick out of the fighting I let him deal with the human, distracting them and baiting them over to Judgement Hall as I took care of everyone else. 

I've noticed that I also mess around a bit before killing. In the beginning I tried to end monsters as quick as possible. I still do that now but with the boss monsters I found it... entertaining... when they try despite being severely weaker. 

My strings littered the au hanging above and winding around in different areas of the au. A way to mark that I've been there and to move on. 

Right now I was waiting. I allowed Insanity to take their time since I didn't want to rush them and get on their bad side. Seems I didn't have to wait long when I heard footsteps. Instead of them being calm and ready to face the next challenge they were quick, frantic even. 

I saw the human running in and their labored breathes as they glanced behind themselves. Insanity must have really scared them. I noticed cuts and bruises before I lifted up a very small wall of bones causing them to trip. They squeaked a bit when they hit the ground since some air did get knocked out of them.

"Hey there kiddo." 

The human looked up and I guess assumed I was their Sans since I was just standing in the dark revealing just a silhouette. But their expression held confusion since I definitely didn't sound like their Sans. That confusion turned to panic when another set of footsteps approached causing the to stand up and move closer to me.

"Sorry kid, nothing personal about this."

I striked out with my strings just as they turned around and took their soul from their body. They looked to be in pain from the sudden action but I couldn't bring myself to really feel bad. Insanity appeared behind them and stabbed the child with a sharp bone. I could tell the human realized something was wrong but I turned away not wanting to see their expression.

I might not have care but it was still a child dying. A bit uncomfortable to really watch. I watched as the soul I've trap shudder and wiggle before going still. I waited a bit before snapping my fingers destroying the soul. 

"Let's go Insanity." I opened a portal to Nightmare's domain, which was harder to get than the Anti-Void, when I heard rushed footsteps. I felt my form go stiff before gesturing Insanity to go through first. If I went first and there was an attack coming I would've been responsible for Insanity getting injured. 

"Error!" I heard a familiar voice call out.

"You've got to be kidding me....." Once Insanity went through Ink showed up and I closed the portal. I did not need Ink to find out how to get to Nightmare.

Ink looked the same the last time I saw him. Though I haven't changed my appearance much either.

"I won't let you go through destroying this au!"

"You're far too late for that, everyone is dead including the human it's only I matter of time before this place goes down." I sensed a fight coming and readied my strings. 

"Besides, I'm just following orders." 

The fight commenced, this time no interruptions. I have to admit that the paint was annoying since I couldn't remember what all his attacks were. Which lead to me getting caught up in the purple/pink paint and falling through a portal.

I hit the new ground with a groan and saw that I was in the Doodle Sphere, for some reason. I struggled in my entanglement as Ink appeared through the portal he made.

"Well what are to going to do? Gonna kill me?" I smirked a bit and I don't know where this confidence came from. Ink was soulless if he really really and I mean really wanted to he could probably find a way to end me. But, he looked conflicted. 

"I'm not going to kill you-"

"Why not? Aren't I literally your opposite? You create, I destroy. And I know you've been pretty peeved that I've been destroying your precious little aus." I could tell I was annoying him but he seemed like he wasn't going to budge as I adjust so I was sitting.

"I don't kill like you do but that not the point. Why now?"

".....I don't follow."

"Why all the destruction now? You use to just do it occasionally yet recently its been whole aus."

"That's none of your business besides I should be questioning you. You brought me here to where all the aus are, what's stopping me from destroying all of them the moment I'm free."

"....you won't do it."

"What?" Now I was a bit lost, the moment I was free I was going to teleport out, after knocking Ink far enough away. But now I was confused, why was he so sure that I would destroy the multiple aus just within reach?

"You won't do it," he repeated. "I don't know why you are like this, why you have to destroy and I have to create. But something tells me you won't do a mass elimination of innocent lives."

"You sure sound confident about that."

"Well you are acquaintances with Sciencetale Sans aren't you? At least that's what Dream told me." For some reason hearing that made some primal rage kick up. I rolled on my back before kicking up so I was standing and stomped a foot down causing a sharp red bone to cut the rope turning it back into paint. 

Ink was definitely surprised and adjusted his hold on his brush before I managed to grab it and throw it behind me. I could feel that I was glitching a bit harshly but it didn't hurt so I don't think I was crashing.

"You leave them out of this! You stay away from them. I will personally hunt you down if I hear you've been around them. The only reason why I'm not killing you is because that would disrupt the balance. I'm not going be fault to that." 

I glanced down at his sash for a moment and noticed the lack of some colors before stepping away. I turned and opened a portal to the Anti-Void before going through. I needed a moment to calm down before facing the others. 

I don't know how long it took for the errors to lower to their usual numbers before going to the castle.

"Error, you ok?" I heard immediately and saw Dust.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Where's Insanity?"

"He went to his room, or au I'm not sure. He said you stayed behind for something."

"Yeah, just a pest I needed to take care of."

"Alright," he said with a shrug before walking for the kitchen. "Come on, food should be almost done."

"Lead the way."

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